1 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
2 | % Author: James Fishbaugh, Laura Perichon & Frank Pattyn
3 | % Date: 06/03/2008
4 | % Description: Reads experiment data and generates a plot
5 | % of a region of one standard deviation from the
6 | % mean for the different types of models used.
7 | %----------------------------------------------------------------
8 |
9 | %--------------------------------------------------------
12 | %--------------------------------------------------------
13 |
16 |
17 | % The names of the folders (also prefix for filenames)
18 | dirs = {'aas1' 'aas2' 'ahu1' 'ahu2' 'bds1' 'cma1' 'cma2' 'dpo1' ...
19 | 'fpa1' 'fpa2' 'fsa1' 'jvj1' 'lpe1' 'mbr1' 'mmr1' 'mtk1' ...
20 | 'oga1' 'oso1' 'rhi1' 'rhi2' 'rhi3' 'rhi4' 'rhi5' 'spr1' ...
21 | 'ssu1' 'tpa1' 'yko1'};
22 | % dirs = {'dpo1' 'lpe1' 'rhi4' 'rhi5'};
23 | % The entries in this vector correspond to the vector of directory names
24 | % For example: aas2 is full stokes, ahu1 is not, ahu2 is not, etc
26 | fullStokesMask = [1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...
27 | 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ...
28 | 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 ...
29 | 1 0 1];
30 | % fullStokesMask = [0 0 0 0];
31 | % The location of the data (this is the path to the directory where all the
32 | % sub dirs lie)
34 | %location = 'C:\Documents and Settings\frankp\My Documents\work\ismip_all\ismip_mat\';
35 | location = [ issmtier() '/test/IsmipHomResults/ismip_mat/']; %ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
36 |
37 | % The experiment we're interested in
38 | exp = 'c';
39 |
40 | % The file we're intersted in
41 | fileNames = {[exp '005'], [exp '010'], [exp '020'], ...
42 | [exp '040'], [exp '080'], [exp '160']};
43 |
44 | % The desired vector for normalized x. Used for interpolation so every
45 | % data set has the same number of points.
46 | newX = linspace(0.0,1.0,250);
47 | newY = 1/4*ones(250,1)';
48 |
49 | % Will hold all the full stokes surface velocities
50 | fsVels = cell(length(fileNames), length(fullStokesMask(fullStokesMask == 1)));
51 | % Will hold all the non-full stokes surface velocities
52 | nfsVels = cell(length(fileNames), length(fullStokesMask(fullStokesMask == 0)));
53 |
54 | % Keeps track of the index we are currently on (this is necessary because
55 | % some submittors didn't do all experiments so we can't rely on the loop
56 | % counter to keep track of where we are at)
57 | fsIndex = 1;
58 | nfsIndex = 1;
59 |
60 | % Keeps track of the number of submittors for each domain length (this will
61 | % help us later on in allocating the correct size of data structures)
62 | fsSizes = zeros(1, length(fileNames));
63 | nfsSizes = zeros(1, length(fileNames));
64 |
65 | % Loop over all folders
66 | for i=1:length(dirs)
67 |
68 | % Loop over all files
69 | for j=1:length(fileNames)
70 |
71 | % Create the full file path from the base path and current directory
72 | fullFilePath = [location dirs(i) fileNames(j)];
73 |
74 | % Open the current file for reading
75 | load(cell2mat(fullFilePath));
76 |
77 | % If that file exists
78 | if (isnan(B(1,1))==0)
79 |
80 | % Store the values
81 | x = B(:,1);
82 | y = B(:,2);
83 | xvel = B(:,3);
84 | yvel = B(:,4);
85 | zvel = B(:,5);
86 |
87 | % Make sure the data is normalized
88 | x = x./max(x);
89 |
90 | % Make sure the data is normalized
91 | y = y./max(y);
92 |
93 | x = inpaint_nans(x, 4);
94 | y = inpaint_nans(y, 4);
95 | xvel = inpaint_nans(xvel, 4);
96 | yvel = inpaint_nans(yvel, 4);
