[8296] | 1 | function md=solve(md,solutionenum,varargin)
[1] | 2 | %SOLVE - apply solution sequence for this model
| 3 | %
| 4 | % Usage:
[8296] | 5 | % md=solve(md,solutionenum,varargin)
[3923] | 6 | % where varargin is a lit of paired arguments of string OR enums
[1] | 7 | %
[9218] | 8 | % solution types available comprise:
[9401] | 9 | % - DiagnosticSolutionEnum
| 10 | % - PrognosticSolutionEnum
| 11 | % - ThermalSolutionEnum
| 12 | % - SteadystateSolutionEnum
| 13 | % - TransientSolutionEnum...
| 14 | % - BalancethicknessSolutionEnum
| 15 | % - BedSlopeSolutionEnum
| 16 | % - SurfaceSlopeSolutionEnum
| 17 | % - HydrologySolutionEnum
| 18 | % - FlaimSolutionEnum
[8343] | 19 | %
[9428] | 20 | % extra options:
| 21 | % - loadonly : does not solve. only load results
| 22 | %
[1] | 23 | % Examples:
[8296] | 24 | % md=solve(md,DiagnosticSolutionEnum);
[1] | 25 |
[12351] | 26 | %recover and process solve options
[8296] | 27 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:},'solution_type',solutionenum);
[465] | 28 | options=process_solve_options(options);
[1] | 29 |
[465] | 30 | %recover some fields
[9614] | 31 | md.private.solution=options.solution_type;
[12363] | 32 | cluster=md.cluster;
[1] | 33 |
[2326] | 34 | %check model consistency
[6304] | 35 | disp('checking model consistency');
[13043] | 36 | if (solutionenum == FlaimSolutionEnum())
[12673] | 37 | md.private.isconsistent=true;
| 38 | md=checkconsistency(md.mesh,md,solutionenum);
| 39 | md=checkconsistency(md.flaim,md,solutionenum);
| 40 | if md.private.isconsistent==false,
| 41 | error('Model not consistent, see messages above');
[9882] | 42 | end
| 43 | else
| 44 | ismodelselfconsistent(md),
| 45 | end
[132] | 46 |
[12363] | 47 | %First, build a runtime name that is unique
| 48 | c=clock;
| 49 | md.private.runtimename=sprintf('%s-%02i-%02i-%04i-%02i-%02i-%02i-%i',md.miscellaneous.name,c(2),c(3),c(1),c(4),c(5),floor(c(6)),feature('GetPid'));
| 50 |
[12351] | 51 | %if running qmu analysis, some preprocessing of dakota files using models
| 52 | %fields needs to be carried out.
[9650] | 53 | if md.qmu.isdakota,
[961] | 54 | md=preqmu(md,options);
| 55 | end
[2540] | 56 |
[7686] | 57 | %flaim analysis
[13043] | 58 | if (options.solution_type == FlaimSolutionEnum())
[9882] | 59 | md=flaim_sol(md,options);
[9614] | 60 | md.private.solution=EnumToString(options.solution_type);
[7686] | 61 | return;
| 62 | end
| 63 |
[12351] | 64 | %Do we load results only?
| 65 | if options.loadonly,
| 66 | md=loadresultsfromcluster(md);
| 67 | return;
| 68 | end
[8330] | 69 |
[12351] | 70 | %we need to make sure we have PETSC support, otherwise, we run with only one cpu:
[13043] | 71 | if ~ispetsc(),
[13383] | 72 | disp('PETSc support not included, running on 1 cpu only!');
[12351] | 73 | cluster.np=1;
[1] | 74 | end
[1030] | 75 |
[13043] | 76 | %Write all input files
[12988] | 77 | marshall(md); % bin file
| 78 | PetscFile(md.solver,[md.miscellaneous.name '.petsc']); % petsc file
| 79 | BuildQueueScript(cluster,md.private.runtimename,md.miscellaneous.name,md.private.solution,md.settings.io_gather,md.debug.valgrind,md.debug.gprof); % queue file
| 80 |
[12363] | 81 | %Stop here if batch mode
| 82 | if strcmpi(options.batch,'yes')
| 83 | disp('batch mode requested: not launching job interactively');
| 84 | disp('launch solution sequence on remote cluster by hand');
| 85 | return;
| 86 | end
[1] | 87 |
[12363] | 88 | %Launch job
| 89 | modelname = md.miscellaneous.name;
| 90 | filelist = {[modelname '.bin '] [modelname '.petsc '] [modelname '.queue ']};
| 91 | if md.qmu.isdakota,
| 92 | filelist{end+1} = [modelname '.qmu.in'];
| 93 | end
| 94 | LaunchQueueJob(cluster,md.miscellaneous.name,md.private.runtimename,filelist);
[12351] | 95 |
[12363] | 96 | %did we even try to run? if so, wait on lock
| 97 | if strcmpi(options.upload,'on'),
| 98 | disp('solve done uploading test decks');
| 99 | return;
| 100 | end
[12351] | 101 |
[12363] | 102 | %wait on lock
| 103 | if md.settings.waitonlock>0,
| 104 | %we wait for the done file
| 105 | islock=waitonlock(md);
| 106 | if islock==0, %no results to be loaded
| 107 | disp('The results must be loaded manually with md=loadresultsfromcluster(md).');
| 108 | else %load results
| 109 | disp('loading results from cluster');
| 110 | md=loadresultsfromcluster(md);
[6569] | 111 | end
[12363] | 112 | end
[12351] | 113 |
[12363] | 114 | %post processes qmu results if necessary
| 115 | if md.qmu.isdakota,
| 116 | if ~strncmpi(options.keep,'y',1)
| 117 | system(['rm -rf qmu' num2str(feature('GetPid'))]);
[12351] | 118 | end
[961] | 119 | end