1 | function md=solve(md,solutionstring,varargin)
2 | %SOLVE - apply solution sequence for this model
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % md=solve(md,solutionstring,varargin)
6 | % where varargin is a lit of paired arguments of string OR enums
7 | %
8 | % solution types available comprise:
9 | % - 'Stressbalance' or 'sb'
10 | % - 'Masstransport' or 'mt'
11 | % - 'Thermal' or 'th'
12 | % - 'Steadystate' or 'ss'
13 | % - 'Transient' or 'tr'
14 | % - 'Balancethickness' or 'mc'
15 | % - 'Balancevelocity' or 'bv'
16 | % - 'BedSlope' or 'bsl'
17 | % - 'SurfaceSlope' or 'ssl'
18 | % - 'Hydrology' or 'hy'
19 | % - 'DamageEvolution' or 'da'
20 | % - 'Gia' or 'gia'
21 | % - 'Esa' or 'esa'
22 | % - 'Sealevelrise' or 'slr'
23 | % - 'Love' or 'lv'
24 | %
25 | % extra options:
26 | % - loadonly : does not solve. only load results
27 | % - runtimename : true or false (default is true), makes name unique
28 | % - checkconsistency : 'yes' or 'no' (default is 'yes'), ensures checks on consistency of model
29 | % - restart: 'directory name (relative to the execution directory) where the restart file is located.
30 | % - outbinread : if 0, download the outbin but do not process is (md.results is not updated)
31 | %
32 | % Examples:
33 | % md=solve(md,'Stressbalance');
34 | % md=solve(md,'sb');
35 |
36 | if ~ischar(solutionstring)
37 | error('ISSM''s solve function only accepts strings for solution sequences. Type help solve to get a list of supported solutions');
38 | end
39 |
40 | %recover and process solve options
41 | if strcmpi(solutionstring,'sb') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Stressbalance')
42 | solutionstring = 'StressbalanceSolution';
43 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'mt') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Masstransport')
44 | solutionstring = 'MasstransportSolution';
45 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'th') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Thermal')
46 | solutionstring = 'ThermalSolution';
47 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'ss') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Steadystate')
48 | solutionstring = 'SteadystateSolution';
49 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'tr') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Transient')
50 | solutionstring = 'TransientSolution';
51 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'mc') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Balancethickness')
52 | solutionstring = 'BalancethicknessSolution';
53 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'Balancethickness2')
54 | solutionstring = 'Balancethickness2Solution';
55 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'mcsoft') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'BalancethicknessSoft')
56 | solutionstring = 'BalancethicknessSoftSolution';
57 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'bv') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Balancevelocity')
58 | solutionstring = 'BalancevelocitySolution';
59 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'bsl') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'BedSlope')
60 | solutionstring = 'BedSlopeSolution';
61 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'ssl') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'SurfaceSlope')
62 | solutionstring = 'SurfaceSlopeSolution';
63 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'hy') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Hydrology')
64 | solutionstring = 'HydrologySolution';
65 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'da') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'DamageEvolution')
66 | solutionstring = 'DamageEvolutionSolution';
67 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'gia') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Gia')
68 | solutionstring = 'GiaSolution';
69 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'lv') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Love')
70 | solutionstring = 'LoveSolution';
71 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'esa') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Esa')
72 | solutionstring = 'EsaSolution';
73 | elseif strcmpi(solutionstring,'slr') || strcmpi(solutionstring,'Sealevelrise')
74 | solutionstring = 'SealevelriseSolution';
75 | else
76 | error(['solutionstring ' solutionstring ' not supported!']);
77 | end
78 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:},'solutionstring',solutionstring);
79 |
80 | %recover some fields
81 | md.private.solution=solutionstring;
82 | cluster=md.cluster;
83 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(options,'batch','no'),'yes') batch=1; else batch=0; end
84 |
85 | %check model consistency
86 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(options,'checkconsistency','yes'),'yes'),
87 | if md.verbose.solution,
88 | disp('checking model consistency');
89 | end
90 | ismodelselfconsistent(md),
91 | end
92 |
93 | %If we are restarting, actually use the provided runtime name:
94 | restart=getfieldvalue(options,'restart','');
95 | %First, build a runtime name that is unique
96 | if restart==1
97 | %Leave the runtimename as is
98 | else
99 | if ~isempty(restart),
100 | md.private.runtimename=restart;
101 | elseif getfieldvalue(options,'runtimename',true),
102 | c=clock;
103 | md.private.runtimename=sprintf('%s-%02i-%02i-%04i-%02i-%02i-%02i-%i',md.miscellaneous.name,c(2),c(3),c(1),c(4),c(5),floor(c(6)),feature('GetPid'));
104 | else
105 | md.private.runtimename=md.miscellaneous.name;
106 | end
107 | end
108 |
109 | %if running qmu analysis, some preprocessing of dakota files using models
110 | %fields needs to be carried out.
111 | if md.qmu.isdakota,
112 | md=preqmu(md,options);
113 | end
114 |
115 | %Do we load results only?
116 | if getfieldvalue(options,'loadonly',false),
117 | md=loadresultsfromcluster(md);
118 | return;
119 | end
120 |
121 | %Write all input files
122 | marshall(md); % bin file
123 | ToolkitsFile(md.toolkits,[md.miscellaneous.name '.toolkits']); % toolkits file
124 | BuildQueueScript(cluster,md.private.runtimename,md.miscellaneous.name,md.private.solution,md.settings.io_gather,md.debug.valgrind,md.debug.gprof,md.qmu.isdakota,md.transient.isoceancoupling); % queue file
125 |
126 | %Upload all required files
127 | modelname = md.miscellaneous.name;
128 | filelist = {[modelname '.bin'] [modelname '.toolkits']};
129 | if ispc,
130 | filelist{end+1}=[modelname '.bat'];
131 | else
132 | filelist{end+1}=[modelname '.queue'];
133 | end
134 |
135 | if md.qmu.isdakota,
136 | filelist{end+1} = [modelname '.qmu.in'];
137 | end
138 |
139 | if isempty(restart),
140 | UploadQueueJob(cluster,md.miscellaneous.name,md.private.runtimename,filelist);
141 | end
142 |
143 | %launch queue job:
144 | LaunchQueueJob(cluster,md.miscellaneous.name,md.private.runtimename,filelist,restart,batch);
145 |
146 | %return if batch:
147 | if batch,
148 | if md.verbose.solution,
149 | disp('batch mode requested: not launching job interactively');
150 | disp('launch solution sequence on remote cluster by hand');
151 | end
152 | return;
153 | end
154 | %wait on lock
155 | if isnan(md.settings.waitonlock),
156 | %load when user enters 'y'
157 | disp('solution launched on remote cluster. log in to detect job completion.');
158 | choice=input('Is the job successfully completed? (y/n)','s');
159 | if ~strcmp(choice,'y'),
160 | disp('Results not loaded... exiting');
161 | else
162 | md=loadresultsfromcluster(md);
163 | end
164 | elseif md.settings.waitonlock>0,
165 | %we wait for the done file
166 | done=waitonlock(md);
167 | if md.verbose.solution,
168 | disp('loading results from cluster');
169 | end
170 | md=loadresultsfromcluster(md);
171 | elseif md.settings.waitonlock==0,
172 | disp('Model results must be loaded manually with md=loadresultsfromcluster(md);');
173 | end
174 |
175 | %post processes qmu results if necessary
176 | if md.qmu.isdakota,
177 | if ~strncmpi(getfieldvalue(options,'keep','y'),'y',1)
178 | system(['rm -rf qmu' num2str(feature('GetPid'))]);
179 | end
180 | end