1 | function md=setflowequation(md,varargin)
2 | %SETFLOWEQUATION - associate a solution type to each element
3 | %
4 | % This routine works like plotmodel: it works with an even number of inputs
5 | % 'SIA','SSA','L1L2','MLHO','HO','FS' and 'fill' are the possible options
6 | % that must be followed by the corresponding exp file or flags list
7 | % It can either be a domain file (argus type, .exp extension), or an array of element flags.
8 | % If user wants every element outside the domain to be
9 | % setflowequationd, add '~' to the name of the domain file (ex: '~HO.exp');
10 | % an empty string '' will be considered as an empty domain
11 | % a string 'all' will be considered as the entire domain
12 | % You can specify the type of coupling, 'penalties' or 'tiling', to use with the input 'coupling'
13 | % NB: L1L2 and MLHO cannot currently be coupled to any other ice flow model
14 | %
15 | % Usage:
16 | % md=setflowequation(md,varargin)
17 | %
18 | % Example:
19 | % md=setflowequation(md,'HO','HO.exp',fill','SIA','coupling','tiling');
20 |
21 | %some checks on list of arguments
22 | if ((nargin<2) | (nargout~=1)),
23 | error('setflowequation error message');
24 | end
25 |
26 | %Process options
27 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
28 | options=deleteduplicates(options,1);
29 |
30 | %Find_out what kind of coupling to use
31 | coupling_method=getfieldvalue(options,'coupling','tiling');
32 | if (~strcmpi(coupling_method,'tiling') & ~strcmpi(coupling_method,'penalties')),
33 | error('coupling type can only be: tiling or penalties');
34 | end
35 |
36 | %recover elements distribution
37 | SIAflag = FlagElements(md,getfieldvalue(options,'SIA',''));
38 | SSAflag = FlagElements(md,getfieldvalue(options,'SSA',''));
39 | HOflag = FlagElements(md,getfieldvalue(options,'HO',''));
40 | L1L2flag = FlagElements(md,getfieldvalue(options,'L1L2',''));
41 | MLHOflag = FlagElements(md,getfieldvalue(options,'MLHO',''));
42 | FSflag = FlagElements(md,getfieldvalue(options,'FS',''));
43 | filltype = getfieldvalue(options,'fill','none');
44 | displayunused(options);
45 |
46 | %Flag the elements that have not been flagged as filltype
47 | if strcmpi(filltype,'SIA'),
48 | SIAflag(find(~(SSAflag | HOflag)))=1;
49 | elseif strcmpi(filltype,'SSA'),
50 | SSAflag(find(~(SIAflag | HOflag | FSflag)))=1;
51 | elseif strcmpi(filltype,'HO'),
52 | HOflag(find(~(SIAflag | SSAflag | FSflag)))=1;
53 | end
54 |
55 | %check that each element has at least one flag
56 | if any(SIAflag+SSAflag+HOflag+L1L2flag+MLHOflag+FSflag==0),
57 | error('elements type not assigned, supported models are ''SIA'',''SSA'',''HO'' and ''FS''')
58 | end
59 |
60 | %check that each element has only one flag
61 | if any(SIAflag+SSAflag+HOflag+L1L2flag+MLHOflag+FSflag>1),
62 | disp('setflowequation.m: Warning: some elements have several types, higher order type is used for them')
63 | SIAflag(find(SIAflag & SSAflag))=0;
64 | SIAflag(find(SIAflag & HOflag))=0;
65 | SSAflag(find(SSAflag & HOflag))=0;
66 | end
67 |
68 | %check that L1L2 is not coupled to any other model for now
69 | if any(L1L2flag) & any(SIAflag | SSAflag | HOflag | FSflag)
70 | error('L1L2 cannot be coupled to any other model');
71 | end
72 | if any(MLHOflag) & any(SIAflag | SSAflag | HOflag | FSflag)
73 | error('MLHO cannot be coupled to any other model');
74 | end
75 |
76 | %Check that no HO or FS for 2d mesh
77 | if strcmp(domaintype(md.mesh),'2Dhorizontal')
78 | if any(FSflag | HOflag)
79 | error('FS and HO elements not allowed in 2d mesh, extrude it first')
80 | end
81 | end
82 |
