1 | function md=diagnostic(md)
2 | %DIAGNOSTIC - compute the velocity field of a 2d model using MacAyeal solution
3 | %
4 | % this routine solves the problem using MacAyeal's model. It calculates the velocity
5 | % field corresponding to the parameters and the geometry given by the model md
6 | %
7 | % Usage:
8 | % md=diagnostic(md)
9 |
10 | %First check we do have the correct argument number
11 | if ((nargin~=1) || (nargout~=1)),
12 | macayealdiagnosticusage();
13 | error('macayealdiagnostic error message: incorrect number of input and output arguments');
14 | end
15 |
16 | if ~isa(md,'model'),
17 | macayealdiagnosticusage();
18 | error('macayealdiagnostic error message: input argument is not a @model object');
19 | end
20 |
21 | %start timing
22 | t1=clock;
23 |
24 | %Transfer model fields into matlab variables
25 | x=md.x;
26 | y=md.y;
27 | index=md.elements;index=sort(index,2); %necessary
28 | nods=md.numberofgrids;
29 | nel=md.numberofelements;
30 | z_thick=md.thickness;
31 | z_surf=md.surface;
32 | z_bed=md.bed;
33 | z_thick_bar=(z_thick(index(:,1))+z_thick(index(:,2))+z_thick(index(:,3)))/3;
34 | rho_ice=md.rho_ice;
35 | rho_water=md.rho_water;
36 | g=md.g;
37 | viscosity_overshoot=md.viscosity_overshoot;
38 | index_icefront=md.pressureload; index_icefront=index_icefront(:,1:2); %we strip the last column, which holds the element number for the boundary segment
39 | nodes_on_boundary=md.gridonboundary;
40 | nodes_on_icefront=zeros(nods,1); nodes_on_icefront(index_icefront)=1;
41 | node_on_dirichlet=md.spcvelocity(:,1);
42 | nodes_on_icesheet=md.gridonicesheet;
43 | element_on_icesheet=md.elementonicesheet;
44 | qcoeff=md.q;
45 | pcoeff=md.p;
46 | drag_type=md.drag_type;
47 | drag=md.drag;
48 | criterion_rel=md.eps_rel;
49 | criterion_abs=md.eps_abs;
50 | yts=md.yts;
51 | B=md.B; B_bar=(B(index(:,1))+B(index(:,2))+B(index(:,3)))/3;
52 | glen_coeff=md.n;
53 |
54 | %initialize velocities if any
55 | if (~isnan(md.vx) & ~isnan(md.vy)),
56 | u=md.vx/yts; v=md.vy/yts;
57 | velocity_is_present=1;
58 | else
59 | velocity_is_present=0;
60 | end
61 |
62 | %average of p and q over the grids (size nel->nods)
63 | pcoeff_grid=zeros(nods,1);
64 | qcoeff_grid=zeros(nods,1);
65 | for i=1:nods
66 | %1: find the elements that contain the grid i
67 | neighbors_gridi=[];
68 | for j=1:3
69 | neighbors_gridi=[neighbors_gridi find(index(:,j)==i)'];
70 | end
71 | numberofneighbors_gridi=length(neighbors_gridi);
72 | %2 retrieve the value of p and q over each of these elements. The average is
73 | %plugged into dbx_grid
74 | qcoeff_grid(i)=sum(qcoeff(neighbors_gridi))/numberofneighbors_gridi;
75 | pcoeff_grid(i)=sum(pcoeff(neighbors_gridi))/numberofneighbors_gridi;
76 | end
77 |
78 | %Build length_icefront and normal_icefront:
79 | [length_icefront,normal_icefront]=buildicefrontnormal(x,y,index_icefront);
80 |
81 | %Start building areas
82 | aire=zeros(md.numberofelements,1);
83 |
84 | for n=1:nel
85 | aire(n)=1/2 * det([1 1 1;x(index(n,:))';y(index(n,:))']);
86 | end
87 |
