1 | import numpy
2 | import sys
3 | from model import *
4 | from triangle import *
5 | from setmask import *
6 | from parameterize import *
7 | from setflowequation import *
8 | from EnumDefinitions import *
9 | from solve import *
10 | from MatlabFuncs import *
11 |
12 | printingflag = False
13 |
14 | md=triangle(model(),'../Exp/Square.exp',350000.)
15 | md=setmask(md,'all','')
16 | md=parameterize(md,'../Par/SquareShelf.py')
17 | md=setflowequation(md,'macayeal','all')
18 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',3)
19 | md.transient.isthermal=False
20 |
21 | md.timestepping.time_step=1.
22 | md.settings.output_frequency=1
23 | md.timestepping.final_time=2000.
24 |
25 | #Solve for thinning rate -> -1 * surface mass balance
26 | smb= 2.*numpy.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices,1))
27 | md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance= smb
28 | md.basalforcings.melting_rate= smb
29 |
30 | md=solve(md,PrognosticSolutionEnum())
31 |
32 | for i in xrange(1,11):
33 | md=solve(md,PrognosticSolutionEnum())
34 | md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance= md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance - ((md.results.PrognosticSolution.Thickness)-md.geometry.thickness)
35 |
36 | #Set up transient
37 | smb = md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance
38 |
39 | #tooth= [ [ones(400,1)*(smb') - 10.]' [ones(400,1)*(smb')]' ];
40 | tooth=numpy.hstack((numpy.tile(smb-10.,(1,400)),numpy.tile(smb,(1,400))))
41 | #smb=[ [ones(399,1)*(smb')]' smb tooth tooth];
42 | smb=numpy.hstack((numpy.tile(smb,(1,399)),smb,tooth,tooth))
43 |
44 | #md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance= smb;
45 | #md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance(end+1,:)=[1.:2000.];
46 | md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance=numpy.vstack((smb,numpy.arange(1,2001)))
47 |
48 | md=solve(md,TransientSolutionEnum())
49 |
50 | #Fields and tolerances to track changes
51 | field_names=['Vx1','Vy1','Vel1','Pressure1','Bed1','Surface1','Thickness1','SurfaceforcingsMassBalance1', \
52 | 'Vx2','Vy2','Vel2','Pressure2','Bed2','Surface2','Thickness2','SurfaceforcingsMassBalance2', \
53 | 'Vx3','Vy3','Vel3','Pressure3','Bed3','Surface3','Thickness3','SurfaceforcingsMassBalance3', \
54 | 'Vx4','Vy4','Vel4','Pressure4','Bed4','Surface4','Thickness4','SurfaceforcingsMassBalance4', \
55 | 'Vx5','Vy5','Vel5','Pressure5','Bed5','Surface5','Thickness5','SurfaceforcingsMassBalance5']
56 | field_tolerances=[1e-09,1e-09,1e-09,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,\
57 | 1e-09,1e-09,1e-09,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,\
58 | 1e-09,1e-09,1e-09,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,\
59 | 1e-09,1e-09,1e-09,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,\
60 | 1e-09,1e-09,1e-09,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10]
61 | field_values=[\
62 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].Vx,\
63 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].Vy,\
64 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].Vel,\
65 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].Pressure,\
66 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].Bed,\
67 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].Surface,\
68 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].Thickness,\
69 | md.results.TransientSolution[400-1].SurfaceforcingsMassBalance,\
70 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].Vx,\
71 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].Vy,\
72 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].Vel,\
73 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].Pressure,\
74 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].Bed,\
75 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].Surface,\
76 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].Thickness,\
77 | md.results.TransientSolution[800-1].SurfaceforcingsMassBalance,\
78 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].Vx,\
79 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].Vy,\
80 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].Vel,\
81 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].Pressure,\
82 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].Bed,\
83 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].Surface,\
84 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].Thickness,\
85 | md.results.TransientSolution[1200-1].SurfaceforcingsMassBalance,\
86 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].Vx,\
87 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].Vy,\
88 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].Vel,\
89 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].Pressure,\
90 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].Bed,\
91 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].Surface,\
