1 | function md=meshyams(md,varargin);
2 | %MESHYAMS - Build model of Antarctica by refining according to observed velocity error estimator
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % md=meshyams(md,varargin);
6 | % where varargin is a lit of paired arguments.
7 | % arguments can be: 'domainoutline': Argus file containing the outline of the domain to be meshed
8 | % arguments can be: 'velocities': matlab file containing the velocities [m/yr]
9 | % optional arguments: 'groundeddomain': Argus file containing the outline of the grounded ice
10 | % this option is used to minimize the metric on water (no refinement)
11 | % optional arguments: 'resolution': initial mesh resolution [m]
12 | % optional arguments: 'nsteps': number of steps of mesh adaptation
13 | % optional arguments: 'epsilon': average interpolation error wished [m/yr]
14 | % optional arguments: 'hmin': minimum edge length
15 | % optional arguments: 'hmanx': maximum edge
16 | % optional arguments: 'riftoutline': if rifts are present, specifies rift outline file.
17 | %
18 | %
19 | % Examples:
20 | % md=meshyams(md,'domainoutline','Domain.exp','velocities','vel.mat');
21 | % md=meshyams(md,'domainoutline','Domain.exp','velocities','vel.mat','groundeddomain','ground.exp');
22 | % md=meshyams(md,'domainoutline','Domain.exp','velocities','vel.mat','groundeddomain','ground.exp','nsteps',6,'epsilon',2,'hmin',500,'hmax',30000);
23 |
24 | %recover options
25 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
26 | options=deleteduplicates(options,1);
27 |
28 | %recover some fields
29 | disp('MeshYams Options:')
30 | domainoutline=getfieldvalue(options,'domainoutline');
31 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: ''%s''','DomainOutline',domainoutline));
32 | riftoutline=getfieldvalue(options,'riftoutline','N/A');
33 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: ''%s''','riftoutline',riftoutline));
34 | groundeddomain=getfieldvalue(options,'groundeddomain','N/A');
35 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: ''%s''','GroundedDomain',groundeddomain));
36 | velocities=getfieldvalue(options,'velocities');
37 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: ''%s''','Velocities',velocities));
38 | resolution=getfieldvalue(options,'resolution',5000);
39 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: %f','Resolution',resolution));
40 | nsteps=getfieldvalue(options,'nsteps',6);
41 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: %i','nsteps',nsteps));
42 | gradation=getfieldvalue(options,'gradation',2*ones(nsteps,1));
43 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: %g','gradation',gradation(1)));
44 | epsilon=getfieldvalue(options,'epsilon',3);
45 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: %f','epsilon',epsilon));
46 | hmin=getfieldvalue(options,'hmin',500);
47 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: %f','hmin',hmin));
48 | hmax=getfieldvalue(options,'hmax',150*10^3);
49 | disp(sprintf(' %-15s: %f\n','hmax',hmax));
50 |
51 | %mesh with initial resolution
52 | disp('Initial mesh generation...');
53 | if strcmpi(riftoutline,'N/A');
54 | md=mesh(md,domainoutline,resolution);
55 | else
56 | md=mesh(md,domainoutline,riftoutline,resolution);
57 | md=meshprocessrifts(md,domainoutline);
58 | end
59 | disp(['Initial mesh, number of elements: ' num2str(md.numberofelements)]);
60 |
61 | %load velocities
62 | disp('loading velocities...');
63 | Names=VelFindVarNames(velocities);
64 | Vel=load(velocities);
65 |
66 | %start mesh adaptation
67 | for i=1:nsteps,
68 | disp(['Iteration #' num2str(i) '/' num2str(nsteps)]);
69 |
70 | %interpolate velocities onto mesh
71 | disp(' interpolating velocities...');
72 | if strcmpi(Names.interp,'node'),
73 | vx_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vxname),md.x,md.y,0);
74 | vy_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vyname),md.x,md.y,0);
75 | else
76 | vx_obs=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(Vel.(Names.indexname),Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vxname),md.x,md.y,0);
77 | vy_obs=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(Vel.(Names.indexname),Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vyname),md.x,md.y,0);
78 | end
79 | field=sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2);
80 |
81 | %set nodeonwater field
82 | if ~strcmp(groundeddomain,'N/A'),
83 | nodeground=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,groundeddomain,'node',2);
84 | md.nodeonwater=ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
85 | md.nodeonwater(find(nodeground))=0;
86 | else
87 | md.nodeonwater=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1);
88 | end
89 |
90 | %adapt according to velocities
91 | disp(' adapting...');
92 | md=YamsCall(md,field,hmin,hmax,gradation(i),epsilon);
93 |
94 | %if we have rifts, we just messed them up, we need to recreate the segments that constitute those
95 | %rifts, because the segments are used in YamsCall to freeze the rifts elements during refinement.