88 | aire=abs(aire); % if index is sorted from its original value, then aire could be negative
89 |
90 | alpha=zeros(nel,3);
91 | beta=zeros(nel,3);
92 | gamma=zeros(nel,3);
93 |
94 | for n=1:nel
95 | X=inv([x(index(n,:)) y(index(n,:)) ones(3,1)]);
96 | alpha(n,:)=X(1,:);
97 | beta(n,:)=X(2,:);
98 | gamma(n,:)=X(3,:);
99 | end
100 |
101 | clear X
102 |
103 |
104 | %Do once and for all the initial computation of matrix-locations:
105 | row_location=zeros(nel*3*3,1);
106 | col_location=zeros(nel*3*3,1);
107 | row_location_AD=zeros(nel*6,1);
108 | col_location_AD=zeros(nel*6,1);
109 |
110 | count=-nel+1;
111 |
112 | for i=1:3
113 | for j=1:3
114 | count=count+nel;
115 | row_location(count:count+nel-1)=index(:,i);
116 | col_location(count:count+nel-1)=index(:,j);
117 | end
118 | end
119 |
120 | count=-nel+1;
121 |
122 | for i=1:3
123 | for j=i:3
124 | count=count+nel;
125 | row_location_AD(count:count+nel-1)=index(:,i);
126 | col_location_AD(count:count+nel-1)=index(:,j);
127 | end
128 | end
129 |
130 | permanent_pieces_of_A=zeros(nel*6,1);
131 | permanent_pieces_of_B=zeros(nel*3*3,1);
132 | permanent_pieces_of_C=zeros(nel*3*3,1);
133 | permanent_pieces_of_D=zeros(nel*6,1);
134 |
135 | count=-nel+1;
136 |
137 | for i=1:3
138 | for j=i:3
139 | count=count+nel;
140 | permanent_pieces_of_A(count:count+nel-1)= z_thick_bar .* aire ...
141 | .*(2*alpha(:,i).*alpha(:,j) + 1/2*beta(:,i).*beta(:,j));
142 | % This loop structure works only when index is sorted
143 | permanent_pieces_of_D(count:count+nel-1)= z_thick_bar .* aire ...
144 | .*(2*beta(:,i).*beta(:,j) + 1/2*alpha(:,i).*alpha(:,j));
145 | end
146 | end
147 |
148 | count=-nel+1;
149 |
150 | for i=1:3
151 | for j=1:3
152 | count=count+nel;
153 |
154 | permanent_pieces_of_B(count:count+nel-1)= z_thick_bar .* aire ...
155 | .*(alpha(:,j).*beta(:,i) + 1/2*beta(:,j).*alpha(:,i));
156 |
157 | permanent_pieces_of_C(count:count+nel-1)= z_thick_bar .* aire ...
158 | .*(beta(:,j).*alpha(:,i) + 1/2*alpha(:,j).*beta(:,i));
159 | end
160 | end
161 |
162 | % Step 3 -- Set up right-hand side of the problem.
163 |
164 | % (Note to myself: to avoid vector dependency problem, yet still vectorize,
165 | % I treat the Rhs vector as a sparse matrix
166 |
167 | Rhs_x=zeros(nel*27,1);
168 | Rhs_y=zeros(nel*27,1);
169 | Rhs_y=ones(nel*27,1);
170 | row_rhs=zeros(nel*27,1);
171 |
172 | count=-nel+1;
173 | for i=1:3
174 | for n=1:3
175 | for m=1:3
176 | count=count+nel;
177 |
178 | Rhs_x(count:count+nel-1)= -rho_ice * g * ...
179 | z_thick(index(:,n)).*z_surf(index(:,m)) ...
180 | .* aire(:) .* alpha(:,m) * ( (n==i)/6 + (n~=i)/12 );
181 |
182 | Rhs_y(count:count+nel-1)= -rho_ice * g * ...
183 | z_thick(index(:,n)).*z_surf(index(:,m)) ...
184 | .* aire(:) .* beta(:,m) .* ( (n==i)/6 + (n~=i)/12 );
185 |
186 | row_rhs(count:count+nel-1)=index(:,i);
187 |
188 | end
189 | end
190 | end
191 |
192 | Rhs=full([sparse(row_rhs,ones(nel*27,1),Rhs_x,nods,1)
193 | sparse(row_rhs,ones(nel*27,1),Rhs_y,nods,1)]);
194 |
195 | for k=1:2
196 | for l=1:2
197 | for j=1:2
198 | Rhs(index_icefront(:,k))=Rhs(index_icefront(:,k)) + ...
