1 | """A collection of functions that replicate the behavior of MATLAB built-in
2 | functions of the same, respective name.
3 |
4 | Where possible, users are encouraged to use native and/or the most efficient
5 | methods in Python, but we provide these functions as a way to make translations
6 | from the MATLAB to the Python ISSM API more seamless.
7 | """
8 |
9 | def acosd(X): # {{{
10 | """function acosd - Inverse cosine in degrees
11 |
12 | Usage:
13 | Y = acosd(X)
14 | """
15 | import numpy as np
16 |
17 | return np.degrees(np.arccos(X))
18 | # }}}
19 |
20 | def asind(X): # {{{
21 | """function asind - Inverse sine in degrees
22 |
23 | Usage:
24 | Y = asind(X)
25 | """
26 | import numpy as np
27 |
28 | return np.degrees(np.arcsin(X))
29 | # }}}
30 |
31 | def atand(X): # {{{
32 | """function atand - Inverse tangent in degrees
33 |
34 | Usage:
35 | Y = atand(X)
36 | """
37 | import numpy as np
38 |
39 | return np.degrees(np.arctan(X))
40 | # }}}
41 |
42 |
43 | def atan2d(Y, X): # {{{
44 | """function atan2d - Four-quadrant inverse tangent in degrees
45 |
46 | Usage:
47 | D = atan2d(Y, X)
48 | """
49 | import numpy as np
50 |
51 | return np.degrees(np.arctan2(Y, X))
52 | # }}}
53 |
54 | def contains(str, pat): #{{{
55 | """function contains - Determine if pattern is in strings
56 |
57 | Usage:
58 | TF = contains(str, pat)
59 |
60 | TODO:
61 | - Implement 'IgnoreCase' option
62 | """
63 |
64 | # }}}
65 |
66 | def cosd(X): # {{{
67 | """function cosd - Cosine of argument in degrees
68 |
69 | Usage:
70 | Y = cosd(X)
71 | """
72 | import numpy as np
73 |
74 | if type(X) == np.ndarray:
75 | Y = np.array([])
76 | for x in X:
77 | Y = np.append(Y, cosdsingle(x))
78 | return Y
79 | else:
80 | return cosdsingle(X)
81 | # }}}
82 |
83 | def cosdsingle(x): # {{{
84 | """function cosdsingle - Helper function for cosd to reduce repetition of
85 | logic
86 |
87 | Usage:
88 | y = cosdsingle(x)
89 | """
90 | import numpy as np
91 |
92 | while x >= 360:
93 | x = x - 360
94 |
95 | if x == 0:
96 | return 1
97 | elif x == 90 or x == 270:
98 | return 0
99 | elif x == 180:
100 | return -1
101 | else:
102 | return np.cos(np.radians(x))
103 | # }}}
104 |
105 | def det(a): # {{{
106 | if a.shape == (1, ):
107 | return a[0]
108 | elif a.shape == (1, 1):
109 | return a[0, 0]
110 | elif a.shape == (2, 2):
111 | return a[0, 0] * a[1, 1] - a[0, 1] * a[1, 0]
112 | else:
113 | raise TypeError('MatlabFunc.det only implemented for shape (2, 2), not for shape {}.'.format(a.shape))
114 | # }}}
115 |
116 | def error(msg): # {{{
117 | raise Exception(msg)
118 | # }}}
119 |
120 | def etime(t2, t1): # {{{
121 | return t2 - t1
122 | # }}}
123 |
124 | def find(*args): # {{{
125 | nargs = len(args)
126 | if nargs >= 1 or nargs <= 2:
127 | X = args[0]
128 | n = len(args[0])
129 | if nargs == 2:
130 | n = args[1]
131 | indices=[]
132 | for i in range(n):
133 | if X[i] != 0:
134 | indices.push(i)
135 | return indices
136 | else:
137 | raise Exception('find: must have 1 or 2 arguments')
138 | # }}}
139 |
140 | def floor(X): # {{{
141 | import math
142 |
143 | return int(math.floor(X))
144 | # }}}
145 |
146 | def heaviside(x): # {{{
147 | import numpy as np
148 |
149 | y = np.zeros_like(x)
150 | y[np.nonzero(x > 0.)] = 1.
