[5117] | 1 | disp(' creating thickness');
| 2 | hmin=0.01;
| 3 | hmax=2756.7;
| 4 | radius=(sqrt((md.x).^2+(md.y).^2));
| 5 | radiusmax=max(radius);
| 6 | md.thickness=hmin*ones(size(md.x,1),1)+hmax*(4*((1/2)^(4/3)*ones(size(md.x,1),1)-((radius)./(2*radiusmax)).^(4/3))).^(3/8);
[8305] | 7 | md.firn_layer=10*ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
[5117] | 8 | md.bed=0*md.thickness;
| 9 | md.surface=md.bed+md.thickness;
| 10 |
| 11 | disp(' creating drag');
| 12 | md.drag_type=2; %0 none 1 plastic 2 viscous
[8305] | 13 | md.drag_coefficient=20*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); %q=1. %no drag is specified in the analytical solution
[5117] | 14 | %Take care of iceshelves: no basal drag
| 15 | pos=find(md.elementoniceshelf);
| 16 | md.drag_coefficient(md.elements(pos,:))=0;
| 17 | md.drag_p=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
| 18 | md.drag_q=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
| 19 |
| 20 | disp(' creating temperatures');
| 21 | tmin=238.15; %K
| 22 | st=1.67*10^-2/1000; %k/m;
| 23 | md.observed_temperature=(tmin+st*radius);
| 24 | md.temperature=md.observed_temperature;
[8305] | 25 | md.geothermalflux=4.2*10^-2*ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
[5117] | 26 |
| 27 | disp(' creating flow law paramter');
[8305] | 28 | md.rheology_B=6.81*10^(7)*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); %to have the same B as the analytical solution
[5117] | 29 | md.rheology_n=3*ones(md.numberofelements,1);
| 30 |
[8399] | 31 | disp(' creating surface mass balance');
| 32 | smb_max=0.5; %m/yr
[5117] | 33 | sb=10^-2/1000; %m/yr/m
| 34 | rel=450*1000; %m
[8399] | 35 | md.surface_mass_balance=min(smb_max,sb*(rel-radius));
| 36 | md.forcings.surface_mass_balance=[min(smb_max,sb*(rel-radius));1];
[5117] | 37 |
| 38 | disp(' creating velocities');
| 39 | constant=0.3;
| 40 | md.vx_obs=constant/2*md.x.*(md.thickness).^-1;
| 41 | md.vy_obs=constant/2*md.y.*(md.thickness).^-1;
| 42 | md.vel_obs=(sqrt((md.vx_obs).^2+(md.vy_obs).^2));
[8305] | 43 | md.vx=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1);
| 44 | md.vy=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1);
| 45 | md.vz=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1);
| 46 | md.pressure=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1);
[5117] | 47 |
| 48 | %Deal with boundary conditions:
| 49 | disp(' boundary conditions for diagnostic model: ');
| 50 | md=SetMarineIceSheetBC(md,'../Exp/RoundFrontEISMINT.exp');
| 51 |
| 52 | radius=sqrt((md.x).*md.x+(md.y).*md.y);
| 53 | pos=find(radius==min(radius));
| 54 | md.x(pos)=0; md.y(pos)=0; %the closest node to the center is changed to be exactly at the center
| 55 |
| 56 | md.spcvelocity(pos,1:3)=1;
| 57 | md.spcvelocity(pos,4:6)=0;