199 | (rho_ice*g/2*z_thick(index_icefront(:,l)).*z_thick(index_icefront(:,j)) ...
200 | + rho_water*g/2*(md.gridoniceshelf(index_icefront(:,k))) ...
201 | .*(-min(0,z_bed(index_icefront(:,l))).*min(0,z_bed(index_icefront(:,j))) ...
202 | +min(0,z_thick(index_icefront(:,l))+z_bed(index_icefront(:,l)))...
203 | .*min(0,z_thick(index_icefront(:,j))+z_bed(index_icefront(:,j)))))...
204 | .*normal_icefront(:,1).*length_icefront(:) ...
205 | /(4*(l==k & j==k) + 12*(l~=k | j~=k) );
206 |
207 | Rhs(index_icefront(:,k)+nods)=Rhs(index_icefront(:,k)+nods) + ...
208 | (rho_ice*g/2*z_thick(index_icefront(:,l)).*z_thick(index_icefront(:,j)) ...
209 | + rho_water*g/2*(md.gridoniceshelf(index_icefront(:,k))) ...
210 | .*(-min(0,z_bed(index_icefront(:,l))).*min(0,z_bed(index_icefront(:,j))) ...
211 | +min(0,z_thick(index_icefront(:,l))+z_bed(index_icefront(:,l)))...
212 | .*min(0,z_thick(index_icefront(:,j))+z_bed(index_icefront(:,j)))))...
213 | .*normal_icefront(:,2).*length_icefront(:) ...
214 | /(4*(l==k & j==k) + 12*(l~=k | j~=k) );
215 | end
216 | end
217 | end
218 |
219 | clear Rhs_x Rhs_y row_rhs
220 |
221 | % Step 4 -- Create the parsing matrix to "wring out"
222 | % the known boundary conditions
223 |
224 | % kinematic condition (u,v=0) specified at non-ice-front boundaries;
225 | num_specified= 2*sum(node_on_dirichlet);
226 | row=zeros(2*nods-num_specified,1);
227 | col=zeros(2*nods-num_specified,1);
228 | value=zeros(2*nods-num_specified,1);
229 | count=0;
230 | for n=1:nods
231 | if(~node_on_dirichlet(n))
232 | count=count+1;
233 | row(count)=count;
234 | col(count)=n;
235 | value(count)=1;
236 | end
237 | end
238 | for n=1:nods
239 | if (~node_on_dirichlet(n))
240 | count=count+1;
241 | row(count)=count;
242 | col(count)=nods+n;
243 | value(count)=1;
244 | end
245 | end
246 |
247 | P=sparse(row,col,value,2*nods-num_specified,2*nods);
248 |
249 | specified_velocity=zeros(2*nods,1);
250 | pos=find(node_on_dirichlet);
251 | specified_velocity(pos)=md.spcvelocity(pos,4)/md.yts;
252 | specified_velocity(nods+pos)=md.spcvelocity(pos,5)/md.yts;
253 |
254 |
255 | % ######## an attention grabbing break ########
256 | % Iterate on flow law till converged
257 |
258 | converged_yet=0;
259 | loop=0;
260 |
261 | u_old=zeros(nods,1);
262 | v_old=zeros(nods,1);
263 | convergence_count=1;
264 |
265 | while (~converged_yet)
266 |
267 | if (loop>(100))
268 | warning('Maximum Viscosity Iterations Reached.')
