1 | import numpy as np
2 | from processmesh import processmesh
3 | from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection
4 | from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
5 | from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
6 |
7 |
8 | def plot_icefront(md, options, fig, ax):
9 | #PLOT_ICEFRONT - plot segment on neumann BC
10 | #
11 | # Usage:
12 | # plot_icefront(md, options, width, i)
13 | #
14 | # See also: PLOTMODEL
15 | #process mesh and data
16 | x, y, z, elements, is2d, isplanet = processmesh(md, [], options)
17 |
18 | icenodes = md.mask.ice_levelset < 0
19 | iceelement = np.sum(icenodes[elements], axis=1)
20 |
21 | if options.exist('layer'):
22 | nodes_per_elt = np.shape(md.mesh.elements2d)[1]
23 | else:
24 | nodes_per_elt = np.shape(md.mesh.elements)[1]
25 | #icefront check
26 | icefront = np.where(np.logical_and(iceelement != nodes_per_elt, iceelement != 0))
27 |
28 | #plot mesh
29 | if is2d:
30 | ax.triplot(x, y, elements)
31 |
32 | #highlight elements on neumann
33 | if len(icefront[0]) > 0:
34 | colors = np.asarray([0.5 for element in elements[icefront]])
35 | ax.tripcolor(x, y, elements[icefront], facecolors=colors, alpha=0.5, label='elements on ice front')
36 | else:
37 | ax = inset_axes(ax, width='100%', height='100%', loc=3, borderpad=0, axes_class=Axes3D)
38 |
39 | AB = elements[:, 0:2]
40 | BC = elements[:, 1:3]
41 | CA = np.vstack((elements[:, 2], elements[:, 0])).T
42 | DE = elements[:, 3:5]
43 | EF = elements[:, 4:]
44 | FD = np.vstack((elements[:, 5], elements[:, 3])).T
45 | AD = np.vstack((elements[:, 0], elements[:, 3])).T
46 | BE = np.vstack((elements[:, 1], elements[:, 4])).T
47 | CF = np.vstack((elements[:, 2], elements[:, 5])).T
48 |
49 | tmpa = np.vstack((AB, BC, CA, DE, EF, FD, AD, BE, CF))
50 | #deleting segments that appear multiple times
51 | tmpb = np.ascontiguousarray(tmpa).view(np.dtype((np.void, tmpa.dtype.itemsize * tmpa.shape[1])))
52 | _, idx = np.unique(tmpb, return_index=True)
53 | triel = tmpa[idx]
54 |
55 | for t, triangle in enumerate(triel):
56 | tri = list(zip(x[triangle], y[triangle], z[triangle]))
57 | facecolor = [0, 0, 0]
58 | if t in icefront:
59 | facecolor = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
60 | pl3 = Line3DCollection([tri], edgecolor='r', facecolor=facecolor)
61 | ax.add_collection3d(pl3)
62 |
63 | ax.set_xlim([min(x), max(x)])
64 | ax.set_ylim([min(y), max(y)])
65 | ax.set_zlim([min(z), max(z)])
66 | #highlight elements on neumann
67 |
68 | #apply options
69 | options.addfielddefault('title', 'Neumann boundary conditions')
70 | options.addfielddefault('colorbar', 'off')