function [velx,vely,vel]=sia(md) %BALVEL - computation of Shallow Ice velocities % % This routine uses the model of Hutter to compute the velocities % of a 2d model using the surface slope % % Usage: % [velx,vely,vel]=sia(md) if md.dim~=2, error('Only 2d meshes are allowed to compute velocity balances'); end %Get slope [sx,sy,s]=slope(md); %Average thickness and B over all elements. summer=[1;1;1]; hel=md.geometry.thickness(md.elements)*summer/3; Bel=md.B(md.elements)*summer/3; Ael=Bel.^(-3); velx=-2*(md.materials.rho_ice*md.constants.g)^3*s.^2.*sx.*Ael/4.*hel.^4; vely=-2*(md.materials.rho_ice*md.constants.g)^3*s.^2.*sy.*Ael/4.*hel.^4; vel=sqrt(velx.^2+vely.^2);