1 | /*
2 | * TriMesh: out of a domain outline file ( Argus format ),
3 | * use the Triangle package to create a triangular mesh
4 | *
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "./TriMesh.h"
8 |
9 |
10 | void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
11 | int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] )
12 | {
13 |
14 |
15 | /*Matlab arrays: */
16 | mxArray* pmxa_array=NULL;
17 | int i,j;
18 | int counter,counter2,backcounter;
19 | int prhs_counter;
20 |
21 | /* returned quantities: */
22 |
23 | double* index=NULL;
24 | double* x=NULL;
25 | double* y=NULL;
26 | double* segments=NULL;
27 | double* segmentmarkerlist=NULL;
28 |
29 | /* input: */
30 | char* domainname=NULL;
31 | char* riftname=NULL;
32 | double area;
33 | char* order=NULL;
34 |
35 | /*Domain outline variables: */
36 | int nprof;
37 | int* profngrids=NULL;
38 | double** pprofx=NULL;
39 | double** pprofy=NULL;
40 | double* xprof=NULL;
41 | double* yprof=NULL;
42 | int numberofpoints;
43 |
44 | /*Rift outline variables: */
45 | int numrifts;
46 | int* riftsnumgrids=NULL;
47 | double** riftsgridsx=NULL;
48 | double** riftsgridsy=NULL;
49 |
50 | /* error handling: */
51 | int noerr=1;
52 |
53 | /* Triangle structures: */
54 | struct triangulateio in,out;
55 | char options[256];
56 |
57 | /* verify correct usage: */
58 | if (nlhs==0 && nrhs==0) {
59 | /* special case: */
60 | TriMeshUsage();
61 | return;
62 | }
63 |
64 | if (!( (nlhs==5) ||(nrhs==2) || (nrhs==3) || (nrhs==4) )){
65 | mexPrintf(" %s format error.\n", __FUNCT__);
66 | TriMeshUsage();
67 | printf(" ");
68 | mexErrMsgTxt(" ");
69 | }
70 |
71 | /*Fetch data needed by Triangle: */
72 |
73 | prhs_counter=0;
74 | /*First recover the domain outline file name: */
75 | if (!mxIsChar(prhs[prhs_counter])){
76 | mexPrintf("%s%s\n",__FUNCT__," error message; first argument should be the domain outline file name!");
77 | mexErrMsgTxt(" ");
78 | }
79 | domainname = (char *) mxMalloc((mxGetN(prhs[prhs_counter])+1)*sizeof(char));
80 | mxGetString(prhs[prhs_counter],domainname,mxGetN(prhs[prhs_counter])+1);
81 |
82 | /*Look for optional rifts file name: */
83 | prhs_counter++;
84 | if (mxIsChar(prhs[prhs_counter])){
85 | riftname = (char *) mxMalloc((mxGetN(prhs[prhs_counter])+1)*sizeof(char));
86 | mxGetString(prhs[prhs_counter],riftname,mxGetN(prhs[prhs_counter])+1);
87 | prhs_counter++;
88 | }
89 |
90 | /*Recover the mesh density desired:*/
91 | area=mxGetScalar(prhs[prhs_counter]);
92 |
93 | /*Optionaly, recover desired order: */
94 | prhs_counter++;
95 | if (mxIsChar(prhs[prhs_counter])){
96 | order = (char *) mxMalloc((mxGetN(prhs[prhs_counter])+1)*sizeof(char));
97 | mxGetString(prhs[prhs_counter],order,mxGetN(prhs[prhs_counter])+1);
98 | }
99 |
100 | #ifdef _DEBUG_
101 | printf("Domain name: %s\n",domainname);
102 | printf("Rift name: %s\n",riftname);
103 | printf("Maximum area: %16.16lf\n",area);
104 | printf("Order: %s\n",order);
105 | #endif
106 |
107 |
108 | /*Start reading the domain outline file: */
109 | noerr=DomainOutlineRead(&nprof,&profngrids,&pprofx,&pprofy,domainname);
110 | if(!noerr){
111 | printf("%s%s%s\n",__FUNCT__," error message reading domain outline ",domainname);
112 | mexErrMsgTxt(" ");
113 | }
114 |
115 | /*Read rifts file if present: */
116 | if(riftname){
117 | noerr=DomainOutlineRead(&numrifts,&riftsnumgrids,&riftsgridsx,&riftsgridsy,riftname);
118 | if(!noerr){
119 | printf("%s%s%s\n",__FUNCT__," error message reading rifts outline ",riftname);
120 | mexErrMsgTxt(" ");
121 | }
122 | }
123 |
124 | #ifdef _DEBUG_
125 | printf("# points in domain outline: %i\n",nprof);
126 | #endif
127 | #ifdef _DEBUG2_
128 | for (i=0;i<nprof;i++){
129 | printf("Profile #%i\n",i);
130 | x=pprofx[i];
131 | y=pprofy[i];
132 | for (j=0;j<profngrids[i];j++){
133 | printf(" %lf %lf\n",x[j],y[j]);
134 | }
135 | }
136 | #endif
137 |
138 |
139 | #ifdef _DEBUG_
140 | printf("# points in rift outline: %i\n",numrifts);
141 | #endif
142 | #ifdef _DEBUG2_
143 | for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
144 | printf("Profile #%i\n",i);