96 | if md.rifts.numrifts,
97 | md.nodeconnectivity=NodeConnectivity(md.elements,md.numberofnodes);
98 | md.elementconnectivity=ElementConnectivity(md.elements,md.nodeconnectivity);
99 | md.segments=findsegments(md);
100 | md=meshyamsrecreateriftsegments(md);
101 | end
102 |
103 | end
104 |
105 | disp(['Final mesh, number of elements: ' num2str(md.numberofelements)]);
106 |
107 | %Now, build the connectivity tables for this mesh.
108 | md.nodeconnectivity=NodeConnectivity(md.elements,md.numberofnodes);
109 | md.elementconnectivity=ElementConnectivity(md.elements,md.nodeconnectivity);
110 |
111 | %recreate segments
112 | md.segments=findsegments(md);
113 | md.nodeonboundary=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1); md.nodeonboundary(md.segments(:,1:2))=1;
114 |
115 | %Fill in rest of fields:
116 | md.z=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1);
117 | md.nodeonbed=ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
118 | md.nodeonsurface=ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
119 | md.elementonbed=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
120 | md.elementonsurface=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
121 | if ~strcmp(groundeddomain,'N/A'),
122 | nodeground=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,groundeddomain,'node',2);
123 | md.nodeonwater=ones(md.numberofnodes,1);
124 | md.nodeonwater(find(nodeground))=0;
125 | else
126 | md.nodeonwater=zeros(md.numberofnodes,1);
127 | end
128 | if strcmpi(Names.interp,'node'),
129 | md.inversion.vx_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vxname),md.x,md.y,0);
130 | md.inversion.vy_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vyname),md.x,md.y,0);
131 | else
132 | md.inversion.vx_obs=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(Vel.(Names.indexname),Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vxname),md.x,md.y,0);
133 | md.inversion.vy_obs=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(Vel.(Names.indexname),Vel.(Names.xname),Vel.(Names.yname),Vel.(Names.vyname),md.x,md.y,0);
134 | end
135 | md.inversion.vel_obs=sqrt(md.inversion.vx_obs.^2+md.inversion.vy_obs.^2);
136 |
137 | %deal with rifts
138 | if md.rifts.numrifts,
139 | %first, recreate rift segments
140 | md=meshyamsrecreateriftsegments(md);
141 |
142 | %using the segments, recreate the penaltypairs
143 | for j=1:md.rifts.numrifts,
144 | rift=md.rifts.riftstruct(j);
145 |
146 | %build normals and lengths of segments:
147 | lengths=sqrt((md.x(rift.segments(:,1))-md.x(rift.segments(:,2))).^2 + (md.y(rift.segments(:,1))-md.y(rift.segments(:,2))).^2 );
148 | normalsx=cos(atan2((md.x(rift.segments(:,1))-md.x(rift.segments(:,2))) , (md.y(rift.segments(:,2))-md.y(rift.segments(:,1)))));
149 | normalsy=sin(atan2((md.x(rift.segments(:,1))-md.x(rift.segments(:,2))) , (md.y(rift.segments(:,2))-md.y(rift.segments(:,1)))));
150 |
151 | %ok, build penaltypairs:
152 | numpenaltypairs=length(rift.segments)/2-1;
153 | rift.penaltypairs=zeros(numpenaltypairs,7);
154 |
155 | for i=1:numpenaltypairs,
156 | rift.penaltypairs(i,1)=rift.segments(i,2);
157 | rift.penaltypairs(i,2)=rift.segments(end-i,2);
158 | rift.penaltypairs(i,3)=rift.segments(i,3);
159 | rift.penaltypairs(i,4)=rift.segments(end-i,3);
160 | rift.penaltypairs(i,5)=normalsx(i)+normalsx(i+1);
161 | rift.penaltypairs(i,6)=normalsy(i)+normalsy(i+1);
162 | rift.penaltypairs(i,7)=(lengths(i)+lengths(i+1))/2;
163 | end
164 | %renormalize norms:
165 | norms=sqrt(rift.penaltypairs(:,5).^2+rift.penaltypairs(:,6).^2);
166 | rift.penaltypairs(:,5)=rift.penaltypairs(:,5)./norms;
167 | rift.penaltypairs(:,6)=rift.penaltypairs(:,6)./norms;
168 |
169 | md.rifts.riftstruct(j)=rift;
170 | end
171 |
172 | end