Line | |
1 | function [sx,sy,s]=slope(md)
2 | %SLOPE - compute the surface slope
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % [sx,sy,s]=slope(md)
6 |
7 | %load some variables (it is much faster if the variab;es are loaded from md once for all)
8 | if (md.dim==2),
9 | numberofelements=md.numberofelements;
10 | numberofnodes=md.numberofnodes;
11 | index=md.elements;
12 | x=md.x; y=md.y; z=md.z;
13 | else
14 | numberofelements=md.numberofelements2d;
15 | numberofnodes=md.numberofnodes2d;
16 | index=md.elements2d;
17 | x=md.x2d; y=md.y2d; z=md.z2d;
18 | end
19 |
20 | %compute nodal functions coefficients N(x,y)=alpha x + beta y + gamma
21 | [alpha beta]=GetNodalFunctionsCoeff(index,x,y);
22 |
23 | summation=[1;1;1];
24 | sx=(md.surface(index).*alpha)*summation;
25 | sy=(md.surface(index).*beta)*summation;
26 | s=sqrt(sx.^2+sy.^2);
27 |
28 | if md.dim==3,
29 | sx=project3d(md,sx,'element');
30 | sy=project3d(md,sy,'element');
31 | s=sqrt(sx.^2+sy.^2);
32 | end
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