1 | function [alat,alon]=mapxy(x,y,hem,varargin);
2 | %MAPXY - compute latitude and longitude from x and y
3 | %
4 | % hemisphere must be 'n' for north and 's' for south
5 | % One can specify the standard parallel and center meridien.
6 | % Default values are (70,45) for northern hemisphere and (71,0) for southerm hemisphere.
7 | %
8 | % Usage:
9 | % [latitude,longitude]=mapxy(x,y,hemisphere)
10 | % [latitude,longitude]=mapxy(x,y,hemisphere,parallel,meridien)
11 | %
12 | % Example:
13 | % [lat,long]=mapxy(x,y,'s')
14 | % [lat,long]=mapxy(x,y,'n',71,39)
15 | %
16 | % See also MAPLL, LL2XY
17 |
18 | %check number of arguments.
19 | if ~((nargin==3) | (nargin==5)),
20 | mapxyerrorusage();
21 | end
22 |
23 | %hem: must be either 's' or 'n'
24 | if ~ischar(hem),
25 | error('mapxy error message: hemisphere argument should be ''n'' or ''s''');
26 | end
27 |
28 | %check hem is either 'n' or 's':
29 | if ~(strcmpi(hem,'n') | strcmpi(hem,'s')),
30 | error('mapxy error message: hem should be ''s'' or ''n''');
31 | end
32 |
33 | %set sn:
34 | if strcmpi(hem,'s'),
35 | slat=71;
36 | sn=-1.0;
37 | xlam=0;
38 | else
39 | slat=70;
40 | sn=1.0;
41 | xlam=45;
42 | end
43 |
44 | %set defaults for standard parallels and centre meridians.
45 | if nargin==5,
46 | slat=varargin{1};
47 | xlam=varargin{2};
48 | end
49 |
50 | re = 6378137;
51 | e2 = 0.00669437999015;
52 |
53 | e=sqrt(e2);
54 |
55 | slat=slat/180*pi;
56 |
57 | rho=sqrt(x.^2+y.^2);
58 | cm=cos(slat)./sqrt(1.0-e2*(sin(slat).^2));
59 | t=tan((pi/4)-(slat/2.))./((1.0-e*sin(slat))./(1.0+e*sin(slat))).^(e/2.);
60 |
61 | t=rho.*t./(re*cm);
62 |
63 | chi=(pi/2.)-2.*atan(t);
64 |
65 | alat=chi+((e2/2.)+(5.0*e2^2/24.)+(e2^3/12.))*sin(2*chi)+...
66 | ((7.0*e2^2/48.)+(29.*e2^3/240.))*sin(4.0*chi)+...
67 | (7.0*e2^3/120.)*sin(6.0*chi);
68 |
69 | alat=(sn*alat/pi*180);
70 | xpr=sn*x;
71 | ypr=sn*y;
72 | alon=atan2(xpr,-ypr)/pi*180-sn*xlam;
73 | alon=sn*alon;
74 |
75 | indice=find(alon<0);
76 | if length(indice)>0,
77 | alon(indice)=alon(indice)+360;
78 | end
79 |
80 | indice=find(alon>360);
81 | if length(indice)>0,
82 | alon(indice)=alon(indice)-360;
83 | end
84 |
85 |
86 | end
87 |
88 |
89 | function mapxyerrorusage()
90 | help mapxy
91 | end