[7140] | 1 | function showbasins(varargin)
| 2 | %SHOWBASINS - return basins that are within the xlim and ylim
| 3 | %
| 4 | % Usage:
| 5 | % names=showbasins(options);
| 6 | % Options:
| 7 | % 'unit' default 1
| 8 | % 'hemisphere': default +1;
| 9 | % 'central_meridian: 45 for Greenland and 0 for Antarctica
| 10 | % 'standard_parallel: 70 for Greenland and 71 for Antarctica
| 11 | %
| 12 |
[7245] | 13 | %is varargin an options database already?
| 14 | if nargin==0,
| 15 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
| 16 | elseif (isa(varargin{1},'plotoptions') | isa(varargin{1},'pairoptions')),
| 17 | %do nothing to the varargin:
| 18 | options=varargin{1};
| 19 | else
| 20 | %process varargin for options:
| 21 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
| 22 | end
[7140] | 23 |
[7245] | 24 |
[7140] | 25 | %recover some options, and set defaults
| 26 | unitmultiplier=getfieldvalue(options,'unit',1);
| 27 | fontsize=getfieldvalue(options,'fontsize',12);
[7245] | 28 | hemisphere=getfieldvalue(options,'hemisphere');
[7140] | 29 |
[7245] | 30 | if strcmpi(hemisphere,'s'),
| 31 | hemisphere=-1;
| 32 | elseif strcmpi(hemisphere,'n'),
| 33 | hemisphere=+1;
| 34 | else
| 35 | error('showbasins error message: hemispehre should be either ''n'' or ''s''');
| 36 | end
| 37 |
[7140] | 38 | if hemisphere==+1,
| 39 | central_meridian=getfieldvalue(options,'central_meridian',45);
| 40 | standard_parallel=getfieldvalue(options,'standard_parallel',70);
| 41 | else
| 42 | central_meridian=getfieldvalue(options,'central_meridian',0);
| 43 | standard_parallel=getfieldvalue(options,'standard_parallel',71);
| 44 | end
| 45 |
| 46 | %Ok, find basin we are talking about:
| 47 | load([issmdir '/projects/ModelData/Names/Names.mat']);
| 48 |
| 49 | %Get xlim and ylim, and convert into lat,long:
| 50 | xlimits=xlim; x0=xlimits(1); x1=xlimits(2);
| 51 | ylimits=ylim; y0=ylimits(1); y1=ylimits(2);
| 52 |
| 53 | %Convert names lat and long into x,y:
| 54 | lat=cell2mat(names(:,3));
| 55 | long=cell2mat(names(:,2));
| 56 |
| 57 | %Now, convert lat,long into x,y:
| 58 | [x,y]=ll2xy(lat,long,hemisphere,central_meridian,standard_parallel);
| 59 |
| 60 | %Find x,y within xlimits and ylimits:
| 61 | locations=find(x>x0 & x<x1 & y>y0 & y<y1);
| 62 |
| 63 | %Go through locations, and display the names:
| 64 | for i=1:size(locations,1),
| 65 | hold on,
| 66 | plot(x(locations(i)),y(locations(i)),'r.');
| 67 | t=text(x(locations(i)),y(locations(i)),names{locations(i),1});
| 68 | set(t,'FontSize',fontsize);
| 69 | end