97 | zvel = inpaint_nans(zvel, 4);
98 |
99 | % Calculates the magnitude of the surface velocity
100 |
101 | surfVel = sqrt(xvel.^2 + yvel.^2);
102 |
103 | % If the current data is from a full stokes
104 | if (fullStokesMask(i) == 1)
105 | %[i j fsIndex] %ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
106 | % Store the data in the full stokes structure
107 | fsVels{j, fsIndex} = griddata(x, y, surfVel, newX, newY);
108 | fsVels{j, fsIndex} = inpaint_nans(fsVels{j,fsIndex}, 4);
109 | MaxVelfs(i,j)=max(fsVels{j,fsIndex});
110 | MeanVelfs(i,j)=mean(fsVels{j,fsIndex});
111 |
112 | % Keep track of the number of entries in the array
113 | if (length(fsVels{j, fsIndex}) > 0)
114 |
115 | % Increment the number who performed this experiment
116 | fsSizes(j) = fsSizes(j) + 1;
117 |
118 | end
119 |
120 | % If we are on the last file we can increment the index
121 | if (j == (length(fileNames)))
122 |
123 | % Increment the full stokes index
124 | fsIndex = fsIndex + 1;
125 |
126 | end
127 |
128 | % Else its non-full stokes
129 | else
130 | %[i j nfsIndex] %ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
131 | % Store the data in the non-full stokes structure
132 | nfsVels{j, nfsIndex} = griddata(x, y, surfVel, newX, newY);
133 | nfsVels{j, nfsIndex} = inpaint_nans(nfsVels{j, nfsIndex}, 4);
134 | MaxVelnfs(i,j)=max(nfsVels{j,nfsIndex});
135 | MeanVelnfs(i,j)=mean(nfsVels{j,nfsIndex});
136 |
137 | % Keep track of the number of entries in the array
138 | if (length(nfsVels{j, nfsIndex}) > 0)
139 |
140 | % Increment the number who performed this experiment
141 | nfsSizes(j) = nfsSizes(j) + 1;
142 |
143 | end
144 |
145 | % If we are on the last file we can increment the index
146 | if (j == (length(fileNames)))
147 |
148 | % Increment the non-full stokes index
149 | nfsIndex = nfsIndex + 1;
150 |
151 | end
152 |
153 | end
154 |
155 | % We are done with this file, we can close it
156 | % fclose('all');
157 |
158 | end
159 |
160 | end
161 |
162 | end
163 |
164 | %--------------------------------------------------------
167 | %--------------------------------------------------------
168 |
169 | % The titles for the plots
170 | plotTitles = {'5km' '10km' '20km' '40km' '80km' '160km'};
171 | % The label for the x-axis
172 | xLabel = 'Normalized x';
173 | % The label for the y-axis
174 | yLabel = 'Velocity (m a^{-1})';
175 |
176 | % The font to use for the axis labels
177 | axisLabelFont = 'Arial'; %ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
178 | % The font size to use for the axis labels
179 | axisLabelSize = 7;
180 | % The font weight to use for the axis labels
181 | axisFontWeight = 'normal';
182 |
183 | % The font size to use for tick mark labels
184 | axisTickLabelSize = 7;
185 | % The font weight to use for tick mark labels
186 | axisTickFontWeight = 'normal';
187 |
188 | % The font size to use for the title
189 | titleFontSize = 10;
190 | % The font weight to use for the title
191 | titleFontWeight = 'bold';
192 |
193 | % Loop over each domain length
194 | for i=1:length(fileNames)
195 |
196 | % Allocate a matrix for full stokes surface velocities
197 | fsCurDomainVels = zeros(250, fsSizes(i));
198 | % Again we need a seperate index
199 | fsIndex = 1;
200 |
201 | % Allocate a matrix for non-full stokes surface velocities
202 | nfsCurDomainVels = zeros(250, fsSizes(i));
203 | % Again we need a seperate index
204 | nfsIndex = 1;
205 |
206 | % Loop over full stokes
207 | for j=1:length(fullStokesMask(fullStokesMask == 1))
208 |
209 | % If there are data at this entry