83 | %FS can only be used alone for now:
84 | if any(FSflag) &any(SIAflag),
85 | error('FS cannot be used with any other model for now, put FS everywhere')
86 | end
87 |
88 | %Initialize node fields
89 | nodeonSIA=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); nodeonSIA(md.mesh.elements(find(SIAflag),:))=1;
90 | nodeonSSA=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); nodeonSSA(md.mesh.elements(find(SSAflag),:))=1;
91 | nodeonHO=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); nodeonHO(md.mesh.elements(find(HOflag),:))=1;
92 | nodeonL1L2=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); nodeonL1L2(md.mesh.elements(find(L1L2flag),:))=1;
93 | nodeonMLHO=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); nodeonMLHO(md.mesh.elements(find(MLHOflag),:))=1;
94 | nodeonFS=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
95 | noneflag=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
96 |
97 | %First modify FSflag to get rid of elements contrained everywhere (spc + border with HO or SSA)
98 | if any(FSflag),
99 | fullspcnodes=double((~isnan(md.stressbalance.spcvx)+~isnan(md.stressbalance.spcvy)+~isnan(md.stressbalance.spcvz))==3 | (nodeonHO & nodeonFS)); %find all the nodes on the boundary of the domain without icefront
100 | fullspcelems=double(sum(fullspcnodes(md.mesh.elements),2)==6); %find all the nodes on the boundary of the domain without icefront
101 | FSflag(find(fullspcelems))=0;
102 | nodeonFS(md.mesh.elements(find(FSflag),:))=1;
103 | end
104 |
105 | %Then complete with NoneApproximation or the other model used if there is no FS
106 | if any(FSflag),
107 | if any(HOflag), %fill with HO
108 | HOflag(~FSflag)=1;
109 | nodeonHO(md.mesh.elements(find(HOflag),:))=1;
110 | elseif any(SSAflag), %fill with SSA
111 | SSAflag(~FSflag)=1;
112 | nodeonSSA(md.mesh.elements(find(SSAflag),:))=1;
113 | else %fill with none
114 | noneflag(find(~FSflag))=1;
115 | end
116 | end
117 |
118 | %Now take care of the coupling between SSA and HO
119 | if strcmpi(coupling_method,'penalties'),
120 | md.stressbalance.vertex_pairing=[];
121 | end
122 | nodeonSSAHO=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
123 | nodeonHOFS=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
124 | nodeonSSAFS=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
125 | SSAHOflag=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
126 | SSAFSflag=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
127 | HOFSflag=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
128 | if strcmpi(coupling_method,'penalties'),
129 | %Create the border nodes between HO and SSA and extrude them
130 | numnodes2d=md.mesh.numberofvertices2d;
131 | numlayers=md.mesh.numberoflayers;
132 | bordernodes2d=find(nodeonHO(1:numnodes2d) & nodeonSSA(1:numnodes2d)); %Nodes connected to two different types of elements
133 |
134 | %initialize and fill in penalties structure
135 | if ~isnan(bordernodes2d),
136 | penalties=[];
137 | for i=1:numlayers-1,
138 | penalties=[penalties; [bordernodes2d bordernodes2d+md.mesh.numberofvertices2d*(i)]];
139 | end
140 | md.stressbalance.vertex_pairing=penalties;
141 | end
142 | elseif strcmpi(coupling_method,'tiling'),
143 | if any(SSAflag) & any(HOflag), %coupling SSA HO
144 | %Find node at the border
145 | nodeonSSAHO(find(nodeonSSA & nodeonHO))=1;
146 | %SSA elements in contact with this layer become SSAHO elements
147 | matrixelements=ismember(md.mesh.elements,find(nodeonSSAHO));
148 | commonelements=sum(matrixelements,2)~=0;
149 | commonelements(find(HOflag))=0; %only one layer: the elements previously in SSA
