1 | function md=diagnostic(md);
2 | %DIAGNOSTIC - compute the velocity field of a model
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % md=diagnostic(md)
6 | %
7 | %timing
8 | t1=clock;
9 |
10 | %Build all models requested for diagnostic simulation
11 | models.analysis_type=DiagnosticAnalysisEnum; %needed for processresults
12 |
13 | displaystring(md.verbose,'%s',['reading diagnostic horiz model data']);
14 | md.analysis_type=DiagnosticAnalysisEnum; md.sub_analysis_type=HorizAnalysisEnum; models.dh=CreateFemModel(md);
15 |
16 | displaystring(md.verbose,'\n%s',['reading diagnostic vert model data']);
17 | md.analysis_type=DiagnosticAnalysisEnum; md.sub_analysis_type=VertAnalysisEnum; models.dv=CreateFemModel(md);
18 |
19 | displaystring(md.verbose,'\n%s',['reading diagnostic stokes model data']);
20 | md.analysis_type=DiagnosticAnalysisEnum; md.sub_analysis_type=StokesAnalysisEnum; models.ds=CreateFemModel(md);
21 |
22 | displaystring(md.verbose,'\n%s',['reading diagnostic hutter model data']);
23 | md.analysis_type=DiagnosticAnalysisEnum; md.sub_analysis_type=HutterAnalysisEnum; models.dhu=CreateFemModel(md);
24 |
25 | displaystring(md.verbose,'\n%s',['reading surface and bed slope computation model data']);
26 | md.analysis_type=SlopecomputeAnalysisEnum; md.sub_analysis_type=NoneAnalysisEnum; models.sl=CreateFemModel(md);
27 |
28 | % figure out number of dof: just for information purposes.
29 | md.dof=modelsize(models);
30 |
31 | %compute solution
32 | if ~models.dh.parameters.QmuAnalysis,
33 | if md.control_analysis,
34 | %launch core of control solution.
35 | results=control_core(models);
36 |
37 | %process results
38 | if ~isstruct(md.results), md.results=struct(); end
39 | md.results.diagnostic=processresults(models,results);
40 | else,
41 | %launch core of diagnostic solution.
42 | results=diagnostic_core(models);
43 |
44 | %process results
45 | if ~isstruct(md.results), md.results=struct(); end
46 | md.results.diagnostic=processresults(models,results);
47 | end
48 | else
49 | %launch dakota driver for diagnostic core solution
50 | Qmu(models,models.dh.parameters);
51 | end
52 |
53 | %stop timing
54 | t2=clock;
55 | displaystring(md.verbose,'\n%s\n',['solution converged in ' num2str(etime(t2,t1)) ' seconds']);