145 | x=riftsgridsx[i];
146 | y=riftsgridsy[i];
147 | for (j=0;j<riftsnumgrids[i];j++){
148 | printf(" %lf %lf\n",x[j],y[j]);
149 | }
150 | }
151 | #endif
152 |
153 | /*Create initial triangulation to call triangulate():*/
154 | numberofpoints=0;
155 | for (i=0;i<nprof;i++){
156 | numberofpoints+=profngrids[i];
157 | }
158 | if (riftname){
159 | for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
160 | numberofpoints+=riftsnumgrids[i];
161 | }
162 | }
163 | in.numberofpoints=numberofpoints;
164 |
165 | in.numberofpointattributes=1;
166 | in.pointlist = (REAL *) mxMalloc(in.numberofpoints * 2 * sizeof(REAL));
167 |
168 | counter=0;
169 | for (i=0;i<nprof;i++){
170 | xprof=pprofx[i];
171 | yprof=pprofy[i];
172 | for (j=0;j<profngrids[i];j++){
173 | in.pointlist[2*counter+0]=xprof[j];
174 | in.pointlist[2*counter+1]=yprof[j];
175 | counter++;
176 | }
177 | }
178 | if(riftname){
179 | for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
180 | xprof=riftsgridsx[i];
181 | yprof=riftsgridsy[i];
182 | for (j=0;j<riftsnumgrids[i];j++){
183 | in.pointlist[2*counter+0]=xprof[j];
184 | in.pointlist[2*counter+1]=yprof[j];
185 | counter++;
186 | }
187 | }
188 | }
189 |
190 | in.pointattributelist = (REAL *) mxMalloc(in.numberofpoints *
191 | in.numberofpointattributes *
192 | sizeof(REAL));
193 | for (i=0;i<in.numberofpoints;i++){
194 | in.pointattributelist[i] = 0.0;
195 | }
196 | in.pointmarkerlist = (int *) mxMalloc(in.numberofpoints * sizeof(int));
197 | for(i=0;i<in.numberofpoints;i++){
198 | in.pointmarkerlist[i] = 0;
199 | }
200 |
201 |
202 | /*Build segments: */
203 | /*Figure out number of segments: holes and closed outlines have as many segments as grids,
204 | *for rifts, we have one less segment as we have grids*/
205 | in.numberofsegments=0;
206 | for (i=0;i<nprof;i++){
207 | in.numberofsegments+=profngrids[i];
208 | }
209 | if (riftname){
210 | for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
211 | in.numberofsegments+=riftsnumgrids[i]-1;
212 | }
213 | }
214 |
215 | in.segmentlist = (int *) mxMalloc(in.numberofsegments * 2 * sizeof(int));
216 | in.segmentmarkerlist = (int *) mxCalloc(in.numberofsegments,sizeof(int));
217 | counter=0;
218 | backcounter=0;
219 | for (i=0;i<nprof;i++){
220 | for (j=0;j<(profngrids[i]-1);j++){
221 | in.segmentlist[2*counter+0]=counter;
222 | in.segmentlist[2*counter+1]=counter+1;
223 | in.segmentmarkerlist[counter]=0;
224 | counter++;
225 | }
226 | /*Close this profile: */
227 | in.segmentlist[2*counter+0]=counter;
228 | in.segmentlist[2*counter+1]=backcounter;
229 | in.segmentmarkerlist[counter]=0;
230 | counter++;
231 | backcounter=counter;
232 | }
233 | counter2=counter;
234 | if(riftname){
235 | for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
236 | for (j=0;j<(riftsnumgrids[i]-1);j++){
237 | in.segmentlist[2*counter2+0]=counter;
238 | in.segmentlist[2*counter2+1]=counter+1;
239 | in.segmentmarkerlist[counter2]=2+i;
240 | counter2++;
241 | counter++;
242 | }
243 | counter++;
244 | }
245 | }
246 |
247 |
248 | /*Build regions: */
249 | in.numberofregions = 0;
250 |
251 | /*Build holes: */
252 | in.numberofholes = nprof-1; /*everything is a hole, but for the first profile.*/
253 | in.holelist = (REAL *) mxMalloc(in.numberofholes * 2 * sizeof(REAL));
254 | for (i=0;i<nprof-1;i++){
255 | /*We are looking for a grid that lies inside the hole: */
256 | GridInsideHole(&in.holelist[2*i+0],&in.holelist[2*i+1],profngrids[i+1],pprofx[i+1],pprofy[i+1]);
257 | }
258 |
259 | /* Make necessary initializations so that Triangle can return a */
260 | /* triangulation in `out': */
261 |
262 | out.pointlist = (REAL *) NULL;
263 | out.pointattributelist = (REAL *) NULL;
264 | out.pointmarkerlist = (int *) NULL;
265 | out.trianglelist = (int *) NULL;
266 | out.triangleattributelist = (REAL *) NULL;
267 | out.neighborlist = (int *) NULL;
268 | out.segmentlist = (int *) NULL;
269 | out.segmentmarkerlist = (int *) NULL;
270 | out.edgelist = (int *) NULL;
271 | out.edgemarkerlist = (int *) NULL;
272 |
273 | /* Triangulate the points:. Switches are chosen to read and write a */
