1 | function plot_riftnumbering(md,options,nlines,ncols,index);
2 | %PLOT_RIFTNUMBERING - plot rift penetration + numbering of all rift vertices, as well as rift numbers.
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % plot_riftnumbering(md,options,width,i);
6 | %
7 | % See also: PLOTMODEL
8 |
9 | %process data and model
10 | [x y z elements is2d isplanet]=processmesh(md,[],options);
11 | fontsize=getfieldvalue(options,'FontSize',8);
12 |
13 | subplot(nlines,ncols,index);
14 | hold on
15 |
16 | %plot mesh boundaries
17 | for i=1:size(md.segments,1),
18 | plot(x(md.segments(i,1:2)),y(md.segments(i,1:2)),'k.-');
19 | end
20 |
21 | isp1=0;
22 | isp2=0;
23 |
24 | if isstruct(md.rifts.riftstruct),
25 | %plot mesh boundaries
26 | for i=1:size(md.segments,1),
27 | h1=plot(x(md.segments(i,1:2)),y(md.segments(i,1:2)),'b-');
28 | end
29 | for i=1:size(md.rifts.riftstruct,1),
30 | penaltypairs=md.rifts.riftstruct(i).penaltypairs;
31 |
32 | segments=md.rifts.riftstruct(i).segments;
33 | for j=1:size(segments,1),
34 | plot(x(segments(j,1:2)),y(segments(j,1:2)),'b-');
35 | end
36 |
37 | normal=zeros(2,1);
38 | for j=1:size(penaltypairs,1),
39 | normal(1)=penaltypairs(j,5);
40 | normal(2)=penaltypairs(j,6);
41 |
42 | vx1=md.initialization.vx(penaltypairs(j,1));
43 | vx2=md.initialization.vx(penaltypairs(j,2));
44 | vy1=md.initialization.vy(penaltypairs(j,1));
45 | vy2=md.initialization.vy(penaltypairs(j,2));
46 | penetration=(vx2-vx1)*normal(1)+(vy2-vy1)*normal(2);
47 | %if penetration is negative, plot in black, positive, plot in red;: ie: if rift is closing, black, if rift is opening, red.
48 | if(penetration>0),
49 | p2=plot(x(penaltypairs(j,1)) ,y(penaltypairs(j,1)),'ro-','LineWidth',1);
50 | set(p2,'MarkerSize',3);
51 | isp2=1;
52 | else
53 | p1=plot(x(penaltypairs(j,1)) ,y(penaltypairs(j,1)),'ko-','LineWidth',1);
54 | set(p1,'MarkerSize',3);
55 | isp1=1;
56 | end
57 | end
58 |
59 | %point out the tips
60 | h2=plot(x(md.rifts.riftstruct(i).tips(1)),y(md.rifts.riftstruct(i).tips(1)),'g*');
61 | plot(x(md.rifts.riftstruct(i).tips(2)),y(md.rifts.riftstruct(i).tips(2)),'g*');
62 | end
63 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(options,'legend','on'),'on'),
64 | if isp1 & isp2
65 | l=legend([h1,h2,p1,p2],'mesh boundaries','crack tips','faults','rifts');
66 | elseif isp1
67 | l=legend([h1,h2,p1],'mesh boundaries','crack tips','faults');
68 | elseif isp2
69 | l=legend([h1,h2,p2],'mesh boundaries','crack tips','rifts');
70 | else
71 | l=legend([h1,h2],'mesh boundaries','crack tips');
72 | end
73 | set(l,'Location',getfieldvalue(options,'legend_location','NorthEast'));
74 | end
75 | else
76 | error('plot error message: no rifts available!');
77 | end
78 |
79 | %Now, plot rift vertices numbers.
80 | for i=1:size(md.rifts.riftstruct,1),
81 | penaltypairs=md.rifts.riftstruct(i).penaltypairs;
82 |
83 | for j=1:size(penaltypairs,1),
84 | node=penaltypairs(j,1);
85 | t=text(x(node),y(node),[num2str(i) '.' num2str(j)]);
86 | set(t,'FontSize',fontsize);
87 | end
88 | end
89 |
90 |
91 | %apply options
92 | options=addfielddefault(options,'title','Rift/Fault location');
93 | options=addfielddefault(options,'colorbar',0);
94 | applyoptions(md,[],options);