210 | if (length(fsVels{i,j}) ~= 0)
211 |
212 | % Add it to the matrix
213 | fsCurDomainVels(:,fsIndex) = fsVels{i,j};
214 |
215 | % Increment the index
216 | fsIndex = fsIndex + 1;
217 |
218 | end
219 |
220 | end
221 |
222 | % Loop over non-full stokes
223 | for j=1:length(fullStokesMask(fullStokesMask == 0))
224 |
225 | % If there are data at this entry
226 | if (length(nfsVels{i,j}) ~= 0)
227 |
228 | % Add it to the matrix
229 | nfsCurDomainVels(:,nfsIndex) = nfsVels{i,j};
230 |
231 | % Increment the index
232 | nfsIndex = nfsIndex + 1;
233 | end
234 |
235 | end
236 |
237 | % Calcuate the mean for each domain length (full stokes)
238 | fsMeanVel = mean(fsCurDomainVels, 2)';
239 | % Calculate the std deviation for each domain length (full stokes)
240 | fsStdVel = std(fsCurDomainVels, 0, 2)';
241 |
242 | % Calcuate the mean for each domain length (non-full stokes)
243 | nfsMeanVel = mean(nfsCurDomainVels, 2)';
244 | % Calculate the std deviation for each domain length (non-full stokes)
245 | nfsStdVel = std(nfsCurDomainVels, 0, 2)';
246 |
247 | % Tell MATLAB which subplot we are currently on
248 | subplot(2, 3, i);
249 |
250 | % The fill color (rgb) for full stokes
251 | fsFillColor = [0.254 0.625 0.660];
252 | % The fill color (rgb) for non-full stokes
253 | nfsFillColor = [0.422 0.688 0.367];
254 |
255 | % Plot full stokes
256 | % [fh1, msg1] = jbfill(newX, fsMeanVel+fsStdVel, fsMeanVel-fsStdVel, ...%ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
257 | % fsFillColor, fsFillColor, 1, 0.5);%ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
258 | %
259 | % % Plot non-full stokes
260 | % [fh2, msg2] = jbfill(newX, nfsMeanVel+nfsStdVel, nfsMeanVel-nfsStdVel, ...%ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
261 | % nfsFillColor, nfsFillColor, 1, 0.35); %ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
262 | [fh1 fh2]=jbfill2(newX,fsMeanVel+fsStdVel,fsMeanVel-fsStdVel,nfsMeanVel+nfsStdVel,nfsMeanVel-nfsStdVel);
263 |
264 | % Turn the grid on
265 | grid on;
266 |
267 | % Set title properties
268 | th = title(plotTitles(i));
269 | set(th, 'FontSize', titleFontSize);
270 | set(th, 'FontWeight', titleFontWeight);
271 |
272 | % Set x label properties
273 | xlabel(xLabel);
274 | xh = get(gca, 'xlabel');
275 | set(xh, 'FontName', axisLabelFont);
276 | set(xh, 'FontSize', axisLabelSize);
277 | set(xh, 'FontWeight', axisFontWeight);
278 |
279 | % Set y label properties
280 | ylabel('Velocity (m a^{-1})');
281 | yh = get(gca, 'ylabel');
282 | set(yh, 'FontName', axisLabelFont);
283 | set(yh, 'FontSize', axisLabelSize);
284 | set(yh, 'FontWeight', axisFontWeight);
285 |
286 | % Set tick mark properties
287 | set(gca, 'FontSize', axisTickLabelSize);
288 | set(gca, 'FontWeight', axisTickFontWeight);
289 |
290 | % This turns the box around the axis on
291 | set(gca, 'Box', 'on' );
292 |
293 | % These lines plot the mean
294 | hold on;
295 | %plot(newX, fsMeanVel, 'k');%ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
296 | %set(findobj(gca,'Type','line','Color',[0 0 0]),'Color',fsFillColor,'LineWidth',2);
297 | %plot(newX, nfsMeanVel, 'b');%ISSM->THIS LINE HAS BEEN CHANGED
298 | %set(findobj(gca,'Type','line','Color',[0 0 1]),'Color',nfsFillColor,'LineWidth',2);
299 |
300 | end
302 |
303 | % Add the legend to the final subplot (in upper left corner)
304 | legend('FS', 'NFS', 'FS Mean', 'NFS Mean', 'Location','West');
305 |
306 | set(gcf, 'paperpositionmode','manual','paperorientation', ...
307 | 'portrait','papertype','A4','paperunits', 'centimeters', ...
