from cmaptools import getcolormap try: import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator except ImportError: print("could not import pyplot, matplotlib has not been installed, no plotting capabilities enabled") import numpy as np from expdisp import expdisp from plot_contour import plot_contour from plot_streamlines import plot_streamlines def applyoptions(md, data, options, fig, axgrid, gridindex): ''' APPLYOPTIONS - apply options to current plot 'plotobj' is the object returned by the specific plot call used to render the data. This object is used for adding a colorbar. Usage: applyoptions(md, data, options) See also: PLOTMODEL, PARSE_OPTIONS ''' # get handle to current figure and axes instance #fig = p.gcf() ax = axgrid[gridindex] # {{{ font fontsize = options.getfieldvalue('fontsize', 8) fontweight = options.getfieldvalue('fontweight', 'normal') fontfamily = options.getfieldvalue('fontfamily', 'sans - serif') font = { 'fontsize': fontsize, 'fontweight': fontweight, 'family': fontfamily } # }}} # {{{ title if options.exist('title'): title = options.getfieldvalue('title') if options.exist('titlefontsize'): titlefontsize = options.getfieldvalue('titlefontsize') else: titlefontsize = fontsize if options.exist('titlefontweight'): titlefontweight = options.getfieldvalue('titlefontweight') else: titlefontweight = fontweight #title font titlefont = font.copy() titlefont['fontsize'] = titlefontsize titlefont['fontweight'] = titlefontweight ax.set_title(title, **titlefont) # }}} # {{{ xlabel, ylabel, zlabel if options.exist('labelfontsize'): labelfontsize = options.getfieldvalue('labelfontsize') else: labelfontsize = fontsize if options.exist('labelfontweight'): labelfontweight = options.getfieldvalue('labelfontweight') else: labelfontweight = fontweight #font dict for labels labelfont = font.copy() labelfont['fontsize'] = labelfontsize labelfont['fontweight'] = labelfontweight if options.exist('xlabel'): ax.set_xlabel(options.getfieldvalue('xlabel'), **labelfont) if options.exist('ylabel'): ax.set_ylabel(options.getfieldvalue('ylabel'), **labelfont) if options.exist('zlabel'): ax.set_zlabel(options.getfieldvalue('zlabel'), **labelfont) # }}} # {{{ xticks, yticks, zticks (tick locations) if options.exist('xticks'): if options.exist('xticklabels'): xticklabels = options.getfieldvalue('xticklabels') ax.set_xticks(options.getfieldvalue('xticks'), xticklabels) else: ax.set_xticks(options.getfieldvalue('xticks')) if options.exist('yticks'): if options.exist('yticklabels'): yticklabels = options.getfieldvalue('yticklabels') ax.set_yticks(options.getfieldvalue('yticks'), yticklabels) else: ax.set_yticks(options.getfieldvalue('yticks')) if options.exist('zticks'): if options.exist('zticklabels'): zticklabels = options.getfieldvalue('zticklabels') ax.set_zticks(options.getfieldvalue('zticks'), zticklabels) else: ax.set_zticks(options.getfieldvalue('zticks')) # }}} # {{{ xticklabels, yticklabels, zticklabels if options.getfieldvalue('ticklabels', 'off') == 'off' or options.getfieldvalue('ticklabels', 0) == 0: options.addfielddefault('xticklabels', []) options.addfielddefault('yticklabels', []) # TODO check if ax has a z - axis (e.g. is 3D) if options.exist('xticklabels'): xticklabels = options.getfieldvalue('xticklabels') ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) if options.exist('yticklabels'): yticklabels = options.getfieldvalue('yticklabels') ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) if options.exist('zticklabels'): zticklabels = options.getfieldvalue('zticklabels') ax.set_zticklabels(zticklabels) # }}} # {{{ ticklabel notation #ax.ticklabel_format(style = 'sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) # }}} # {{{ ticklabelfontsize if options.exist('ticklabelfontsize'): for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(options.getfieldvalue('ticklabelfontsize')) if int(md.mesh.dimension) == 3: for label in ax.get_zticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(options.getfieldvalue('ticklabelfontsize')) # }}} # {{{ view TOFIX #if int(md.mesh.dimension) == 3 and options.exist('layer'): # #options.getfieldvalue('view') ? # ax = fig.gca(projection = '3d') # }}} # {{{ axis if options.exist('axis'): if options.getfieldvalue('axis', True) == 'off': ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain') p.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) p.