1 | function md=BamgCallFromMetric(md,metric,gradation),
2 | %BAMGCALL - call bam
3 | %
4 | % call Bamg and the output mesh is plugged onto the model
5 | % -gradation = maximum edge length gradation between 2 elements
6 | %
7 | % Usage:
8 | % md=BamgCallFromMetric(md,metric,gradation);
9 | %
10 | % Example:
11 | % md=BamgCall(md,metric,1500,10^8,1.3,0.9);
12 |
13 | global ISSM_DIR
14 |
15 | %2d geometric parameter (do not change)
16 | scale=2/9;
17 |
18 | %write files
19 | t1=clock; fprintf('%s',' writing initial mesh files...');
20 | fid=fopen('carre0.met','w');
21 | fprintf(fid,'%i %i\n',md.numberofgrids,3);
22 | fprintf(fid,'%i %i %i\n',metric');
23 | fclose(fid);
24 |
25 | fid=fopen('carre0.mesh','w');
26 |
27 | %initialiation
28 | fprintf(fid,'%s %i\n','MeshVersionFormatted',0);
29 |
30 | %dimension
31 | fprintf(fid,'\n%s\n%i\n','Dimension',2);
32 |
33 | %Vertices
34 | fprintf(fid,'\n%s\n%i\n\n','Vertices',md.numberofgrids);
35 | fprintf(fid,'%8g %8g %i\n',[md.x md.y ones(md.numberofgrids,1)]');
36 |
37 | %Triangles
38 | fprintf(fid,'\n\n%s\n%i\n\n','Triangles',md.numberofelements);
39 | fprintf(fid,'%i %i %i %i\n',[md.elements ones(md.numberofelements,1)]');
40 | numberofelements1=md.numberofelements;
41 |
42 | %close
43 | fclose(fid);
44 | t2=clock;fprintf('%s\n',[' done (' num2str(etime(t2,t1)) ' seconds)']);
45 |
46 | %call bamg
47 | fprintf('%s\n',' call Bamg...');
48 | system(['bamg -ratio ' num2str(gradation) ' -splitpbedge -nbv 1000000 -M carre0.met -b carre0.mesh -o carre1.mesh']);
49 |
50 | %plug new mesh
51 | t1=clock; fprintf('\n%s',' reading final mesh files...');
52 | A=meshread('carre1.mesh');
53 | md.x=A.x;
54 | md.y=A.y;
55 | md.z=zeros(A.nods,1);
56 | md.elements=A.index;
57 | md.numberofgrids=A.nods;
58 | md.numberofelements=A.nels;
59 | numberofelements2=md.numberofelements;
60 | t2=clock;fprintf('%s\n\n',[' done (' num2str(etime(t2,t1)) ' seconds)']);
61 |
62 | %display number of elements
63 | fprintf('\n%s %i',' inital number of elements:',numberofelements1);
64 | fprintf('\n%s %i\n\n',' new number of elements:',numberofelements2);
65 |
66 | %clean up:
67 | system('rm carre0.mesh carre0.met carre1.mesh carre1.mesh.gmsh');