1 | function varargout=runme(varargin)
2 | %RUNME - test deck for ISSM nightly runs
3 | %
4 | % In a test deck directory (for example, test/NightlyRun) the following
5 | % command will launch all existing tests,
6 | %
7 | % >> runme
8 | %
9 | % To run tests 101 and 102,
10 | %
11 | % >> runme('id',[101 102])
12 | %
13 | % Available options:
14 | % 'id' followed by the list of ids requested
15 | % 'exclude' ids to be excluded from the test
16 | % 'benchmark' 'all' : (all of them)
17 | % 'nightly' : (nightly run
18 | % 'validation' : (validation)
19 | % 'adolc' : validation of adolc tests
20 | % 'eismint' : validation of eismint tests
21 | % 'ismip' : validation of ismip-hom tests
22 | % 'mesh' : validation of mesh tests
23 | % 'qmu' : validation of dakota tests
24 | % 'referential' : validation of referential tests
25 | % 'slc' : validation of slc tests
26 | % 'thermal' : validation of thermal tests
27 | % 'tranforcing' : validation of transient forcing tests
28 | % 'procedure' 'check' : run the test (default)
29 | % 'update': update the archive
30 | % 'valgrind': check for memory leaks (default value of md.debug.valgrind needs to be changed manually)
31 | % 'ncExport': export netCDF file
32 | % 'stoponerror' 1 or 0
33 | %
34 | % Usage:
35 | % runme(varargin);
36 | %
37 | % Examples:
38 | % runme;
39 | % runme('exclude',101);
40 | % runme('id',102,'procedure','update');
41 | % runme('procedure','valgrind','stoponerror',1,'exclude','IdFromString('Dak'));
42 | %
43 | % NOTE:
44 | % - Will only run test scripts whose names explicitly follow the convention,
45 | %
46 | % test<id>.m
47 | %
48 | % where <id> is any integer.
49 | %
50 |
51 | %Check inputs
52 | % {{{
53 | if nargout>1
54 | help runme
55 | error('runme error message: bad usage');
56 | end
57 |
58 | %recover options
59 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
60 | % }}}
61 |
62 | %Process options
63 | %GET benchmark {{{
64 | benchmark=getfieldvalue(options,'benchmark','nightly');
65 | if ~ismember(benchmark,{'all','nightly','ismip','eismint','thermal','mesh','validation','tranforcing','adolc','slc','qmu'})
66 | disp('runme warning: benchmark not supported, defaulting to test ''nightly''')
67 | benchmark='nightly';
68 | end
69 | % }}}
70 | %GET procedure {{{
71 | procedure=getfieldvalue(options,'procedure','check');
72 | if ~ismember(procedure,{'check','update','valgrind','ncExport'})
73 | disp('runme warning: procedure not supported, defaulting to test ''check''')
74 | procedure='check';
75 | end
76 | % }}}
77 | %GET output {{{
78 | output=getfieldvalue(options,'output','none');
79 | if ~ismember(output,{'nightly','none'})
80 | disp('runme warning: output not supported, defaulting to test ''none''')
81 | output='none';
82 | end
83 | % }}}
84 | %GET RANK and NUMPROCS for multithreaded runs {{{
85 | rank=getfieldvalue(options,'rank',1);
86 | numprocs=getfieldvalue(options,'numprocs',1);
87 | if (numprocs<rank), numprocs=1; end
88 | % }}}
89 | %GET ids {{{
90 | flist=dir; %use dir, as it seems to act OS independent
91 | list_ids=[];
92 | for i=1:numel(flist),
93 | fname=flist(i).name;
94 | if (any(fname=='.')), %Before split, check that file name contains '.'
95 | ftokens=strsplit(fname,'.'); %Tokenize file name on '.'
