1 | %
2 | % plot line plots of responses vs. variables.
3 | %
4 | % []=plot_rvsv_line(dvar ,dresp ,params)
5 | % []=plot_rvsv_line(dvar ,descv,dresp,descr,params)
6 | % []=plot_rvsv_line(sampv,descv,sampr,descr,params)
7 | %
8 | % where the required input is:
9 | % dvar (structure array, variables)
10 | % or
11 | % dvar (structure array, variables)
12 | % descv (cell array, list of variable descriptions desired)
13 | % or
14 | % sampv (double array, lists of variable samples)
15 | % descv (cell array, list of variable descriptions)
16 | %
17 | % dresp (structure array, responses)
18 | % or
19 | % dresp (structure array, responses)
20 | % descr (cell array, list of response descriptions desired)
21 | % or
22 | % sampr (double array, lists of response samples)
23 | % descr (cell array, list of response descriptions)
24 | %
25 | % the required fields of dvar and dresp are:
26 | % descriptor (char, description)
27 | % sample (double vector, list of samples)
28 | %
29 | % the optional input is:
30 | % params (string/numeric, parameter names and values)
31 | %
32 | % where the optional parameters are:
33 | % nplotr (numeric, number of plot rows)
34 | % nplotc (numeric, number of plot columns)
35 | % ymin (numeric, minimum of y-axis)
36 | % ymax (numeric, maximum of y-axis)
37 | % yscat (char, 'off' to turn off y-axis scattergram)
38 | %
39 | % for each variable/response combination in the input array, this
40 | % function plots a line plot. all of the variables and responses
41 | % are plotted on the same axes, if nplotr and nplotc are not
42 | % specified, so some scaling might otherwise be desired.
43 | %
44 | % dvar and dresp data would typically be contained in the dakota
45 | % tabular output file from a sampling or parametric analysis, and
46 | % read by dakota_out_parse.
47 | %
48 | % "Copyright 2009, by the California Institute of Technology.
49 | % ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
50 | % acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
51 | % the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
52 | % of Technology. (J. Schiermeier, NTR 47078)
53 | %
54 | % This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
55 | % By accepting this software, the user agrees to comply with
56 | % all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
57 | % responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
58 | % authority as may be required before exporting such information
59 | % to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
60 | %
61 | function []=plot_rvsv_line(varargin)
62 |
63 | if ~nargin
64 | help plot_rvsv_line
65 | return
66 | end
67 |
68 | %% process input data and assemble into matrices as needed
69 |
70 | % variables
71 |
72 | iarg=1;
73 | if isstruct(varargin{iarg})
74 | dvar=varargin{iarg};
75 | iarg=iarg+1;
76 |
77 | % if iarg <= nargin && (iscell(varargin{iarg}) || ischar(varargin{iarg}))
78 | if iarg <= nargin && iscell(varargin{iarg})
79 | dvar=struc_desc(dvar,varargin{iarg});
80 | iarg=iarg+1;
81 | end
82 |
83 | descv=cell (1,length(dvar));
84 | lsamp=zeros(1,length(dvar));
85 | for i=1:length(dvar)
86 | lsamp(i)=length(dvar(i).sample);
87 | end
88 | sampv=zeros(max(lsamp),length(dvar));
89 | sampv(:,:)=NaN;
90 |
91 | for i=1:length(dvar)
92 | descv(i)=cellstr(dvar(i).descriptor);
93 | sampv(1:lsamp(i),i)=dvar(i).sample;
94 | end
95 | else
96 | sampv=varargin{iarg};
97 | iarg=iarg+1;
98 |
99 | if iarg <= nargin && iscell(varargin{iarg})
100 | descv=varargin{iarg};
101 | iarg=iarg+1;
102 | % elseif iarg <= nargin && ischar(varargin{iarg})
103 | % descv=cellstr(varargin{iarg});
104 | % iarg=iarg+1;
105 | else
106 | descv=cell(1,size(sampv,2));
107 | end
108 | end
109 |
110 | for i=1:length(descv)
111 | if isempty(descv{i})
112 | descv(i)={['var_' i]};
113 | end
114 | end
115 |
116 | % responses
117 |
118 | if isstruct(varargin{iarg})
119 | dresp=varargin{iarg};
120 | iarg=iarg+1;
121 |
122 | % if iarg <= nargin && (iscell(varargin{iarg}) || ischar(varargin{iarg}))
123 | if iarg <= nargin && iscell(varargin{iarg})
124 | dresp=struc_desc(dresp,varargin{iarg});
125 | iarg=iarg+1;
126 | end
127 |
128 | descr=cell (1,length(dresp));
129 | lsamp=zeros(1,length(dresp));
130 | for i=1:length(dresp)
131 | lsamp(i)=length(dresp(i).sample);
132 | end
133 | sampr=zeros(max(lsamp),length(dresp));
134 | sampr(:,:)=NaN;
135 |
136 | for i=1:length(dresp)
137 | descr(i)=cellstr(dresp(i).descriptor);
138 | sampr(1:lsamp(i),i)=dresp(i).sample;
139 | end
140 | else
141 | sampr=varargin{iarg};
142 | iarg=iarg+1;
143 |
144 | if iarg <= nargin && iscell(varargin{iarg})
145 | descr=varargin{iarg};
146 | iarg=iarg+1;
147 | % elseif iarg <= nargin && ischar(varargin{iarg})
148 | % descr=cellstr(varargin{iarg});
149 | % iarg=iarg+1;
150 | else
151 | descr=cell(1,size(sampr,2));
152 | end
153 | end
154 |
155 | for i=1:length(descr)
156 | if isempty(descr{i})
157 | descr(i)={['resp_' num2str(i)]};
158 | end
159 | end
160 |
161 | % parameters
162 |
163 | while (iarg <= nargin-1)
164 | if ischar(varargin{iarg})
165 | if ~isempty(strmatch(varargin{iarg},...