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # }}} # {{{ box if options.exist('box'): eval(options.getfieldvalue('box')) # }}} # {{{ xlim, ylim, zlim if options.exist('xlim'): ax.set_xlim(options.getfieldvalue('xlim')) if options.exist('ylim'): ax.set_ylim(options.getfieldvalue('ylim')) if options.exist('zlim'): ax.set_zlim(options.getfieldvalue('zlim')) # }}} # {{{ latlon TODO # }}} # {{{ Basinzoom TODO # }}} # {{{ ShowBasins TODO # }}} # {{{ clim if options.exist('clim'): lims = options.getfieldvalue('clim') assert len(lims) == 2, 'error, clim should be passed as a list of length 2' elif options.exist('caxis'): lims = options.getfieldvalue('caxis') assert len(lims) == 2, 'error, caxis should be passed as a list of length 2' options.addfielddefault('clim', lims) else: if len(data) > 0: lims = [data.min(), data.max()] else: lims = [0, 1] # }}} # {{{ shading TODO #if options.exist('shading'): # }}} # {{{ grid if options.exist('grid'): if 'on' in options.getfieldvalue('grid', 'on'): ax.grid() # }}} # {{{ colormap if options.exist('colornorm'): norm = options.getfieldvalue('colornorm') if options.exist('colormap'): cmap = getcolormap(options) cbar_extend = 0 if options.exist('cmap_set_over'): cbar_extend += 1 if options.exist('cmap_set_under'): cbar_extend += 2 # }}} # {{{ contours if options.exist('contourlevels'): plot_contour(md, data, options, ax) # }}} # {{{ wrapping TODO # }}} # {{{ colorbar if options.getfieldvalue('colorbar', 1) == 1: if cbar_extend == 0: extend = 'neither' elif cbar_extend == 1: extend = 'max' elif cbar_extend == 2: extend = 'min' elif cbar_extend == 3: extend = 'both' cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax.cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, extend=extend) if options.exist('alpha'): cb.set_alpha(options.getfieldvalue('alpha')) if options.exist('colorbarnumticks'): cb.locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarnumticks', 5)) else: cb.locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=5) # default 5 ticks if options.exist('colorbartickspacing'): locs = np.arange(lims[0], lims[1] + 1, options.getfieldvalue('colorbartickspacing')) cb.set_ticks(locs) if options.exist('colorbarlines'): locs = np.arange(lims[0], lims[1] + 1, options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlines')) cb.add_lines(locs, ['k' for i in range(len(locs))], np.ones_like(locs)) if options.exist('colorbarlineatvalue'): locs = options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvalue') colors = options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvaluecolor', ['k' for i in range(len(locs))]) widths = options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvaluewidth', np.ones_like(locs)) cb.add_lines(locs, colors, widths) if options.exist('colorbartitle'): if options.exist('colorbartitlepad'): cb.set_label(options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitle'), labelpad=options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitlepad'), fontsize=fontsize) else: cb.set_label(options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitle'), fontsize=fontsize) cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) cb.update_ticks() cb.draw_all() if options.exist('colorbarfontsize'): colorbarfontsize = options.getfieldvalue('colorbarfontsize') if options.exist('colorbarticks'): colorbarticks = options.getfieldvalue('colorbarticks') cb.set_ticks(colorbarticks) # return to original axes control # }}} # {{{ expdisp if options.exist('expdisp'): expdisp(ax, options) # }}} # {{{ area TODO # }}} # {{{ text if options.exist('text'): text = options.getfieldvalue('text') textx = options.getfieldvalue('textx') texty = options.getfieldvalue('texty') textcolor = options.getfieldvalue('textcolor') textweight = options.getfieldvalue('textweight') textrotation = options.getfieldvalue('textrotation') textfontsize = options.getfieldvalue('textfontsize') for label, x, y, size, color, weight, rotation in zip(text, textx, texty, textfontsize, textcolor, textweight, textrotation): ax.text(x, y, label, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=size, color=color, weight=weight, rotation=rotation) # }}} # {{{ north arrow TODO # }}} # {{{ scale ruler TODO # }}} # {{{ streamlines TOFIX if options.exist('streamlines'): plot_streamlines(md, options, ax) # }}} # {{{ axis positions TODO # }}} # {{{ figure position TODO # }}} # {{{ axes position TODO # }}} # {{{ showregion TODO # }}} # {{{ flat edges of a partition TODO # }}} # {{{ scatter TODO # }}} # {{{ backgroundcolor TODO # }}} # {{{ figurebackgroundcolor TODO # }}} # {{{ lighting TODO # }}} # {{{ point cloud TODO # }}} # {{{ inset TODO # }}}