1 | /*!\file InterpFromMesh2d.c
2 | * \brief: data interpolation from a list of (x,y,values) into mesh vertices
3 |
4 | InterpFromMesh2d.c
5 |
6 | usage:
7 | data_mesh=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh);
8 |
9 | where:
10 |
11 | input:
12 | x,y: coordinates of matrix data
13 | data - matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh.
14 | x_mesh,y_mesh: coordinates of the mesh vertices onto which we interpolate.
15 |
16 | output:
17 | data_mesh: vector of mesh interpolated data.
18 |
19 | */
20 |
21 | #include "./InterpFromMesh2d.h"
22 |
23 | void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
24 |
25 | /*input: */
26 | double* index_data=NULL;
27 | int index_data_rows;
28 | int dummy;
29 |
30 | double* x_data=NULL;
31 | int x_data_rows;
32 |
33 | double* y_data=NULL;
34 | int y_data_rows;
35 |
36 | double* data=NULL;
37 | int data_rows;
38 | int data_cols;
39 |
40 | double* x_prime=NULL;
41 | double* y_prime=NULL;
42 |
43 | int x_prime_rows;
44 | int y_prime_rows;
45 |
46 |
47 | double* default_values=NULL;
48 | int num_default_values=0;
49 |
50 | //contours
51 | mxArray* matlabstructure=NULL;
52 | Contour** contours=NULL;
53 | int numcontours;
54 | Contour* contouri=NULL;
55 | int i;
56 |
57 | /*Intermediary*/
58 | int nods_data;
59 | int nels_data;
60 | int nods_prime;
61 |
62 | /* output: */
63 | Vec data_prime=NULL;
64 |
65 | /*Boot module: */
67 |
68 | /*checks on arguments on the matlab side: */
69 | if(nlhs!=NLHS){
70 | InterpFromMesh2dUsage();
71 | _error_("InterpFromMeshToMesh2dUsage usage error");
72 | }
73 | if((nrhs!=6) && (nrhs!=7) && (nrhs!=8)){
74 | InterpFromMesh2dUsage();
75 | _error_("InterpFromMeshToMesh2dUsage usage error");
76 | }
77 |
78 | /*Input datasets: */
79 | FetchData(&index_data,&index_data_rows,&dummy,INDEXHANDLE);
80 | FetchData(&x_data,&x_data_rows,NULL,XHANDLE);
81 | FetchData(&y_data,&y_data_rows,NULL,YHANDLE);
82 | FetchData(&data,&data_rows,&data_cols,DATAHANDLE);
83 | FetchData(&x_prime,&x_prime_rows,NULL,XPRIMEHANDLE);
84 | FetchData(&y_prime,&y_prime_rows,NULL,YPRIMEHANDLE);
85 |
86 | if(nrhs>=7){
87 | /*default values: */
88 | FetchData(&default_values,&num_default_values,DEFAULTHANDLE);
89 | }
90 | else{
91 | default_values=NULL;
92 | num_default_values=0;
93 | }
94 |
95 | if(nrhs>=8){
96 |
97 | /*Call expread on filename to build a contour array in the matlab workspace: */
98 | mexCallMATLAB( 1, &matlabstructure, 1, (mxArray**)&FILENAME, "expread");
99 |
100 | /*contours: */
101 | numcontours=mxGetNumberOfElements(matlabstructure);
102 | contours=(Contour**)xmalloc(numcontours*sizeof(Contour*));
103 | for(i=0;i<numcontours;i++){
104 | //allocate
105 | contouri=(Contour*)xmalloc(sizeof(Contour));
106 | //retrieve dimension of this contour.
107 | contouri->nods=(int)mxGetScalar(mxGetField(matlabstructure,i,"nods"));
108 | //set pointers.
109 | contouri->x=mxGetPr(mxGetField(matlabstructure,i,"x"));
110 | contouri->y=mxGetPr(mxGetField(matlabstructure,i,"y"));
111 | *(contours+i)=contouri;
112 | }
113 |
114 | /* Debugging of contours :{{{1*/
115 | /*for(i=0;i<numcontours;i++){
116 | printf("\nContour echo: contour number %i / %i\n",i+1,numcontours);
117 | contouri=*(contours+i);
118 | printf(" Number of vertices %i\n",contouri->nods);
119 | for (j=0;j<contouri->nods;j++){
120 | printf(" %lf %lf\n",*(contouri->x+j),*(contouri->y+j));
121 | }
122 | }*/
123 | /*}}}*/
124 | }
125 | else{
126 | numcontours=0;
127 | contours=NULL;
128 | }
129 |
130 |
131 | /*some checks*/
132 | if (x_data_rows!=y_data_rows){
133 | _error_("vectors x and y should have the same length!");
134 | }
135 | if (x_prime_rows!=y_prime_rows){
136 | _error_("vectors x_prime and y_prime should have the same length!");
137 | }
138 |
139 | /*get number of elements and number of nodes in the data*/
140 | nels_data=index_data_rows;
141 | nods_data=x_data_rows;
142 | nods_prime=x_prime_rows;
143 |
144 | /* Run core computations: */
145 | InterpFromMesh2dx(&data_prime,index_data,x_data,y_data,nods_data,nels_data,data,data_rows,x_prime,y_prime,nods_prime,default_values,num_default_values,contours,numcontours);
146 |
147 | /*Write data: */
148 | WriteData(DATAPRIME,data_prime);
149 |
150 | /*end module: */
151 | MODULEEND();
152 | }
153 |
154 | void InterpFromMesh2dUsage(void)
155 | {
156 | _printf_(true," usage:\n");
157 | _printf_(true," data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime);\n\n");
158 | _printf_(true," or data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime,default_value);\n\n");
159 | _printf_(true," or data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime,default_value,contourname);\n\n");
160 | _printf_(true," where:\n");
161 | _printf_(true," x,y: coordinates of the nodes where data is defined\n");
162 | _printf_(true," index: index of the mesh where data is defined\n");
163 | _printf_(true," data - vector holding the data to be interpolated onto the points.\n");
164 | _printf_(true," x_prime,y_prime: coordinates of the mesh vertices onto which we interpolate.\n");
165 | _printf_(true," default_value: a scalar or vector of size length(x_prime).\n");
166 | _printf_(true," contourname: linear interpolation will happen on all x_interp,y_interp inside the contour, default value will be adopted on the rest of the mesh.\n");
167 | _printf_(true," data_prime: vector of prime interpolated data.\n");
168 | _printf_(true,"\n");
169 | }