Line | |
1 | %Ok, start defining model parameters here
2 |
3 | disp(' creating thickness');
4 | md.surface=-md.x*tan(0.5*pi/180);
5 | md.bed=md.surface-1000+500*sin(md.x*2*pi/max(md.x));
6 | md.thickness=md.surface-md.bed;
7 | md.firn_layer=0*ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
8 |
9 | disp(' creating drag');
10 | md.drag_type=2; %0 none 1 plastic 2 viscous
11 | md.drag_coefficient=200*ones(md.numberofnodes,1); %q=1.
12 | %Take care of iceshelves: no basal drag
13 | pos=find(md.elementoniceshelf);
14 | md.drag_coefficient(md.elements(pos,:))=0;
15 | md.drag_p=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
16 | md.drag_q=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
17 |
18 | disp(' creating flow law paramter');
19 | md.rheology_B=6.8067*10^7*ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
20 | md.rheology_n=3*ones(md.numberofelements,1);
21 |
22 | disp(' boundary conditions for diagnostic model');
23 | %Create node on boundary fist (because we cannot use mesh)
24 | md=SetIceSheetBC(md);
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