308 | 'paperposition',[1 4 21 13]);
309 | saveas(gcf, 'expc.eps', 'psc2');
310 |
311 | % Analysis of maximum velocities (F. Pattyn)
312 | % Full Stokes stored in MaxVelfs (else MaxVelnfs)
313 | % cols = L, rows = participants, 0 = no result
314 |
315 | for i=1:length(MaxVelfs)
316 | for j=1:size(MaxVelfs,2)
317 | if MaxVelfs(i,j)==0
318 | MaxVelfs(i,j)=NaN;
319 | end
320 | end
321 | end
322 | for j=1:size(MaxVelfs,2)
323 | MeanMaxfs(j)=mean(MaxVelfs(~isnan(MaxVelfs(:,j)),j));
324 | StdDevfs(j)=std(MaxVelfs(~isnan(MaxVelfs(:,j)),j));
325 | Numfs(j)=sum(~isnan(MaxVelfs(:,j)));
326 | end
327 | for i=1:length(MaxVelnfs)
328 | for j=1:size(MaxVelnfs,2)
329 | if MaxVelnfs(i,j)==0
330 | MaxVelnfs(i,j)=NaN;
331 | end
332 | end
333 | end
334 | for j=1:size(MaxVelnfs,2)
335 | MeanMaxnfs(j)=mean(MaxVelnfs(~isnan(MaxVelnfs(:,j)),j));
336 | StdDevnfs(j)=std(MaxVelnfs(~isnan(MaxVelnfs(:,j)),j));
337 | Numnfs(j)=sum(~isnan(MaxVelnfs(:,j)));
338 | end
339 |
340 | % print in format for LaTeX file
341 | fprintf('NFS & ');
342 | for j=1:size(MaxVelnfs,2)
343 | fprintf('%.2f & %.2f & %d & ', MeanMaxnfs(j), StdDevnfs(j), Numnfs(j));
344 | end
345 | fprintf('\\\\ \n');
346 | fprintf('FS & ');
347 | for j=1:size(MaxVelfs,2)
348 | fprintf('%.2f & %.2f & %d & ', MeanMaxfs(j), StdDevfs(j), Numfs(j));
349 | end
350 | fprintf('\\\\ \n');
351 |
352 | % Analysis of mean surface velocities (F. Pattyn)
353 | % Full Stokes stored in MaxVelfs (else MaxVelnfs)
354 | % cols = L, rows = participants, 0 = no result
355 |
356 | for i=1:length(MeanVelfs)
357 | for j=1:size(MeanVelfs,2)
358 | if MeanVelfs(i,j)==0
359 | MeanVelfs(i,j)=NaN;
360 | end
361 | end
362 | end
363 | for j=1:size(MaxVelfs,2)
364 | MeanMaxfs(j)=mean(MeanVelfs(~isnan(MeanVelfs(:,j)),j));
365 | StdDevfs(j)=std(MeanVelfs(~isnan(MeanVelfs(:,j)),j));
366 | Numfs(j)=sum(~isnan(MeanVelfs(:,j)));
367 | end
368 | for i=1:length(MeanVelnfs)
369 | for j=1:size(MeanVelnfs,2)
370 | if MeanVelnfs(i,j)==0
371 | MeanVelnfs(i,j)=NaN;
372 | end
373 | end
374 | end
375 | for j=1:size(MeanVelnfs,2)
376 | MeanMaxnfs(j)=mean(MeanVelnfs(~isnan(MeanVelnfs(:,j)),j));
377 | StdDevnfs(j)=std(MeanVelnfs(~isnan(MeanVelnfs(:,j)),j));
378 | Numnfs(j)=sum(~isnan(MeanVelnfs(:,j)));
379 | end
380 |
381 | % print in format for LaTeX file
382 | fprintf('NFS & ');
383 | for j=1:size(MaxVelnfs,2)
384 | fprintf('%.2f & %.2f & %d & ', MeanMaxnfs(j), StdDevnfs(j), Numnfs(j));
385 | end
386 | fprintf('\\\\ \n');
387 | fprintf('FS & ');
388 | for j=1:size(MaxVelfs,2)
389 | fprintf('%.2f & %.2f & %d & ', MeanMaxfs(j), StdDevfs(j), Numfs(j));
390 | end
391 | fprintf('\\\\ \n');
392 |