1 | function md=control(md)
2 | %CONTROL - launch a control method using MacAyeal solution
3 | %
4 | % the routine is used for a control method. It determines the most adapted viscosity
5 | % field so that the calculated velocity field is as close as possible to an observed velocity field
6 | %
7 | % Usage:
8 | % md=control(md)
9 |
10 | %First check we do have the correct argument number
11 | if ((nargin~=1) || (nargout~=1)),
12 | velfinderusage();
13 | error('macayealcontrol error message: incorrect number of input and output arguments');
14 | end
15 |
16 | if ~isa(md,'model'),
17 | macayealcontrolusage();
18 | error('macayealcontrol error message: input argument is not a @model object');
19 | end
20 |
21 | %Check that control is done on flow law, and not drag (not supported yet):
22 | %if ~strcmp(md.control_type,'B')
23 | % error('macayealcontrol error message: only ''B'' inversion supported yet');
24 | %end
25 |
26 | %Transfer model fields into matlab variables
27 | x=md.x;
28 | y=md.y;
29 | index=md.elements;
30 | index=sort(index,2); %necessary
31 | nods=md.numberofgrids;
32 | nel=md.numberofelements;
33 | z_thick=md.thickness;
34 | z_surf=md.surface;
35 | z_bed=md.bed;
36 | z_thick_bar=(z_thick(index(:,1))+z_thick(index(:,2))+z_thick(index(:,3)))/3;
37 | rho_ice=md.rho_ice;
38 | rho_water=md.rho_water;
39 | g=md.g;
40 | index_icefront=md.segmentonneumann_diag; index_icefront=index_icefront(:,1:2); %we strip the last column, which holds the element number for the boundary segment
41 | nodes_on_boundary=md.gridonboundary;
42 | nodes_on_dirichlet=md.gridondirichlet_diag;
43 | nodes_on_icefront=zeros(nods,1); nodes_on_icefront(index_icefront)=1;
44 | nodes_on_iceshelf=md.gridoniceshelf;
45 |
46 | criterion=md.eps_rel;
47 | yts=md.yts;
48 | tolx=md.tolx;
49 | maxiter=md.maxiter(1);
50 | if strcmp(md.control_type,'B')
51 | B_ini=md.B;
52 | B_to_p=10^-3*yts^(-1/3);
53 | else
54 | drag_coeff_ini=md.drag;
55 | end
56 | glen_coeff=md.n;
57 | vx_obs=md.vx_obs/md.yts; %From m/a to m/s
58 | vy_obs=md.vy_obs/md.yts;
59 | nsteps=md.nsteps;
60 |
61 | %Build length_icefront and normal_icefront:
62 | [length_icefront,normal_icefront]=buildicefrontnormal(x,y,index_icefront);
63 |
64 | %Building shape functions and derivative operators
65 | [alpha, beta, gamma, area]=shape(index,x,y,nel,nods);
66 |
67 | [matrix_bar, matrix_xbar, matrix_ybar]=...
68 | bar_maker(nel,nods,index,alpha,beta);
69 |
70 | %initialize some data
71 | create_el2nod_matrices
72 | old_direction=zeros(nods,1);
73 |
74 | %setup some fake distributions.
75 | z_thick_bar=matrix_bar*z_thick;
76 | z_surf_bar=matrix_bar*z_surf;
77 | z_surf_xbar=matrix_xbar*z_surf;
78 | z_surf_ybar=matrix_ybar*z_surf;
79 | z_surf_x=el2nod\(el2nodRhs*z_surf_xbar);
80 | z_surf_y=el2nod\(el2nodRhs*z_surf_ybar);
81 | z_bed_bar=matrix_bar*z_bed;
82 | z_bed_xbar=matrix_xbar*z_bed;
83 | z_bed_ybar=matrix_ybar*z_bed;
84 |
85 | %data_elements and data_nodes are the elements and nodes where
86 | %we have observations
87 | data_elements=[1:nel]';
88 | data_nodes=ones(nods,1);
89 |
90 | %initialize misfit between model velocity and observed velocity
91 | J=zeros(nsteps,1);
92 |
93 | %Weighting: one areas where we don't want the control method to optimize
94 | %the misfit, we can set weighting to 0.
95 | weighting=ones(nods,1);
96 |
97 | %optimization parameters for the matlab functoin fminbnd
98 | options=optimset('fminbnd');
99 | options=optimset(options,'Display','iter');
100 | options=optimset(options,'MaxFunEvals',maxiter);
101 | options=optimset(options,'MaxIter',100);
102 | options=optimset(options,'TolX',tolx);
103 |
104 | %build useful matrices.
105 | setup_control
106 |
107 | %setup initial drag paramter distribution to startup the optimization.
108 | drag_type=md.drag_type;
109 | qcoeff=md.q;
110 | pcoeff=md.p;
111 |
112 | if strcmp(md.control_type,'B')
113 | %setup initial flow law paramter distribution to startup the optimization.
114 | B_bar_ini=(B_ini(index(:,1))+B_ini(index(:,2))+B_ini(index(:,3)))/3;
115 | B=B_ini; %variables used in optimziation are B and B_bar.
116 | B_bar=B_bar_ini;
117 | else
118 | B_bar=(md.B(index(:,1))+md.B(index(:,2))+md.B(index(:,3)))/3;
119 | if (drag_type~=2), error('md.drag_type must be 2 for control methods'); end
120 | drag_coeff_bar_ini=(drag_coeff_ini(index(:,1))+drag_coeff_ini(index(:,2))+drag_coeff_ini(index(:,3)))/3;
121 | drag_coeff=drag_coeff_ini; %variables used in optimziation are drag_coeff and drag_coeff_bar.
122 | drag_coeff_bar=drag_coeff_bar_ini;
123 | end
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 | %check that the model is not a pure ice shelf (no friction on ice shelves)
128 | if strcmp(md.control_type,'drag') & (length(find(drag_coeff))==0),
129 | disp(sprintf('\n No drag pure for ice shelves => STOP'))
130 | return
131 | end
132 |
133 | %nu_bar=10^14*ones(nel,1); %initial element viscosity distribution.
134 | nu_bar=viscosity(index,nel,alpha,beta,[],[],B_bar,glen_coeff);
135 |
136 | %%%AK velfinder; %forward model that determines first velocity field used
137 | %to start optimization.
138 | disp('calculating the velocity with the initial parameters')
139 | c_velfinder;
140 |
141 | if strcmp(md.control_type,'B'),
142 | for niteration=1:nsteps,
143 |
144 | disp([' Step #' num2str(niteration) ' on ' num2str(nsteps)]);
145 |
146 | % Compute search direction -
147 | [u,v,adjointu,adjointv,direction]= ...
148 | grad_J_flow(Rhs,S,F,P,P0,area,specified_velocity,nods,vx_obs,vy_obs,...
149 | index,x,y,nel,rho_ice,g,weighting,alpha,beta,z_thick_bar,B_bar);
150 |
151 | if md.plot==1,
152 | if niteration==1
153 | scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
154 | figure('Position',[scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)*1.8/3 scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)/3])
155 | end
156 | plotmodel(md,'data',sqrt(u.^2+v.^2)*yts,'title','Modeled velocity',...
157 | 'data',sqrt(adjointu.^2+adjointv.^2)*yts,'title','Adjoint vectors','colorbar#all', 'on',...
158 | 'data',sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2)*yts,'title','Observed velocity',...
159 | 'data',100*abs(sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2)-sqrt(u.^2+v.^2))./sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2),'title','Relative misfit','caxis#4',[0 100],'figure',1);drawnow;
160 | end
161 |
162 | %Keep track of u and v to use in objectivefunction_C:
163 | u_objective=u;
164 | v_objective=v;
165 |
166 | %Orthogonalize direction
167 | direction=real(direction);
168 | direction=direction/sqrt(direction'*direction);
169 |
170 |
171 | % rough orthagonalization
172 | direction=direction-(direction'*old_direction)*old_direction;
173 | old_direction=direction;
174 |
175 | %visualize direction
176 | if md.plot==1,
177 | if niteration==1
178 | scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
179 | figure('Position',[10 scrsz(4)*1/3 scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)/3])
180 | end
181 | plotmodel(md,'data',direction,'title','Orthogonal direction','figure',2);drawnow;
182 | end
183 |
184 |
185 | % normalize direction to 10^7, so that when variations on B are computed
186 | %they will be significant.
187 | if abs(max(direction))>abs(min(direction))
188 | direction=10^7*direction/abs(max(direction));
189 | else
190 | direction=10^7*direction/abs(min(direction));
191 | end
192 |
193 | %during optimization, bounds on B variations can vary. Here, they are less
194 | %strict in the first iteration.
195 | if niteration<=2,
196 | upperbound=20;
197 | lowerbound=0;
198 | else
199 | upperbound=10;
200 | lowerbound=0;
201 | end
202 |
203 | %search the multiplicative constant to the direction, that will
204 | %be used to modify B.
205 |
206 | search_constant=fminbnd('objectivefunction_C_flow',lowerbound,upperbound, ...
207 | options,B,glen_coeff,direction,Rhs,S,F,P,specified_velocity,nods,nel,vx_obs, ...
208 | vy_obs,u_objective, v_objective, index,alpha, beta, area,weighting,rowD,colD,rowDshort,colDshort,valueuu,valuevv,valueuv,matrix_bar,criterion);
209 |
210 |
211 | %update value of B
212 | B_old=B;
213 | B_new=B+search_constant*direction;
214 | B=B_new;
215 | pos=find(B<0);B(pos)=-B(pos);
216 |
217 | %Average B over elements:
218 | B_bar=(B(index(:,1))+B(index(:,2))+B(index(:,3)))/3;
219 |
220 | %visualize new distribution.
221 | if md.plot==1,
222 | if niteration==1
223 | scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
224 | figure('Position',[scrsz(3)*1.97/3 scrsz(4)*1/3 scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)/3])
225 | end
226 | plotmodel(md,'data',B*B_to_p,'title',['B at iteration ' num2str(niteration)],'caxis',[200 900],'colorbar','on','figure',3);drawnow;
227 | end
228 |
229 | %evaluate new misfit.
230 | %@@@AK load F_file %this file was created in objectivefunction_C, and is reloaded
231 | %here to win some computation time.
232 | load F_file
233 |
234 | J(niteration)=objectivefunction_C_flow(0,B,glen_coeff,direction,Rhs,S,F,P,specified_velocity,nods,nel,vx_obs, ...
235 | vy_obs,u_objective, v_objective, index,alpha, beta, area,weighting,rowD,colD,rowDshort,colDshort,valueuu,valuevv,valueuv,matrix_bar,criterion);
236 | disp(J(niteration));
237 |
238 | %do a backup every 5 iterations
239 | if(mod(niteration,5)==0),
240 | save temporary_control_results_flow B B_bar u v J direction
241 | end
242 | end
243 |
244 | %Load results onto md:
245 | md.cont_J=J;
246 | md.cont_parameter=B;
247 | md.cont_vx=u;
248 | md.cont_vy=sqrt(u.^2+v.^2);
249 |
250 | elseif strcmp(md.control_type,'drag'),
251 | for niteration=1:nsteps,
252 |
253 | disp([' Step #' num2str(niteration) ' on ' num2str(nsteps)]);
254 |
255 | % Compute search direction -
256 | [u,v,adjointu,adjointv,direction]= ...
257 | grad_J_drag(Rhs,S,F,P,P0,area,specified_velocity,nods,vx_obs,vx_obs,...
258 | index,x,y,nel,rho_ice,g,weighting,alpha,beta,z_thick_bar,drag_coeff,drag_coeff_bar);
259 |
260 | if md.plot==1,
261 | if niteration==1
262 | scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
263 | figure('Position',[scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)*1.8/3 scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)/3])
264 | end
265 | plotmodel(md,'data',sqrt(u.^2+v.^2),'title','Modeled velocity',...
266 | 'data',sqrt(adjointu.^2+adjointv.^2),'title','Adjoint vectors','colorbar', 'all',...
267 | 'data',sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2),'title','Observed velocity',...
268 | 'data',100*abs(sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2)-sqrt(u.^2+v.^2))./sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2),'title','Relative misfit','caxis#3',[0 100],'figure',1);drawnow;
269 | end
270 |
271 | %Keep track of u and v to use in objectivefunction_C:
272 | u_objective=u;
273 | v_objective=v;
274 |
275 | %Orthogonalize direction
276 | direction=real(direction);
277 | direction=direction/sqrt(direction'*direction);
278 | pos=find(nodes_on_iceshelf);
279 | direction(pos)=0;
280 |
281 |
282 | % rough orthagonalization
283 | direction=direction-(direction'*old_direction)*old_direction;
284 | old_direction=direction;
285 |
286 | %visualize direction
287 | if md.plot==1,
288 | if niteration==1
289 | scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
290 | figure('Position',[10 scrsz(4)*1/3 scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)/3])
291 | end
292 | plotmodel(md,'data',direction,'title','Orthogonal direction','figure',2);drawnow;
293 | end
294 |
295 |
296 | % normalize direction to 50, so that when variations on drag are computed
297 | %they will be significant.
298 | direction=50*direction/max(abs(direction));
299 |
300 | %during optimization, bounds on drag variations can vary. Here, they are less
301 | %strict in the first iteration.
302 | if niteration<=2,
303 | upperbound=2;
304 | lowerbound=0;
305 | else
306 | upperbound=1;
307 | lowerbound=0;
308 | end
309 |
310 | %search the multiplicative constant to the direction, that will
311 | %be used to modify drag.
312 |
313 | search_constant=fminbnd('objectivefunction_C_drag',lowerbound,upperbound, ...
314 | options,B,glen_coeff,drag_coeff,direction,Rhs,S,F,P,specified_velocity,nods,nel,vx_obs, ...
315 | vy_obs,u_objective, v_objective, index,alpha, beta, area,weighting,rowD,colD,rowDshort,colDshort,valueuu,valuevv,valueuv,matrix_bar,criterion);
316 |
317 | %update value of drag
318 | drag_coeff_old=drag_coeff;
319 | drag_coeff_new=drag_coeff+search_constant*direction;
320 | drag_coeff=drag_coeff_new;
321 |
322 | if length(find(drag_coeff<0))~=0,
323 | disp(sprintf('\n Some basal drag coefficient negative => STOP'))
324 | break
325 | end
326 |
327 | %Average drag over elements:
328 | if niteration==1
329 | scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
330 | figure('Position',[scrsz(3)*1.97/3 scrsz(4)*1/3 scrsz(3)/3 scrsz(4)/3])
331 | end
332 | drag_coeff_bar=(drag_coeff(index(:,1))+drag_coeff(index(:,2))+drag_coeff(index(:,3)))/3;
333 |
334 | %visualize new distribution.
335 | if md.plot==1,
336 | plotmodel(md,'data',drag_coeff,'title',['Drag at iteration ' num2str(niteration)],'caxis',[0 1000],'colorbar','on','figure',3);drawnow;
337 | end
338 |
339 | %evaluate new misfit.
340 | %@@@AK load F_file %this file was created in objectivefunction_C, and is reloaded
341 | %here to win some computation time.
342 | load F_file
343 |
344 | J(niteration)=objectivefunction_C_drag(0,B,glen_coeff,drag_coeff,direction,Rhs,S,F,P,specified_velocity,nods,nel,vx_obs, ...
345 | vy_obs,u_objective, v_objective, index,alpha, beta, area,weighting,rowD,colD,rowDshort,colDshort,valueuu,valuevv,valueuv,matrix_bar,criterion);
346 | disp(J(niteration));
347 |
348 | %do a backup every 5 iterations
349 | if(mod(niteration,5)==0),
350 | save temporary_control_results_drag drag_coeff drag_coeff_bar u v J direction
351 | end
352 | end
353 | end
354 |
355 | function macayealcontrolusage();
356 | disp('md=macayealcontrol(md)');
357 | disp(' where md is a structure of class @model');