274 | /* PSLG (p), preserve the convex hull (c), number everything from */
275 | /* zero (z), assign a regional attribute to each element (A), and */
276 | /* produce an edge list (e), a Voronoi diagram (v), and a triangle */
277 | /* neighbor list (n). */
278 |
279 | sprintf(options,"%s%lf","pQzDq30ia",area); /*replace V by Q to quiet down the logging*/
280 |
281 | triangulate(options, &in, &out, NULL);
282 | /*report(&out, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);*/
283 |
284 | /*Allocate index, x and y: */
285 | index=(double*)mxMalloc(3*out.numberoftriangles*sizeof(double));
286 | x=(double*)mxMalloc(out.numberofpoints*sizeof(double));
287 | y=(double*)mxMalloc(out.numberofpoints*sizeof(double));
288 | segments=(double*)mxMalloc(3*out.numberofsegments*sizeof(double));
289 | segmentmarkerlist=(double*)mxMalloc(out.numberofsegments*sizeof(double));
290 |
291 | for (i = 0; i < out.numberoftriangles; i++) {
292 | for (j = 0; j < out.numberofcorners; j++) {
293 | *(index+3*i+j)=(double)out.trianglelist[i * out.numberofcorners + j]+1;
294 | }
295 | }
296 | for (i = 0; i < out.numberofpoints; i++) {
297 | x[i]=out.pointlist[i * 2 + 0];
298 | y[i]=out.pointlist[i * 2 + 1];
299 | }
300 |
301 | for (i = 0; i < out.numberofsegments; i++) {
302 | segments[3*i+0]=(double)out.segmentlist[i*2+0]+1;
303 | segments[3*i+1]=(double)out.segmentlist[i*2+1]+1;
304 | segmentmarkerlist[i]=(double)out.segmentmarkerlist[i];
305 | }
306 |
307 | /*Associate elements with segments: */
308 | noerr=AssociateSegmentToElement(&segments,out.numberofsegments,index,out.numberoftriangles);
309 |
310 | /*Order segments so that their normals point outside the domain: */
311 | if(!strcmp(order,"yes")){
312 | OrderSegments(&segments,out.numberofsegments, index,out.numberoftriangles);
313 | }
314 |
315 | /*Output : */
316 | pmxa_array= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
317 | mxSetM(pmxa_array,3);
318 | mxSetN(pmxa_array,out.numberoftriangles);
319 | mxSetPr(pmxa_array,index);
320 | mexCallMATLAB( 1, &plhs[0], 1, &pmxa_array, "'");
321 |
322 | pmxa_array= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
323 | mxSetM(pmxa_array,1);
324 | mxSetN(pmxa_array,out.numberofpoints);
325 | mxSetPr(pmxa_array,x);
326 | mexCallMATLAB( 1, &plhs[1], 1, &pmxa_array, "'");
327 |
328 | pmxa_array= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
329 | mxSetM(pmxa_array,1);
330 | mxSetN(pmxa_array,out.numberofpoints);
331 | mxSetPr(pmxa_array,y);
332 | mexCallMATLAB( 1, &plhs[2], 1, &pmxa_array, "'");
333 |
334 | pmxa_array= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
335 | mxSetM(pmxa_array,3);
336 | mxSetN(pmxa_array,out.numberofsegments);
337 | mxSetPr(pmxa_array,segments);
338 | mexCallMATLAB( 1, &plhs[3], 1, &pmxa_array, "'");
339 |
340 | pmxa_array= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
341 | mxSetM(pmxa_array,1);
342 | mxSetN(pmxa_array,out.numberofsegments);
343 | mxSetPr(pmxa_array,segmentmarkerlist);
344 | mexCallMATLAB( 1, &plhs[4], 1, &pmxa_array, "'");
345 |
346 | return;
347 | }
348 |
349 | void TriMeshUsage(void)
350 | {
351 | printf("\n");
352 | printf(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,riftsoutlinename,area,ordered) \n");
353 | printf(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made \n");
354 | printf(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment \n");
355 | printf(" (if rifts are present, markers >=2 flag them ), outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file.\n");
356 | printf(" riftsoutlinename is an Argus domain file, defining rifts (ie: open profiles), \n");
357 | printf(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh. \n");
358 | printf(" and ordered is a string ('yes' or 'no') that determines whether segments are output in the \n");
359 | printf(" order they are made by Triangle (ie none), or ordered counter clockwise around the domain outline.\n");
360 | printf(" riftsoutlinename and ordered are optional arguments.\n");
361 | printf("\n");
362 | }
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |