1 | function outoptions=process_qmu_options(options)
2 | %PROCESS_QMU_OPTIONS - set up default options for qmu phase
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % options=process_qmu_options(options)
6 | %
8 |
9 | %analysis_type: check on this option, error out otherwise
10 | found=0;
11 | for i=1:size(options,1),
12 | if strcmpi(options{i,1},'analysis_type'),
13 | analysis_type=options{i,2};
14 | found=1;
15 | end
16 | end
17 | if ~found,
18 | error('recover_qmu_options error message: no ''analysis_type'' was provided');
19 | end
20 |
21 | %package: is there one? default to ''JPL''
22 | found=0;
23 | for i=1:size(options,1),
24 | if strcmpi(options{i,1},'package'),
25 | package=options{i,2};
26 | found=1;
27 | end
28 | end
29 | if ~found,
30 | disp('recover_qmu_options info message: no ''package'' was provided, defaulting to ''JPL''');
31 | options(end+1,:)={'package' 'JPL'};
32 | package='JPL';
33 | end
34 |
35 | if ~ischar(package),
36 | error(['process_qmu_options error message: package ' package ' not supported yet']);
37 | end
38 |
39 | %check solution type is supported
40 | if ~(strcmpi(analysis_type,'control') | ...
41 | strcmpi(analysis_type,'diagnostic') | ...
42 | strcmpi(analysis_type,'prognostic') | ...
43 | strcmpi(analysis_type,'thermal') | ...
44 | strcmpi(analysis_type,'parameters') | ...
45 | strcmpi(analysis_type,'transient') ),
46 | error(['process_qmu_options error message: analysis_type ' analysis_type ' not supported yet!']);
47 | end
48 |
49 | % process qmu arguments
50 |
51 | %first, the defaults
52 | qmudir ='qmu';% qmudir =['qmu_' datestr(now,'yyyymmdd_HHMMSS')];
53 | qmufile='qmu';
54 | ivar =1;
55 | iresp =1;
56 | imethod=1;
57 | iparams=1;
58 | runmpi =false;
59 |
60 | for i=1:size(options,1),
61 | switch options{i,1},
62 | case 'qmudir'
63 | qmudir=options{i,2};
64 | case 'qmufile'
65 | qmufile=options{i,2};
66 | case 'ivar'
67 | ivar=options{i,2};
68 | case 'iresp'
69 | iresp=options{i,2};
70 | case 'imethod'
71 | imethod=options{i,2};
72 | case 'iparams'
73 | iparams=options{i,2};
74 | case 'overwrite'
75 | outoptions.overwrite=options{i,2};
76 | case 'keep'
77 | outoptions.keep=options{i,2};
78 | case 'outfiles'
79 | outoptions.outfiles=options{i,2};
80 | case 'rstfile'
81 | outoptions.rstfile=options{i,2};
82 | case 'rundakota'
83 | outoptions.rundakota=options{i,2};
84 | case 'runmpi'
85 | runmpi=options{i,2};
86 | otherwise
87 | %nothing
88 | end
89 | end
90 |
91 | %setup final options structure
92 | outoptions.analysis_type=analysis_type;
93 | outoptions.package=package;
94 | outoptions.qmudir=qmudir;
95 | outoptions.qmufile=qmufile;
96 | outoptions.ivar=ivar;
97 | outoptions.iresp=iresp;
98 | outoptions.imethod=imethod;
99 | outoptions.iparams=iparams;
100 | outoptions.runmpi=runmpi;