96 | if (regexp(ftokens{1},'^test[0-9]+$') &... %Basename must start with 'test' and end with a number
97 | strcmp(ftokens{end},'m') ... %Extension (less '.') must be 'm'
98 | ),
99 | id=sscanf(ftokens{1},'test%d');
100 | if isempty(id),
101 | disp(['WARNING: ignore file ' flist(i).name]);
102 | else
103 | list_ids(end+1)=id; %Keep test id only (strip 'test' and '.m')
104 | end
105 | end
106 | end
107 | end
108 | [i1,i2]=parallelrange(rank,numprocs,length(list_ids)); %Get tests for this cpu only
109 | list_ids=list_ids(i1:i2);
110 |
111 | test_ids=getfieldvalue(options,'id',list_ids);
112 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,list_ids);
113 | % }}}
114 | %GET exclude {{{
115 | exclude_ids=getfieldvalue(options,'exclude',[]);
116 | exclude_ids=[exclude_ids];
117 | pos=find(ismember(test_ids,exclude_ids));
118 | test_ids(pos)=[];
119 | % }}}
120 | %Process Ids according to benchmarks{{{
121 | if strcmpi(benchmark,'nightly'),
122 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1:999]);
123 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'validation'),
124 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1001:1999]);
125 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'ismip'),
126 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1101:1199]);
127 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'eismint'),
128 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1201:1299]);
129 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'thermal'),
130 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1301:1399]);
131 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'mesh'),
132 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1401:1499]);
133 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'tranforcing'),
134 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1501:1502]);
135 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'referential'),
136 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[1601:1602]);
137 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'slc'),
138 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[2001:2500]);
139 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'adolc'),
140 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[3001:3200]);
141 | elseif strcmpi(benchmark,'qmu'),
142 | test_ids=intersect(test_ids,[218 234 235 412:414 417 418 420]);
143 | end
144 | % }}}
145 |
146 | %Loop over tests and launch sequence
147 | root=pwd;
148 | for id=test_ids,
149 | disp(sprintf('%s%i%s','----------------starting:',id,'-----------------------'));
150 | try,
151 | %Execute test
152 | cd(root);
153 | id_string='N/A';
154 | id_string=IdToName(id);
155 | run(['test' num2str(id)]);
156 |
158 | archive_name=['Archive' num2str(id) ];
159 | if strcmpi(procedure,'update'),
160 | delete(['../Archives/' archive_name '.arch'])
161 | for k=1:length(field_names),
162 | field=field_values{k};
163 | archwrite(['../Archives/' archive_name '.arch'],[archive_name '_field' num2str(k)], field);
164 | end
165 | disp(sprintf(['File ./../Archives/' archive_name '.arch saved\n']));
166 |
167 | %CHECK for memory leaks?
168 | elseif strcmpi(procedure,'valgrind'),
169 | fields = fieldnames(md.results);
170 | for i=1:numel(fields)
171 | if ~isfield(md.results.(fields{i}),'errlog'),
172 | disp(['Skipping ' fields{i}]);
173 | continue;
174 | else
175 | disp(['Extracting results of ' fields{i}]);
176 | end
177 | results = md.results.(fields{i});
178 | errlog = cellstr(results(1).errlog);
179 |
180 | %Check leaks
181 | lines = strfind(errlog,'definitely lost:');
182 | lines = find(~cellfun(@isempty,lines));
183 | leaks = 0;
184 | for j=1:numel(lines)
185 | Line = errlog(lines(j));
186 | Numbers = sscanf(Line{1},'==%i== definitely lost: %s bytes in %i blocks',[1 Inf]);
187 | leaks = leaks + str2num(strrep(char(Numbers(2:end-1)),',',''));
188 | end
189 | %Check conditional jumps
190 | lines = strfind(errlog,'Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value');
191 | lines = find(~cellfun(@isempty,lines));
192 | jumps = numel(lines);
193 | %Check invalid read/write
194 | lines = strfind(errlog,'Invalid');
195 | lines = find(~cellfun(@isempty,lines));
196 | inval = numel(lines);
197 | if leaks==0,
198 | disp(sprintf(['SUCCESS difference: 0 < 0 test id: %i test name: %s field: valgrind mem. leaks'],id,id_string));
199 | else
200 | disp(sprintf(['ERROR difference: %i > 0 test id: %i test name: %s field: valgrind mem. leaks'],leaks,id,id_string));
201 | disp('STOP');
202 | return;
203 | end
204 | if jumps==0,
205 | disp(sprintf(['SUCCESS difference: 0 < 0 test id: %i test name: %s field: valgrind cond. jumps'],id,id_string));
206 | else
207 | disp(sprintf(['ERROR difference: %i > 0 test id: %i test name: %s field: valgrind cond. jumps'],jumps,id,id_string));
208 | disp('STOP');
209 | return;
210 | end
211 | if inval==0,
212 | disp(sprintf(['SUCCESS difference: 0 < 0 test id: %i test name: %s field: valgrind invalid read/write'],id,id_string));
213 | else
214 | disp(sprintf(['ERROR difference: %i > 0 test id: %i test name: %s field: valgrind invalid read/write'],inval,id,id_string));
215 | disp('STOP');
216 | return;
217 | end
218 | end
219 | %PRODUCE nc files?
