1 | % This file can be run to compare an icesheet in hydrostatic equilibrium with an iceshelf.
2 | % This test deals with a mesh includind a iceshelf/icesheet with no ice front. The geometry
3 | % is square. Just run this file in Matlab, with a properly setup Ice code.
4 | % The result should be exactly the same since the ice sheet is in hydrostatic equilibrium
5 | % so the friction at the base should be zero.
6 |
7 | md=model;
8 | md=mesh(md,'DomainOutline.exp',50000);
9 | md=geography(md,'all','');
10 | md=parameterize(md,'Square.par');
11 | md=setelementstype(md,'Macayeal','all');
12 |
13 | %Compute solution for a 2d model of ice shelf
14 | md=solve(md,'analysis_type',DiagnosticSolutionEnum);
15 | vel_shelf=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
16 | vel_shelf(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.index)=md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.value;
17 |
18 | %Compute solution for a 2d model of ice sheet
19 | md=geography(md,'','');
20 | md=parameterize(md,'Square.par');
21 | md=solve(md,'analysis_type',DiagnosticSolutionEnum);
22 | vel_sheet=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
23 | vel_sheet(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.index)=md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vel.value;
24 |
25 | %Plot of the velocity from the ice sheet and he ice shelf model
26 | plotmodel(md,'data',vel_shelf,'title','Velocity of ice shelf','data',vel_sheet,'title','Velocity of ice sheet','data',vel_sheet-vel_shelf,'title','Absolute difference between ice sheet and ice shelf velocities','data',abs((vel_sheet-vel_shelf)./vel_shelf)*100,'title','Relative difference between ice sheet and ice shelf velocities [in %]')