1 | function expmaster(newfile,varargin)
2 | %EXPMASTER - allow to create, modify, add, cut, .. segments of domain outline together
3 | %
4 | % this routine is used to create, modify, cut,... an Argus file (.exp)
5 | %
6 | % expmaster(newprofile,'optionname',optionvalue)
7 | % creation of an argus file newprofile
8 | %
9 | % Available options:
10 | % - include: include list of existing ARGUS files
11 | % - color: line color (default='r')
12 | % - selectioncolor: line color of selected profiles (default='b')
13 | % - linestyle (default='-')
14 | % - linewidth (default=0.2)
15 | % - marker (default='+')
16 | % - markersize (default=7)
17 | % - markeredgecolor (default='r')
18 | %
19 | % Usage:
20 | % expmaster(newfile,varargin)
21 | %
22 | % Example:
23 | % expmaster('domain.exp','include',{'domain1.exp' 'domain2.exp'},'color','g','marker','+')
24 | %
25 | % See also EXPDOC
26 |
27 | %recover options
28 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
29 |
30 | %Some checks
31 | if ~nargin | nargout
32 | error('expmaster usage: expmaster(newfile,varargin)')
33 | elseif exist(newfile,'file'),
34 | %recursive call to expmaster if file already exists
35 | if ~exist(options,'include'),
36 | expmaster(newfile,'include',newfile,varargin{:});
37 | return;
38 | end
39 |
40 | %check modification
41 | choice=input(['A file ' newfile ' already exists, do you want to modify it? (y/n)'],'s');
42 | if ~strcmpi(choice,'y'),
43 | disp('no modification done ... exiting');
44 | return
45 | end
46 | end
47 |
48 | %Add default options
49 | options=addfielddefault(options,'color','r');
50 | options=addfielddefault(options,'selectioncolor','b');
51 | options=addfielddefault(options,'LineStyle','-');
52 | options=addfielddefault(options,'LineWidth',0.2);
53 | options=addfielddefault(options,'Marker','+');
54 | options=addfielddefault(options,'MarkerSize',7);
55 | options=addfielddefault(options,'MarkerEdgeColor','r');
56 |
57 | %put all the argus profiles given in input in one structure A
58 | A=struct([]);
59 | numprofiles=0;
60 | numpoints=0;
61 | closed=[];
62 |
63 | %initialize the variables with files provided by 'include' option
64 | if exist(options,'include'),
65 | files=getfieldvalue(options,'include');
66 | if ischar(files), files={files}; end
67 | for i=1:length(files),
68 | filename=files{i};
69 | if ~exist(filename,'file'),
70 | error(['expmaster error message:, ' filename ' does not exist. Exiting...']);
71 | else
72 | %read file
73 | B=expread(filename,1);
74 | %go through all profiles of B
75 | for i=1:size(B,2)
76 | %plug profile in A
77 | if numprofiles
78 | A(numprofiles+1)=B(i);
79 | else
80 | A=B(i);
81 | end
82 | %update numprofiles and numpoints
83 | numpoints=numpoints+length(B(i).x);
84 | numprofiles=numprofiles+1;
85 | %figure out if the profile is closed or not
86 | if (B(i).x(1)==B(i).x(end) & B(i).y(1)==B(i).y(end) & length(B(i).x)>1 )
87 | closed(numprofiles)=1;
88 | else
89 | closed(numprofiles)=0;
90 | end
91 | end
92 | end
93 | end
94 | end
95 |
96 | %Get root of newfile
97 | [path root ext ver]=fileparts(newfile);
98 |
99 | %get current figure
100 | if ~isempty(get(0,'children')),%if there is already a figure (return the number of opened figures)
101 | set(gcf,'Renderer','zbuffer'); %fixes a bug on Mac OS X (not needed in future Matlab version)
102 | P=get(gcf,'position');
103 | F=getframe(gca);
104 | F=F.cdata;
105 | %get current axis
106 | xlim=get(gca,'Xlim');
107 | ylim=get(gca,'Ylim');
108 | %recreate x_m and y_m
109 | x_m=linspace(xlim(1),xlim(2),size(F,2));
110 | y_m=linspace(ylim(2),ylim(1),size(F,1)); %getframe reverse axis...
111 | %plot the data in another figure
112 | figure; set(gcf,'position',P);
113 | imagesc(x_m,y_m,F); set(gca,'Ydir','normal');
114 | prevplot=1;
115 | prevplot2=1;
116 | else
117 | figure
118 | prevplot=0;
119 | prevplot2=0;
120 | end
121 |
122 | %plot existing profile if any
123 | hold on
124 |
125 | %Build backup structre for do and redo
126 | backup=cell(1,3);
127 | backup{1,1}=A;
128 | backup{1,2}=numprofiles;
129 | backup{1,3}=numpoints;
130 | backup{1,4}=closed;
131 |
132 | loop=1;
133 | counter=1;
134 | while loop
135 |
136 | %Go through A and rule out the empty profiles
137 | list=[];
138 | for i=1:size(A,2);
139 | if length(A(i).x)==0
140 | list(end+1)=i;
141 | numprofiles=numprofiles-1;
142 | end
143 | end
144 | A(list)=[];
145 | closed(list)=[];
146 |
147 | %Now erase all that have been done and plot the new structure A as it is
148 | undoplots(prevplot);
149 | if numprofiles
150 | prevplot2=1;
151 | for i=1:numprofiles
152 | if length(A(i).x)==1,
153 | plot(A(i).x,A(i).y,'color',getfieldvalue(options,'color'),'LineStyle',getfieldvalue(options,'LineStyle'),'LineWidth',getfieldvalue(options,'LineWidth'),...
