1 | % This file can be run to compare MacAyeal and Pattyn's model ie a 2d and a 3d model.
2 | % This test deals with a mesh includind an iceshelf ans an icesheet. The geometry
3 | % is square. Just run this file in Matlab, with a properly setup Ice code.
4 |
5 | md=model;
6 | md=mesh(md,'DomainOutline.exp',50000);
7 | md=geography(md,'Shelf.exp','');
8 | md=parameterize(md,'Square.par');
9 | md=setelementstype(md,'Macayeal','all');
10 |
11 | %Compute solution for a 2d model
12 | md=solve(md,'analysis_type',DiagnosticSolutionEnum);
13 | vel_2d=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
14 | vel_2d(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.index)=md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.value;
15 |
16 | %Compute solution for a 3d model
17 | md=extrude(md,5,3);
18 | md=setelementstype(md,'Pattyn','Pattyn.exp','fill','Macayeal');
19 | md=solve(md,'analysis_type',DiagnosticSolutionEnum);
20 |
21 | %Calculate the average velocity on each grid
22 | vel_3d=zeros(md.numberofgrids2d,1);
23 | vel=vel_3d;
24 | vel(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.index)=md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.value;
25 | grid_vel=0;
26 |
27 | for i=1:md.numberofgrids2d
28 | for j=1:(md.numlayers-1)
29 | grid_vel=grid_vel+1/(2*(md.numlayers-1))*(vel(i+j*md.numberofgrids2d,1)+vel(i+(j-1)*md.numberofgrids2d,1));
30 | end
31 | vel_3d(i,1)=grid_vel;
32 | grid_vel=0;
33 | end
34 |
35 | vel_diff=(vel_2d-vel_3d)./vel_2d;
36 | vel_diff(find(vel_2d==vel_3d))=0;
37 |
38 | %Plot of the velocity from the macayeal and pattyn model
39 | figure(1)
40 | subplot(2,2,1)
41 | p1=patch('Faces',md.elements2d,'Vertices',[md.x2d md.y2d],'FaceVertexCData',...
42 | vel_2d,'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none');
43 | title('MacAyeal model [m/yr]','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','bold')
44 | colorbar;
45 |
46 | subplot(2,2,2)
47 | p2=patch('Faces',md.elements2d,'Vertices',[md.x2d md.y2d],'FaceVertexCData',...
48 | vel_3d,'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none');
49 | title('Pattyn model [m/yr]','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','bold')
50 | colorbar;
51 |
52 | subplot(2,2,3)
53 | p3=patch('Faces',md.elements2d,'Vertices',[md.x2d md.y2d],'FaceVertexCData',...
54 | vel_diff*100,'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none');
55 | title('Relative misfit [%]','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','bold')
56 | colorbar;
57 |
58 | subplot(2,2,4)
59 | p3=patch('Faces',md.elements2d,'Vertices',[md.x2d md.y2d],'FaceVertexCData',...
60 | vel_2d-vel_3d,'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none');
61 | title('Absolute misfit [m/yr]','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','bold')
62 | colorbar;
63 |