function md=preqmu(md,options) %QMU - apply Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties techniques % to a solution sequence (like diagnostic.m, progonstic.m, etc ...), % using the Dakota software from Sandia. % % options come from the solve.m routine. They can include Dakota options: % % qmudir: any directory where to run the qmu analysis % qmufile: input file for Dakota % ivar: selection number for variables input (if several are specified in variables) % iresp: same thing for response functions % imethod: same thing for methods % iparams: same thing for params % overwrite: overwrite qmudir before analysis % keep: keep qmudir after analysis % outfiles: (John?) % rstfile: backup file name % rundakota: (John?) % runmpi: (John?) disp('preprocessing dakota inputs'); %first create temporary directory in which we will work if strncmpi(options.overwrite,'y',1) system(['rm -rf ' options.qmudir '/*']); else %does the directory exist? if so, then error out if exist(options.qmudir)==7, error('Existing ''%s'' directory, cannot overwrite. Specify ''overwrite'',''y'' option in solve arguments.',options.qmudir); end end mkdir(options.qmudir) cd(options.qmudir) %when running in library mode, the in file needs to be called options.qmufile=[ ]; %retrieve variables and resposnes for this particular analysis. variables=md.variables(options.ivar); responses=md.responses(options.iresp); %expand variables and responses variables=expandvariables(md,variables); responses=expandresponses(md,responses); %go through variables and responses, and check they don't have more than md.npart values. Also determine numvariables and numresponses{{{1 numvariables=0; variable_fieldnames=fieldnames(variables); for i=1:length(variable_fieldnames), field_name=variable_fieldnames{i}; fieldvariables=variables.(field_name); for j=1:numel(fieldvariables) if strncmpi(fieldvariables(j).descriptor,'scaled_',7) && str2int(fieldvariables(j).descriptor,'last')>md.npart, error('preqmu error message: one of the expanded variables has more values than the number of partitions (setup in md.npart)'); end end numvariables=numvariables+numel(variables.(field_name)); end numresponses=0; response_fieldnames=fieldnames(responses); for i=1:length(response_fieldnames), field_name=response_fieldnames{i}; fieldresponses=responses.(field_name); for j=1:numel(fieldresponses) if strncmpi(fieldresponses(j).descriptor,'scaled_',7) && str2int(fieldresponses(j).descriptor,'last')>md.npart, error('preqmu error message: one of the expanded responses has more values than the number of partitions (setup in md.npart)'); end end numresponses=numresponses+numel(responses.(field_name)); end %}}}} %create in file for dakota dakota_in_data(md.qmu_method(options.imethod),variables,responses,md.qmu_params(options.iparams),options.qmufile); system(['rm -rf ' '.m']); %build a list of variables and responses descriptors. the list is not expanded. {{{1 variabledescriptors={}; variable_fieldnames=fieldnames(md.variables(options.ivar)); for i=1:length(variable_fieldnames), field_name=variable_fieldnames{i}; fieldvariables=md.variables(options.ivar).(field_name); for j=1:numel(fieldvariables) variabledescriptors{end+1}=fieldvariables(j).descriptor; end end responsedescriptors={}; response_fieldnames=fieldnames(md.responses(options.iresp)); for i=1:length(response_fieldnames), field_name=response_fieldnames{i}; fieldresponses=md.responses(options.iresp).(field_name); for j=1:numel(fieldresponses) responsedescriptors{end+1}=fieldresponses(j).descriptor; end end %}}} %register the fields that will be needed by the Qmu model. md.numberofresponses=numresponses; md.variabledescriptors=variabledescriptors; md.responsedescriptors=responsedescriptors; %now, we have to provide all the info necessary for the solutions to compute the responses. For ex, if mass_flux %is a response, we need a profile of points. For a misfit, we need the observed velocity, etc ... md=process_qmu_response_data(md);