1 |
2 | %Ok, start defining model parameters here
3 |
4 | %material parameters
5 | md.g=9.8;
6 | md.rho_ice=917;
7 | md.rho_water=1023;
8 | di=md.rho_ice/md.rho_water;
9 | md.yts=365*24*3600;
10 | md.heatcapacity=2009;
11 | md.thermalconductivity=2.2; %W/mK
12 | md.beta=9.8*10^-8;
13 |
14 | %Solution parameters
15 | %parallelization
16 | md.cluster='none';
17 | md.np=2;
18 | md.time=1;
19 | md.exclusive=0;
20 |
21 | %statics
22 | md.eps_rel=0.01;
23 | md.eps_abs=10;
24 | md.lowmem=1;
25 | if md.numberofgrids<1000000,
26 | md.sparsity=.001;
27 | else
28 | md.sparsity=.0001;
29 | end
30 |
31 | %dynamics
32 | md.dt=1*md.yts; %1 year
33 | md.ndt=md.dt*10;
34 | md.artificial_diffusivity=1;
35 |
36 | %control
37 | md.control_type={'drag'}; %'drag', 'B'
38 | md.nsteps=5;
39 | md.tolx=10^-4;
40 | md.maxiter=20;
41 | md.optscal=10;
42 | md.fit='logarithmic'; %'absolute','relative','logarithmic'
43 | md.meanvel=1000/md.yts; %1000 meters/year
44 | md.epsvel=eps;
45 |
46 |
47 | disp(' creating thickness');
48 | hmin=300;
49 | hmax=1000;
50 | ymin=min(md.y);
51 | ymax=max(md.y);
52 | md.thickness=hmax+(hmin-hmax)*(md.y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin);
53 | md.firn_layer=10*ones(md.numberofgrids,1);
54 | md.bed=-di*md.thickness;
55 | md.surface=md.bed+md.thickness;
56 |
57 | disp(' creating velocities');
58 | md.vx_obs=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
59 | md.vy_obs=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
60 | md.vel_obs=sqrt(md.vx_obs.^2+md.vy_obs.^2);
61 |
62 | disp(' creating drag');
63 | md.drag_type=2; %0 none 1 plastic 2 viscous
64 | md.drag=200*ones(md.numberofgrids,1); %q=1.
65 | %Take care of iceshelves: no basal drag
66 | pos=find(md.elementoniceshelf);
67 | md.drag(md.elements(pos,:))=0;
68 | md.p=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
69 | md.q=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
70 |
71 | disp(' creating temperature');
72 | md.observed_temperature=(273-20)*ones(md.numberofgrids,1);
73 |
74 | disp(' creating flow law paramter');
75 | md.B=paterson(md.observed_temperature);
76 | md.n=3*ones(md.numberofelements,1);
77 |
78 | disp(' creating accumulation rates');
79 | md.accumulation=ones(md.numberofgrids,1)/md.yts; %1m/a
80 | md.melting=0*ones(md.numberofgrids,1)/md.yts; %1m/a
81 |
82 | %Deal with boundary conditions:
83 |
84 | disp(' boundary conditions for diagnostic model: ');
85 | %Build gridonicefront, array of boundary grids belonging to the icefront:
86 | gridinsideicefront=ArgusContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,expread('Front.exp',1),'node',2);
87 | gridonicefront=double(md.gridonboundary & gridinsideicefront);
88 |
89 | md.gridondirichlet_diag=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
90 | pos=find(md.gridonboundary & ~gridonicefront);md.gridondirichlet_diag(pos)=1;
91 | md.dirichletvalues_diag=zeros(md.numberofgrids,2);
92 |
93 | pos=find(gridonicefront(md.segments(:,1)) | gridonicefront(md.segments(:,2)));
94 | md.segmentonneumann_diag=md.segments(pos,:);
95 | md.neumannvalues_diag=NaN*ones(length(md.segmentonneumann_diag),1); %dynamic boundary conditions (water pressure)
96 |
97 | disp(' boundary conditions for prognostic model: ');
98 | md.gridondirichlet_prog=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
99 | md.dirichletvalues_prog=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
100 | pos=find(gridonicefront(md.segments(:,1)) | gridonicefront(md.segments(:,2)));
101 | md.segmentonneumann_prog=md.segments(pos,:);
102 | md.neumannvalues_prog=zeros(size(md.segmentonneumann_prog,1),1);
103 | md.neumannvalues_prog(:)=NaN; %free radiation
104 |
105 | pos=find(gridonicefront(md.segments(:,1)) | gridonicefront(md.segments(:,2)));
106 | md.segmentonneumann_prog2=md.segments(pos,:);
107 | md.neumannvalues_prog2=zeros(size(md.segmentonneumann_prog2,1),1);
108 | md.neumannvalues_prog2(:)=NaN; %free radiation
109 |
110 | disp(' boundary conditions for thermal model: ');
111 | md.gridondirichlet_thermal=ones(md.numberofgrids,1); %surface temperature
112 | md.dirichletvalues_thermal=md.observed_temperature;
113 | md.geothermalflux=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
114 | pos=find(md.elementonicesheet);md.geothermalflux(md.elements(pos,:))=50*10^-3; %50 mW/m^2
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 | % Some Cielo code, ignore.
120 | if strcmp(md.cluster,'yes')
121 | ServerDisconnect;
122 | end