[16] | 1 | %This test is a test from the EISMINT for Ice shelves
| 2 | % Vincent Rommelaere 1996
| 3 |
| 4 | %The goal is to test the prognostic model
| 5 | md=model;
| 6 | md=mesh(md,'DomainOutline.exp',4550);
| 7 | md=geography(md,'all','');
| 8 | md=parameterize(md,'Square.par');
| 9 | md=setelementstype(md,'macayeal','all');
| 10 |
| 11 | %Evolution of the ice shelf
| 12 | md.ndt=500*md.yts;
| 13 | md.dt=5*md.yts;
| 14 | md.artificial_diffusivity=0; %Better result with no artificial diffusivity
| 15 |
| 16 | %launch transient solution
[899] | 17 | md=solve(md,'analysis_type','transient','package','ice');
[16] | 18 |
| 19 | %plot results
[899] | 20 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.results.transient(end).thickness,'sectionvalue','CrossLine.exp')
[16] | 21 |
| 22 | %Don't forget to add these lines in icetransient2d.m, just before the computation of the thickness to change the thickness on the upper boundary condition
| 23 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
| 24 | %pos=find(m_p.ys~=0);
| 25 | %m_p.ys(pos)=500+500/5*sin(2*pi*time/(200*md.yts))*ones(size(pos,1),1);
| 26 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%