1 | %
2 | % convert the units for dakota responses.
3 | %
4 | % [dresp]=dakota_resp_uconv(dresp)
5 | %
6 | % where the required input is:
7 | % dresp (structure array, responses)
8 | %
9 | % the required output is:
10 | % dresp (structure array, responses)
11 | %
12 | % this function reads through a dakota response structure, and
13 | % for those quantities whose descriptors are recognized, converts
14 | % the units of all the applicable fields. a "unit" field is added
15 | % to the response structure.
16 | %
17 | % this data would typically be read by dakota_out_parse and be used
18 | % for plotting and other post-processing within matlab or excel.
19 | %
20 | % "Copyright 2010, by the California Institute of Technology.
21 | % ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
22 | % acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
23 | % the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
24 | % of Technology. (NTR 47078)
25 | %
26 | % This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
27 | % By accepting this software, the user agrees to comply with
28 | % all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
29 | % responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
30 | % authority as may be required before exporting such information
31 | % to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
32 | %
33 | function [dresp]=dakota_resp_uconv(dresp)
34 |
35 | if ~nargin
36 | help dakota_resp_uconv
37 | return
38 | end
39 |
40 | if ~isstruct(dresp)
41 | error('''%s'' is not a structure array.',inputname(1));
42 | end
43 | if ~isfield(dresp,'descriptor')
44 | error('''%s'' does not have a descriptor field.',inputname(1));
45 | end
46 |
47 | %% define the conversion factors
48 |
49 | sec_per_yr=365.2425*24*60*60; % mean gregorian year
50 | m_per_km=1000;
51 | kg_per_gton=10^12;
52 |
53 | %% loop through the response array
54 |
55 | for i=1:numel(dresp)
56 | dresp(i).unit='';
57 | if ~isempty(strfind(dresp(i).descriptor,'vel')) % in m/sec
58 | dresp(i)=drespi_conv(dresp(i),sec_per_yr,'m/yr');
59 | elseif ~isempty(strfind(dresp(i).descriptor,'misfit')) % in m^2*(m/sec)^2
60 | dresp(i)=drespi_conv(dresp(i),1/m_per_km^2*sec_per_yr^2,'km^2*(m/yr)^2');
61 | elseif ~isempty(strfind(dresp(i).descriptor,'mass_flux')) % in kg/sec
62 | dresp(i)=drespi_conv(dresp(i),1/kg_per_gton*sec_per_yr,'Gton/yr');
63 | else
64 | disp(['Skipping response ''' dresp(i).descriptor '''.']);
65 | end
66 | end
67 |
68 | end
69 |
70 | %% function to convert the units of a dakota response
71 |
72 | function [dresp]=drespi_conv(dresp,umfac,ulab)
73 |
74 | disp(['Converting response ''' dresp.descriptor ''' to ' ulab '.']);
75 |
76 | % loop over the fields, converting only the appropriate ones
77 |
78 | fnames=fieldnames(dresp);
79 | for i=1:length(fnames)
80 | switch fnames{i}
81 | case {'sample',...
82 | 'mean',...
83 | 'stddev',...
84 | 'meanci',...
85 | 'stddevci',...
86 | 'min',...
87 | 'quart1',...
88 | 'median',...
89 | 'quart3',...
90 | 'max'} % appropriate to convert
91 | dresp.(fnames{i})=dresp.(fnames{i})*umfac;
92 | case {'cdf'} % only responses, not probs or reliabilities
93 | dresp.cdf(:,1)=dresp.cdf(:,1)*umfac;
94 | case {'descriptor',...
95 | 'coefvar',...
96 | 'var',...
97 | 'impfac'} % unitless (or non-numeric)
98 | continue;
99 | case {'best',...
100 | 'vum',...
101 | 'unit'} % other
102 | continue;
103 | otherwise
104 | disp(['Unrecognized field ''' fnames{i} '''.']);
105 | end
106 | end
107 |
108 | if isfield(dresp,'unit')
109 | dresp.unit=ulab;
110 | end
111 |
112 | end