269 | break;
270 | end;
271 | loop=loop+1;
272 |
273 | %Compute viscosity (as in ICE and CIELO)
274 | if (convergence_count==1),
275 | %Initialize viscosity
276 | if ~velocity_is_present;
277 | nu_bar=viscosity(index,nel,alpha,beta,{},{},B_bar,glen_coeff);
278 | else
279 | nu_bar=viscosity(index,nel,alpha,beta,u,v,B_bar,glen_coeff);
280 | nu_bar(find(nu_bar<=0))=-nu_bar(find(nu_bar<=0));
281 | u_old=u; v_old=v;
282 | end
283 | elseif (convergence_count==2),
284 | nu_bar_oldvalue=nu_bar;
285 | nu_bar=viscosity(index,nel,alpha,beta,u,v,B_bar,glen_coeff);
286 | nu_bar=nu_bar + viscosity_overshoot*(nu_bar-nu_bar_oldvalue);
287 | nu_bar(find(nu_bar<=0))=-nu_bar(find(nu_bar<=0));
288 | u_old=u; v_old=v;
289 | else
290 | nu_bar_oldvalue=viscosity(index,nel,alpha,beta,u_old,v_old,B_bar,glen_coeff);
291 | nu_bar=viscosity(index,nel,alpha,beta,u,v,B_bar,glen_coeff);
292 | nu_bar=nu_bar + viscosity_overshoot*(nu_bar-nu_bar_oldvalue);
293 | nu_bar(find(nu_bar<=0))=-nu_bar(find(nu_bar<=0));
294 | u_old=u; v_old=v;
295 | end
296 |
297 | % Step 4 -- Set up stress-balance matrix (whos solution is the velocity
298 | % field):
299 |
300 | matrix_value_A=zeros(nel*6,1);
301 | matrix_value_B=zeros(nel*3*3,1);
302 | matrix_value_C=zeros(nel*3*3,1);
303 | matrix_value_D=zeros(nel*6,1);
304 |
305 | count=-nel+1;
306 |
307 | for i=1:3
308 | for j=i:3
309 | count=count+nel;
310 |
311 | matrix_value_A(count:count+nel-1)=nu_bar .* ...
312 | permanent_pieces_of_A(count:count+nel-1);
313 |
314 | matrix_value_D(count:count+nel-1)=nu_bar .* ...
315 | permanent_pieces_of_D(count:count+nel-1);
316 | end
317 | end
318 |
319 | count=-nel+1;
320 |
321 | for i=1:3
322 | for j=1:3
323 | count=count+nel;
324 |
325 | matrix_value_B(count:count+nel-1)=nu_bar .* ...
326 | permanent_pieces_of_B(count:count+nel-1);
327 |
328 | matrix_value_C(count:count+nel-1)=nu_bar .* ...
329 | permanent_pieces_of_C(count:count+nel-1);
330 | end
331 | end
332 |
333 | A=sparse(row_location_AD,col_location_AD,matrix_value_A,nods,nods);
334 | A=A+triu(A,1)';
335 | B=sparse(row_location,col_location,matrix_value_B,nods,nods);
336 | C=sparse(row_location,col_location,matrix_value_C,nods,nods);
337 | D=sparse(row_location_AD,col_location_AD,matrix_value_D,nods,nods);
338 | D=D+triu(D,1)';
339 |
340 | F=[A C
341 | B D];
342 |
343 | %Now, take care of the basal friction if there is any: to make things easier, we translate u = k *Neff^(-q)* sigma^p into
344 | % sigma= drag^2 * Neff ^(r) * u^s with r=q/p and s=1/p : */
345 |
346 | if (drag_type==2),
347 | %compute coeffs:
348 | rcoeff=qcoeff_grid./pcoeff_grid;
349 | scoeff=1./pcoeff_grid;
350 |
351 | %initialization of basal drag stiffness
352 | Dragoperator=spalloc(2*nods,2*nods,0);
353 |
354 | if loop~=1,
355 |
356 | %retrieve the velocity magnitude
357 | velocity_mag=sqrt(solution(1:nods).^2+solution(nods+1:2*nods).^2);
358 |
359 | %Computation of the effective pressure
360 | Neff=g*(rho_ice*z_thick+rho_water*z_bed);
361 |
362 | %If effective pressure becomes negative, sliding becomes unstable (Paterson 4th edition p 148). This is because
363 | %the water pressure is so high, the ice sheet elevates over its ice bumps and slides. But the limit behaviour
364 | %for this should be an ice shelf sliding (no basal drag). Therefore, for any effective pressure Neff < 0, we should
365 | %replace it by Neff=0 (ie, equival it to an ice shelf)*/
366 | pos=find(Neff<0);
367 | Neff(pos)=0;
368 |
369 | %Basal drag coefficient: Tau_x=-alpha^2 u, Tau_y=-alpha^2 v (See
370 | %MacAyeal)
371 | alpha2=(drag.^2).*(Neff.^rcoeff).*(velocity_mag.^(scoeff-1));
372 |
373 | %stiffness due to basal drag
374 | %initialization
375 | count=0;
376 | value=zeros(nel,27);
377 | row=zeros(nel,27);
378 | col=zeros(nel,27);
379 |
380 | for m=1:3
381 | for k=1:3
382 | for l=1:3
383 | if ( (m==k) + (m==l) + (l==k) )==3
384 | fac=1/10;
385 | elseif ( (m==k) + (m==l) + (l==k) )==1
386 | fac=1/30;
387 | else
388 | fac=1/60;
389 | end
390 |
391 | count=count+1;
392 | row(:,count)=index(:,m);
393 | col(:,count)=index(:,k);
394 | value(:,count)=fac*aire(:).* ...