150 | SSAflag(find(commonelements))=0; %these elements are now SSAHOelements
151 | SSAHOflag(find(commonelements))=1;
152 | nodeonSSA(:)=0;
153 | nodeonSSA(md.mesh.elements(find(SSAflag),:))=1;
154 |
155 | %rule out elements that don't touch the 2 boundaries
156 | pos=find(SSAHOflag);
157 | elist=zeros(length(pos),1);
158 | elist = elist + any(sum(nodeonSSA(md.mesh.elements(pos,:)),2),2);
159 | elist = elist - any(sum(nodeonHO(md.mesh.elements(pos,:)) ,2),2);
160 | pos1=find(elist==1);
161 | SSAflag(pos(pos1))=1;
162 | SSAHOflag(pos(pos1))=0;
163 | pos2=find(elist==-1);
164 | HOflag(pos(pos2))=1;
165 | SSAHOflag(pos(pos2))=0;
166 |
167 | %Recompute nodes associated to these elements
168 | nodeonSSA(:)=0;
169 | nodeonSSA(md.mesh.elements(find(SSAflag),:))=1;
170 | nodeonHO(:)=0;
171 | nodeonHO(md.mesh.elements(find(HOflag),:))=1;
172 | nodeonSSAHO(:)=0;
173 | nodeonSSAHO(md.mesh.elements(find(SSAHOflag),:))=1;
174 |
175 | elseif any(HOflag) & any(FSflag), %coupling HO FS
176 | %Find node at the border
177 | nodeonHOFS(find(nodeonHO & nodeonFS))=1;
178 | %FS elements in contact with this layer become HOFS elements
179 | matrixelements=ismember(md.mesh.elements,find(nodeonHOFS));
180 | commonelements=sum(matrixelements,2)~=0;
181 | commonelements(find(HOflag))=0; %only one layer: the elements previously in SSA
182 | FSflag(find(commonelements))=0; %these elements are now SSAHOelements
183 | HOFSflag(find(commonelements))=1;
184 | nodeonFS=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
185 | nodeonFS(md.mesh.elements(find(FSflag),:))=1;
186 |
187 | %rule out elements that don't touch the 2 boundaries
188 | pos=find(HOFSflag);
189 | elist=zeros(length(pos),1);
190 | elist = elist + any(sum(nodeonFS(md.mesh.elements(pos,:)),2),2);
191 | elist = elist - any(sum(nodeonHO(md.mesh.elements(pos,:)),2),2);
192 | pos1=find(elist==1);
193 | FSflag(pos(pos1))=1;
194 | HOFSflag(pos(pos1))=0;
195 | pos2=find(elist==-1);
196 | HOflag(pos(pos2))=1;
197 | HOFSflag(pos(pos2))=0;
198 |
199 | %Recompute nodes associated to these elements
200 | nodeonFS(:)=0;
201 | nodeonFS(md.mesh.elements(find(FSflag),:))=1;
202 | nodeonHO(:)=0;
203 | nodeonHO(md.mesh.elements(find(HOflag),:))=1;
204 | nodeonHOFS(:)=0;
205 | nodeonHOFS(md.mesh.elements(find(HOFSflag),:))=1;
206 |
207 | elseif any(FSflag) & any(SSAflag),
208 | %Find node at the border
209 | nodeonSSAFS(find(nodeonSSA & nodeonFS))=1;
210 | %FS elements in contact with this layer become SSAFS elements
211 | matrixelements=ismember(md.mesh.elements,find(nodeonSSAFS));
212 | commonelements=sum(matrixelements,2)~=0;
213 | commonelements(find(SSAflag))=0; %only one layer: the elements previously in SSA
214 | FSflag(find(commonelements))=0; %these elements are now SSASSAelements
215 | SSAFSflag(find(commonelements))=1;
216 | nodeonFS=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
217 | nodeonFS(md.mesh.elements(find(FSflag),:))=1;
218 |
219 | %rule out elements that don't touch the 2 boundaries
220 | pos=find(SSAFSflag);
221 | elist=zeros(length(pos),1);
222 | elist = elist + any(sum(nodeonSSA(md.mesh.elements(pos,:)),2),2);
223 | elist = elist - any(sum(nodeonFS(md.mesh.elements(pos,:)) ,2),2);
224 | pos1=find(elist==1);
225 | SSAflag(pos(pos1))=1;
226 | SSAFSflag(pos(pos1))=0;
227 | pos2=find(elist==-1);
228 | FSflag(pos(pos2))=1;
229 | SSAFSflag(pos(pos2))=0;
230 |
231 | %Recompute nodes associated to these elements
232 | nodeonSSA(:)=0;
233 | nodeonSSA(md.mesh.elements(find(SSAflag),:))=1;
234 | nodeonFS(:)=0;