220 | elseif strcmpi(procedure,'ncExport'),
221 | export_netCDF(md, ['test' num2str(id) 'ma.nc'])
222 |
224 | else,
225 | for k=1:length(field_names),
226 |
227 | try,
228 | %Get field and tolerance
229 | field=field_values{k};
230 | fieldname=field_names{k};
231 | tolerance=field_tolerances{k};
232 |
233 | %compare to archive
234 | %our output is in the correct order (n,1) or (1,1), so we do not need to transpose again
235 | archive_cell=archread(['../Archives/' archive_name '.arch'],[archive_name '_field' num2str(k)]);
236 | archive=archive_cell{1};
237 | error_diff=full(max(abs(archive(:)-field(:)))/(max(abs(archive(:)))+eps)); %disp test result
238 | if (error_diff>tolerance | isnan(error_diff));
239 | disp(sprintf(['ERROR difference: %-7.2g > %7.2g test id: %i test name: %s field: %s'],...
240 | error_diff,tolerance,id,id_string,fieldname));
241 | if(getfieldvalue(options,'stoponerror',0)), disp('STOP'); return; end
242 | else
243 | disp(sprintf(['SUCCESS difference: %-7.2g < %7.2g test id: %i test name: %s field: %s'],...
244 | error_diff,tolerance,id,id_string,fieldname));
245 | end
246 |
247 | catch me2
248 |
249 | %something went wrong, print failure message:
250 | message=getReport(me2);
251 | fprintf('%s',message);
252 | if strcmpi(output,'nightly')
253 | fid=fopen([issmdir() '/nightlylog/matlaberror.log'], 'at');
254 | fprintf(fid,'%s',message);
255 | fprintf(fid,'\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n');
256 | fclose(fid);
257 | disp(sprintf(['FAILURE difference: N/A test id: %i test name: %s field: %s'],id,id_string,fieldname));
258 | else
259 | disp(sprintf(['FAILURE difference: N/A test id: %i test name: %s field: %s'],id,id_string,fieldname));
260 | fprintf('%s',message);
261 | if(getfieldvalue(options,'stoponerror',0)), disp('STOP'); return; end
262 | end
263 | continue;
264 | end
265 | end
266 | end
267 | catch me,
268 |
269 | %something went wrong, print failure message:
270 | message=getReport(me);
271 | fprintf('%s',message);
272 | if strcmpi(output,'nightly')
273 | fid=fopen([issmdir() '/nightlylog/matlaberror.log'], 'at');
274 | fprintf(fid,'%s',message);
275 | fprintf(fid,'\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n');
276 | fclose(fid);
277 | disp(sprintf(['FAILURE difference: N/A test id: %i test name: %s field: %s'],id,id_string,'N/A'));
278 | else
279 | disp(sprintf(['FAILURE difference: N/A test id: %i test name: %s field: %s'],id,id_string,'N/A'));
280 | rethrow(me);
281 | if(getfieldvalue(options,'stoponerror',0)), disp('STOP'); return; end
282 | end
283 | end
284 | disp(sprintf('%s%i%s','----------------finished:',id,'-----------------------'));
285 | end