395 | (alpha2(index(:,l)));%.*element_on_icesheet(index(:,l));
396 |
397 | end
398 | end
399 | end
400 |
401 | Dragoperator=[sparse(row,col,value,nods,nods) spalloc(nods,nods,0)
402 | spalloc(nods,nods,0) sparse(row,col,value,nods,nods)];
403 | end
404 |
405 | F=F+Dragoperator; %plug into the global stiffness matrix
406 |
407 | end
408 |
409 | Rhs_parsed=P*(Rhs - F*specified_velocity);
410 | F=P*F*P';
411 |
412 | % Step 5 -- Solve the problem:
413 |
414 | % Digression: if need be clear up some memory:
415 |
416 | clear matrix_value_A ...
417 | matrix_value_B matrix_value_C matrix_value_D A B C D
418 |
419 | % We can use either the LU or the Cholesky decomposition, but the
420 | % Cholesky decomposition is twice as efficient as LU for symmetric
421 | % definite positive matrix
422 | if md.debug,
423 | disp(sprintf('%s%g',' condition number of stiffness matrix: ',condest(F)));
424 | end
425 | solution=Solver(F,Rhs_parsed,md.solver_type);
426 |
427 | %Add spcs to the calculated solution
428 | solution=P'*solution + specified_velocity;
429 |
430 | %Recover solution vector
431 | u=solution(1:nods);
432 | v=solution(nods+1:2*nods);
433 |
434 | %Test for direct shooting convergence
435 | if (convergence_count>1 | velocity_is_present),
436 |
437 | ug=[u_old;v_old];
438 | nug=norm(ug,2);
439 | dug=[u; v]-[u_old; v_old];
440 | ndug=norm(dug,2);
441 | relative_change=ndug/nug;
442 |
443 | %Figure out if viscosity converged
444 | if relative_change<criterion_rel,
445 | if md.debug, disp(sprintf('%s %g %s %g %s',' Convergence criterion: norm(du)/norm(u)=',relative_change,' < ',criterion_rel,' m/yr'));end
446 | converged_yet=1;
447 | else
448 | if md.debug, disp(sprintf('%s %g %s %g %s',' Convergence criterion: norm(du)/norm(u)=',relative_change,' > ',criterion_rel,' m/yr'));end
449 | converged_yet=0;
450 | end
451 |
452 | if ~isnan(criterion_abs),
453 | change=max(abs(dug))*yts;
454 | if change<criterion_abs
455 | if md.debug, disp(sprintf('%s %g %s %g',' Convergence criterion: max(du)=',change,' < ',criterion_abs));end
456 | else
457 | if md.debug, disp(sprintf('%s %g %s %g',' Convergence criterion: max(du)=',change,' > ',criterion_abs));end
458 | converged_yet=0;
459 | end
460 | end
461 | else
462 | converged_yet=0;
463 | end
464 |
465 | convergence_count=convergence_count+1;
466 |
467 | end % This end statement terminates the "while" command way above
468 |
469 | %Load results onto md:
470 | if ~isstruct(md.results), md.results=struct(); end
471 | md.results.diagnostic.step=1;
472 | md.results.diagnostic.time=0;
473 | md.results.diagnostic.vx=u*yts;
474 | md.results.diagnostic.vy=v*yts;
475 | md.results.diagnostic.vel=sqrt(u.^2+v.^2)*yts;
476 |
477 | %stop timing
478 | t2=clock;
479 |
480 | disp(sprintf('\n%s\n',['solution converged in ' num2str(etime(t2,t1)) ' seconds']));
481 |
482 | function macayealdiagnosticusage();
483 | disp('md=macayealdiagnostic(md)');
484 | disp(' where md is a structure of class @model');