235 | nodeonFS(md.mesh.elements(find(FSflag),:))=1;
236 | nodeonSSAFS(:)=0;
237 | nodeonSSAFS(md.mesh.elements(find(SSAFSflag),:))=1;
238 |
239 | elseif any(FSflag) & any(SIAflag),
240 | error('type of coupling not supported yet');
241 | end
242 | end
243 |
244 | %Create element equations
245 | md.flowequation.element_equation=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
246 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(noneflag))=0;
247 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(SIAflag))=1;
248 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(SSAflag))=2;
249 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(L1L2flag))=3;
250 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(MLHOflag))=4;
251 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(HOflag))=5;
252 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(FSflag))=6;
253 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(SSAHOflag))=7;
254 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(SSAFSflag))=8;
255 | md.flowequation.element_equation(find(HOFSflag))=9;
256 |
257 | %border
258 | md.flowequation.borderHO=nodeonHO;
259 | md.flowequation.borderSSA=nodeonSSA;
260 | md.flowequation.borderFS=nodeonFS;
261 |
262 | %Create vertices_type
263 | md.flowequation.vertex_equation=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
264 | pos=find(nodeonSSA); md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=2;
265 | pos=find(nodeonL1L2); md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=3;
266 | pos=find(nodeonMLHO); md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=4;
267 | pos=find(nodeonHO); md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=5;
268 | pos=find(nodeonFS); md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=6;
269 | %DO SIA LAST! Otherwise spcs might not be set up correctly (SIA should have priority)
270 | pos=find(nodeonSIA);
271 | md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=1;
272 | if any(FSflag),
273 | pos=find(~nodeonFS);
274 | if(~any(HOflag) & ~any(SSAflag)),
275 | md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=0;
276 | end
277 | end
278 | pos=find(nodeonSSAHO);
279 | md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=7;
280 | pos=find(nodeonHOFS);
281 | md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=8;
282 | pos=find(nodeonSSAFS);
283 | md.flowequation.vertex_equation(pos)=9;
284 |
285 | %figure out solution types
286 | md.flowequation.isSIA = double(any(md.flowequation.element_equation == 1));
287 | md.flowequation.isSSA = double(any(md.flowequation.element_equation == 2));
288 | md.flowequation.isL1L2 = double(any(md.flowequation.element_equation == 3));
289 | md.flowequation.isMLHO = double(any(md.flowequation.element_equation == 4));
290 | md.flowequation.isHO = double(any(md.flowequation.element_equation == 5));
291 | md.flowequation.isFS = double(any(md.flowequation.element_equation == 6));
292 |
293 | return
294 |
295 | %Check that tiling can work:
296 | if any(md.flowequation.borderSSA) & any(md.flowequation.borderHO) & any(md.flowequation.borderHO + md.flowequation.borderSSA ~=1),
297 | error('error coupling domain too irregular');
298 | end
299 | if any(md.flowequation.borderSSA) & any(md.flowequation.borderFS) & any(md.flowequation.borderFS + md.flowequation.borderSSA ~=1),
300 | error('error coupling domain too irregular');
301 | end
302 | if any(md.flowequation.borderFS) & any(md.flowequation.borderHO) & any(md.flowequation.borderHO + md.flowequation.borderFS~=1),
303 | error('error coupling domain too irregular');
304 | end