154 | 'MarkerEdgeColor',getfieldvalue(options,'MarkerEdgeColor'),'MarkerSize',getfieldvalue(options,'MarkerSize'),'Marker','o');
155 | else
156 | plot(A(i).x,A(i).y,'color',getfieldvalue(options,'color'),'LineStyle',getfieldvalue(options,'LineStyle'),'LineWidth',getfieldvalue(options,'LineWidth'));
157 | end
158 | prevplot2=prevplot2+1;
159 | end
160 | end
161 |
162 | %display menu
163 | title('Main Menu','FontSize',14);
164 | button=menu('Menu','add a profile (open)',...%1
165 | 'add a contour (closed)',... %2
166 | 'remove a profile',... %3
167 | 'modify the position of a point',... %4
168 | 'add points inside a profile',... %5
169 | 'add points at the end of a profile',... %6
170 | 'remove points',... %7
171 | 'remove several points',... %8
172 | 'cut a segment',... %9
173 | 'cut a large area',... %10
174 | 'merge profiles',... %11
175 | 'close profile',... %12
176 | 'undo',... %13
177 | 'redo',... %14
178 | 'quit'); %15
179 |
180 |
181 | %UNDO??
182 | if button==13;
183 | if counter==1
184 | disp('Already at oldest change');
185 | else
186 | counter=counter-1;
187 | A=backup{counter,1};
188 | numprofiles=backup{counter,2};
189 | numpoints=backup{counter,3};
190 | closed=backup{counter,4};
191 | end
192 | end
193 |
194 | %REDO??
195 | if button==14
196 | if counter==size(backup,1)
197 | disp('Already at newest change');
198 | else
199 | counter=counter+1;
200 | A=backup{counter,1};
201 | numprofiles=backup{counter,2};
202 | numpoints=backup{counter,3};
203 | closed=backup{counter,4};
204 | end
205 | end
206 |
207 | switch button
208 |
209 | case 1
210 |
211 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=addprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot2,root,options);
212 | counter=counter+1;
213 | backup{counter,1}=A;
214 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
215 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
216 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
217 |
218 | case 2
219 |
220 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=addcontour(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot2,root,options);
221 | counter=counter+1;
222 | backup{counter,1}=A;
223 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
224 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
225 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
226 |
227 | case 3
228 |
229 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=removeprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot2,root,options);
230 | counter=counter+1;
231 | backup{counter,1}=A;
232 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
233 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
234 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
235 |
236 | case 4
237 |
238 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=modifyposition(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
239 | counter=counter+1;
240 | backup{counter,1}=A;
241 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
242 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
243 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
244 |
245 | case 5
246 |
247 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=addinsideprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
248 | counter=counter+1;
249 | backup{counter,1}=A;
250 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
251 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
252 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
253 |
254 | case 6
255 |
256 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=addendprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot2,root,options);
257 | counter=counter+1;
258 | backup{counter,1}=A;
259 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
260 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
261 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
262 |
263 | case 7
264 |
265 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=removepoints(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
266 | counter=counter+1;
267 | backup{counter,1}=A;
268 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
269 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
270 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
271 |
272 | case 8
273 |
274 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=removeseveralpoints(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
275 | counter=counter+1;
276 | backup{counter,1}=A;
277 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
278 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
279 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
280 |
281 | case 9
282 |
283 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=cutprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
284 | counter=counter+1;
285 | backup{counter,1}=A;
286 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
287 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
288 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
289 |
290 | case 10
291 |
292 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=cutarea(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
293 | counter=counter+1;
294 | backup{counter,1}=A;
295 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
296 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
297 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
298 |
299 | case 11
300 |
301 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=mergeprofiles(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
302 | counter=counter+1;
303 | backup{counter,1}=A;
304 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
305 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
306 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
307 |
308 |
309 | case 12
310 |
311 | [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=closeprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
312 | counter=counter+1;
313 | backup{counter,1}=A;
314 | backup{counter,2}=numprofiles;
315 | backup{counter,3}=numpoints;
316 | backup{counter,4}=closed;
317 |
318 | %QUIT
319 | case 15
320 |
321 | loop=0;
322 |
323 | otherwise
324 |
325 | %do nothing
326 |
327 | end
328 |
329 | end
330 |
331 | hold off
332 |
333 | %write contour using expwrite
334 | title('New file written, exiting...','FontSize',14);
335 | if isempty(A)
336 | disp('Profile empty, no file written')
337 | else
338 | expwrite(A,newfile);
339 | end
340 |
341 | %close window
342 | close;