Line | |
1 | function md=rifttipsrefine(md,filename,resolution,circleradius);
2 | %RIFTTIPSREFINE - refine mesh near rift tips
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % md=rifttipsrefine(md,filename,resolution,circleradius);
6 |
7 | numberofnodes=50;
8 |
9 | %take rifts, and create refinement circles around tips
10 | rifts=expread(filename,1);
11 |
12 | !echo -n "" > Circles.exp
13 | for i=1:length(rifts),
14 | tip1=[rifts(i).x(1) rifts(i).y(1)];
15 | tip2=[rifts(i).x(end) rifts(i).y(end)];
16 | %create circle around tip
17 | expcreatecircle('Circle1.exp',tip1(1),tip1(2),circleradius,numberofnodes);
18 | expcreatecircle('Circle2.exp',tip2(1),tip2(2),circleradius,numberofnodes);
19 | !cat Circles.exp Circle1.exp Circle2.exp > Circles2.exp
20 | !mv Circles2.exp Circles.exp
21 | !rm -rf Circle1.exp Circle2.exp
22 | end
23 |
24 | md=meshexprefine(md,'Circles.exp',resolution);
25 |
26 | system('rm -rf Circles.exp');
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