1 | function length=GetCharacteristicLength(index,x,y,varargin)
2 | %GETCHARACTERISTICLENGTH - compute characteristic length for a mesh
3 | %
4 | % compute characteristic lengths of every element of a mesh.
5 | %
6 | % Usage:
7 | % length =GetCharacteristicLength(index,x,y);
8 | % length =GetCharacteristicLength(index,x,y,z);
9 | %
10 | % Examples:
11 | % length =GetCharacteristicLength(md.mesh.elements,md.x,md.y);
12 | % length =GetCharacteristicLength(md.mesh.elements,md.x,md.y,md.z);
13 |
14 |
15 | %get number of elements and number of nodes
16 | nels=size(index,1);
17 | nods=numel(x);
18 |
19 | %some checks
20 | if nargout~=1 | (nargin~=3 & nargin~=4),
21 | help GetCharacteristicLength
22 | error('GetCharacteristicLength error message: bad usage')
23 | end
24 | if ((numel(y)~=nods) | (nargin==4 & numel(z)~=nods)),
25 | error('GetCharacteristicLength error message: x,y and z do not have the same length')
26 | end
27 | if max(index(:))>nods,
28 | error(['GetCharacteristicLength error message: index should not have values above ' num2str(nods) ])
29 | end
30 | if (nargin==3 & size(index,2)~=3),
31 | error('GetCharacteristicLength error message: index should have 3 columns for 2d meshes.')
32 | end
33 | if (nargin==4 & size(index,2)~=6),
34 | error('GetCharacteristicLength error message: index should have 6 columns for 3d meshes.')
35 | end
36 |
37 | %get areas or volumes.
38 | areas=GetAreas(index,x,y,varargin{:});
39 |
40 | %for a 2d mesh:
41 | if nargin==3,
42 | length=sqrt(2*areas);
43 | else
44 | error('not supported yet');
45 | end