[1252] | 1 | function displaydiagnostic(md)
| 2 | %DISPLAYDIAGNOSTIC - display solution parameters of diagnostic
| 3 | %
| 4 | % To avoid clobbering display.m with every field from model md,
| 5 | % we create this routine that displays the solution parameters
| 6 | % from model md, only if requested.
| 7 | %
| 8 | % Usage:
| 9 | % displaydiagnostic(md)
| 10 |
[1277] | 11 | disp(sprintf(' Diagnostic solution parameters:'));
[1252] | 12 |
| 13 | disp(sprintf('\n %s','Newton convergence criteria:'));
[1666] | 14 | fielddisplay(md,'eps_res','mechanical equilibrium residue convergence criterion');
| 15 | fielddisplay(md,'eps_rel','velocity relative convergence criterion, NaN -> not applied');
| 16 | fielddisplay(md,'eps_abs','velocity absolute convergence criterion, NaN -> not applied');
[3201] | 17 | fielddisplay(md,'max_nonlinear_iterations','maximum number of nonlinear iterations');
[1277] | 18 | fielddisplay(md,'viscosity_overshoot','over-shooting constant new=new+C*(new-old)');
[1252] | 19 |
| 20 | disp(sprintf('\n boundary conditions:'));
[8823] | 21 | fielddisplay(md,'spcvx','x-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint)');
| 22 | fielddisplay(md,'spcvy','y-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint)');
| 23 | fielddisplay(md,'spcvz','z-axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint)');
[1755] | 24 | fielddisplay(md,'pressureload','segments on ice front list');
[1252] | 25 |
| 26 | disp(sprintf('\n %s','Penalties:'));
[1277] | 27 | fielddisplay(md,'penalty_offset','offset used by penalties: penalty = Kmax*10^offset');
[3201] | 28 | fielddisplay(md,'min_mechanical_constraints','threshold for instability of mechanical constraints');
[1252] | 29 |
| 30 | disp(sprintf('\n %s','Memory management:'));
[1277] | 31 | fielddisplay(md,'lowmem','Set to 1 if you are running low on cluster memory');
| 32 | fielddisplay(md,'connectivity','element connectivity');
[1252] | 33 |
| 34 | disp(sprintf('\n %s','Debugging:'));
[2330] | 35 | fielddisplay(md,'verbose','level of output statements: none -> 0, yes->1,2. Default is 0');
[1277] | 36 | fielddisplay(md,'element_debug','output debug statements for elementswhen possible yes-> 1, no -> 0. Default is 0');
| 37 | fielddisplay(md,'element_debugid','if element_debug on, id of element for which to output messages');