166 | {'nplotr','nplotc',...
167 | 'ymin','ymax','yscat'},...
168 | 'exact'))
169 | eval([varargin{iarg} '=varargin{iarg+1};']);
170 | disp([varargin{iarg} '=' any2str(varargin{iarg+1}) ';']);
171 | else
172 | warning([varargin{iarg} '=' any2str(varargin{iarg+1}) ' is not recognized.']);
173 | end
174 | else
175 | error(['''' any2str(varargin{iarg}) ''' is not a parameter name.']);
176 | end
177 | iarg=iarg+2;
178 | end
179 |
180 | if ~exist('nplotr','var') && ~exist('nplotc','var')
181 | nplotr=1;
182 | nplotc=1;
183 | elseif ~exist('nplotr','var')
184 | nplotr=ceil(size(sampr,2)*size(sampv,2)/nplotc);
185 | elseif ~exist('nplotc','var')
186 | nplotc=ceil(size(sampr,2)*size(sampv,2)/nplotr);
187 | end
188 |
189 | %% filter, sort, and plot the data
190 |
191 | % while it would be preferable for the outer loop to be responses,
192 | % it is more efficient for the outer loop to be variables
193 |
194 | figure
195 | haxes=[];
196 | hplot=[];
197 | cdesc={};
198 | hscat=[];
199 |
200 | iplot=0;
201 |
202 | for ivar=1:size(sampv,2)
203 | [vval,indxv,indxvi]=unique(sampv(:,ivar),'first');
204 | indxv2=setdiff(1:size(sampv,1),indxv);
205 |
206 | for iresp=1:size(sampr,2)
207 |
208 | % initialize the subplot
209 |
210 | if (ivar*iresp == 1) || ...
211 | (nplotr*nplotc > 1)
212 | iplot=iplot+1;
213 | haxes(end+1)=subplot(nplotr,nplotc,iplot);
214 | hold all
215 | end
216 |
217 | hplot(end+1)=plot (sampv(indxv ,ivar),sampr(indxv ,iresp),'-x');
218 | cdesc(end+1)={[descr{iresp} ' wrt ' descv{ivar}]};
219 | if ~exist('yscat','var') || ...
220 | (~strncmpi(yscat,'off',3) && ~strncmpi(yscat,'n',1))
221 | hscat(end+1)=scatter(sampv(indxv2,ivar),sampr(indxv2,iresp),'+k');
222 | % see "controlling legends" in Matlab on-line docs
223 | % cdesc(end+1)={['constant ' descv{ivar}]};
224 | set(get(get(hscat(end),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),...
225 | 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend
226 | end
227 |
228 | % add the annotation
229 |
230 | if (ivar*iresp == size(sampv,2)*size(sampr,2)) || ...
231 | (nplotr*nplotc > 1)
232 | hold off
233 |
234 | ylim('auto')
235 | [ylims]=ylim;
236 | if exist('ymin','var')
237 | ylims(1)=ymin;
238 | end
239 | if exist('ymax','var')
240 | ylims(2)=ymax;
241 | end
242 | ylim(ylims)
243 |
244 | if (size(sampv,2) == 1) || (nplotr*nplotc > 1)
245 | xlabc=descv{ivar};
246 | else
247 | xlabc='Variables';
248 | end
249 | if (size(sampr,2) == 1) || (nplotr*nplotc > 1)
250 | ylabc=descr{iresp};
251 | else
252 | ylabc='Responses';
253 | end
254 | title([ylabc ' vs. ' xlabc],'Interpreter','none');
255 | xlabel(xlabc,'Interpreter','none');
256 | ylabel(ylabc,'Interpreter','none');
257 |
258 | if (nplotr*nplotc == 1) && (size(sampv,2)*size(sampr,2) > 1)
259 | legend(cdesc,'Location','EastOutside','Interpreter','none');
260 | end
261 | end
262 | end
263 | end
264 |
265 | end