92 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].Thickness,\
93 | md.results.TransientSolution[1600-1].SurfaceforcingsMassBalance,\
94 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].Vx,\
95 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].Vy,\
96 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].Vel,\
97 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].Pressure,\
98 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].Bed,\
99 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].Surface,\
100 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].Thickness,\
101 | md.results.TransientSolution[2000-1].SurfaceforcingsMassBalance,\
102 | ]
103 |
104 | if printingflag:
105 | pass
106 |
107 | """
108 | starttime = 360;
109 | endtime = 2000;
110 | res = 40;
111 | ts = [starttime:res:endtime];
112 |
113 | index = md.mesh.elements;
114 | x1=md.mesh.x(index(:,1)); x2=md.mesh.x(index(:,2)); x3=md.mesh.x(index(:,3));
115 | y1=md.mesh.y(index(:,1)); y2=md.mesh.y(index(:,2)); y3=md.mesh.y(index(:,3));
116 | areas=(0.5*((x2-x1).*(y3-y1)-(y2-y1).*(x3-x1)));
117 |
118 | thickness = [];
119 | volume = [];
120 | massbal = [];
121 | velocity = [];
122 | for t=starttime:endtime
123 | thickness = [thickness (md.results.TransientSolution(t).Thickness)];
124 | volume = [volume mean(md.results.TransientSolution(t).Thickness.value,2).*areas];
125 | massbal = [massbal (md.results.TransientSolution(t).SurfaceforcingsMassBalance)];
126 | velocity = [velocity (md.results.TransientSolution(t).Vel)];
127 | end
128 |
129 | figure('Position', [0 0 860 932])
130 |
131 | options = plotoptions('data','transient_movie','unit','km');
132 | options = options.list{1};
133 | options = checkplotoptions(md,options);
134 |
135 | %loop over the time steps
136 | results=md.results.TransientSolution;
137 | count = 1;
138 | for i=ts
139 |
140 | subplot(5,9,[28:31 37:40])
141 | set(gca,'pos',get(gca,'pos')+[-0.08 -0.08 0.07 0.08])
142 | field = 'Thickness';
143 |
144 | %process data
145 | [x y z elements is2d isplanet]=processmesh(md,results(i).(field),options);
146 | [data datatype]=processdata(md,results(i).(field),options);
147 |
148 | titlestring=[field ' at time ' num2str(results(i).time/md.constants.yts) ' year'];
149 | plot_unit(x,y,z,elements,data,is2d,isplanet,datatype,options)
150 | options=changefieldvalue(options,'title',titlestring);
151 | options=addfielddefault(options,'colorbar',1);
152 | options=changefieldvalue(options,'caxis',[0 max(max(thickness))]);
153 | applyoptions(md,[],options);
154 |
155 | subplot(5,9,[33:36 42:45])
156 | set(gca,'pos',get(gca,'pos')+[-0.00 -0.08 0.07 0.08])
157 | field = 'Vel';
158 |
159 | %process data
160 | [x y z elements is2d isplanet]=processmesh(md,results(i).(field),options);
161 | [data datatype]=processdata(md,results(i).(field),options);
162 |
163 | titlestring=[field ' at time ' num2str(results(i).time/md.constants.yts) ' year'];
164 | plot_unit(x,y,z,elements,data,is2d,isplanet,datatype,options)
165 | options=changefieldvalue(options,'title',titlestring);
166 | options=addfielddefault(options,'colorbar',1);
167 | options=changefieldvalue(options,'caxis',[0 max(max(velocity))]);
168 | applyoptions(md,[],options);
169 |
170 | subplot(5,4,1:4)
171 | cla
172 | set(gca,'pos',get(gca,'pos')+[-0.07 0.03 0.12 0.015])
173 | plot(starttime:endtime,mean(massbal),'k','LineWidth', 4)
174 | hold on
175 | ya = ylim;
176 | plot([i i], ya, 'r', 'LineWidth',6)
177 | ylim(ya); xlim([starttime endtime]);
178 | title('Surface Mass Balance','FontSize',14)
179 | ylabel('m/year','FontSize',14)
180 |
181 | subplot(5,4,5:8)
182 | cla
183 | set(gca,'pos',get(gca,'pos')+[-0.07 0.015 0.12 0.015])
184 | plot(starttime:endtime,sum(volume)/1000/1000/1000,'LineWidth',4)
185 | hold on
186 | ya = ylim;
187 | plot([i i], ya, 'r', 'LineWidth',6)
188 | ylim(ya); xlim([starttime endtime]);
189 | title('Ice Volume','FontSize',14)
190 | ylabel('km^3','FontSize',14)
191 |
192 | subplot(5,4,9:12)
193 | cla
194 | set(gca,'pos',get(gca,'pos')+[-0.07 0 0.12 0.015])
195 | plot(starttime:endtime,mean(velocity)/1000, 'LineWidth', 4)
196 | hold on
197 | ya = ylim;
198 | plot([i i], ya, 'r', 'LineWidth',6)
199 | ylim(ya); xlim([starttime endtime]);
200 | title('Mean Velocity','FontSize', 14)
201 | ylabel('km/year','FontSize', 14)
202 | xlabel('year','FontSize', 14)
203 |
204 | set(gcf,'Renderer','zbuffer','color','white'); %fixes a bug on Mac OS X (not needed in future Matlab version)
205 | if i==starttime,
206 | %initialize images and frame
207 | frame=getframe(gcf);
208 | [images,map]=rgb2ind(frame.cdata,256,'nodither');
209 | images(1,1,1,length(ts))=0;
210 | else
211 | frame=getframe(gcf);
212 | images(:,:,1,count) = rgb2ind(frame.cdata,map,'nodither');
213 | end
214 |
215 | count = count+1;
216 |
217 | end
218 |
219 | filename='transawtooth2d.gif';
220 | imwrite(images,map,filename,'DelayTime',1.0,'LoopCount',inf)
221 | """
222 |