151 | y[np.nonzero(x == 0.)] = 0.5
152 |
153 | return y
154 | # }}}
155 |
156 | def intersect(A, B): # {{{
157 | """function intersect - Set intersection of two arrays
158 |
159 | Usage:
160 | C = intersect(A, B)
161 |
162 | NOTE:
163 | - Only the following functionality is currently implemented:
164 | - C = intersect(A,B) returns the data common to both A and B, with no
165 | repetitions. C is in sorted order.
166 |
167 | """
168 | import numpy as np
169 |
170 | return np.intersect1d(A, B)
171 | #}}}
172 |
173 | def isa(A, dataType): # {{{
174 | """function isa
175 |
176 | NOTE:
177 | - Takes a type as its second argument (in contrast to the MATLAB function
178 | that it replicates, which takes a string representing the name of a type)
179 | """
180 | return type(A) == dataType
181 | # }}}
182 |
183 | # NOTE: Conflicts with definition of isempty in $ISSM_DIR/src/m/qmu/helpers.py
184 | #
185 | # def isempty(A): # {{{
186 | # return len(A) > 0
187 | # # }}}
188 |
189 | def isfile(fileName): # {{{
190 | import os
191 |
192 | return os.path.exists(fileName)
193 | # }}}
194 |
195 | def ismac(): # {{{
196 | import platform
197 |
198 | if 'Darwin' in platform.system():
199 | return True
200 | else:
201 | return False
202 | # }}}
203 |
204 | def ismember(a, s): # {{{
205 | import numpy as np
206 | if not isinstance(s, (tuple, list, dict, np.ndarray)):
207 | s = [s]
208 |
209 | if not isinstance(a, (tuple, list, dict, np.ndarray)):
210 | a = [a]
211 |
212 | if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
213 | b = [item in s for item in a]
214 | else:
215 | if not isinstance(s, np.ndarray):
216 | b = np.empty_like(a).flat
217 | for i, item in enumerate(a.flat):
218 | b[i] = item in s
219 | else:
220 | b = np.in1d(a.flat, s.flat).reshape(a.shape)
221 | return b
222 | # }}}
223 |
224 | def isnan(A): # {{{
225 | import numpy as np
226 |
227 | return np.isnan(A)
228 | # }}}
229 |
230 | def ispc(): # {{{
231 | import platform
232 |
233 | if 'Windows' in platform.system():
234 | return True
235 | else:
236 | return False
237 | # }}}
238 |
239 | def isprop(obj, PropertyName): # {{{
240 | return hasattr(obj, PropertyName)
241 | # }}}
242 |
243 | def mod(a, m): # {{{
244 | return a % m
245 | # }}}
246 |
247 | def numel(A): # {{{
248 | """function numel - Number of array elements
249 |
250 | Usage:
251 | n = numel(A))
252 | """
253 | import numpy as np
254 |
255 | return np.size(A)
256 | # }}}
257 |
258 | def pause(n): # {{{
259 | import time
260 |
261 | time.sleep(n)
262 | # }}}
263 |
264 | def pwd(): # {{{
265 | import os
266 |
267 | return os.getcwd()
268 | # }}}
269 |
270 | def oshostname(): # {{{
271 | import socket
272 | hostname = socket.gethostname()
273 |
274 | return hostname.lower()
275 | # }}}
276 |
277 | def rem(a, b): # {{{
278 | return a % b
279 | # }}}
280 |
281 | def sind(X): # {{{
282 | """function sind - Sine of argument in degrees
283 |
284 | Usage:
285 | Y = sind(X)
286 | """
287 | import numpy as np
288 |
289 | if type(X) == np.ndarray:
290 | Y = np.array([])
291 | for x in X:
292 | Y = np.append(Y, sindsingle(x))
293 | return Y
294 | else:
295 | return sindsingle(X)
296 | # }}}
297 |
298 | def sindsingle(x): # {{{
299 | """function sindsingle - Helper function for sind to reduce repetition of
300 | logic
301 |
302 | Usage:
303 | y = sindsingle(x)
304 | """
305 | import numpy as np
306 |
307 | while x >= 360:
308 | x = x - 360
309 |
310 | if x == 0 or x == 180:
311 | return 0
312 | elif x == 90:
313 | return 1
314 | elif x == 270:
315 | return -1
316 | else:
317 | return np.sin(np.radians(x))
318 | # }}}
319 |
320 | def sparse(ivec, jvec, svec, m=0, n=0, nzmax=0): # {{{
321 | import numpy as np
322 |
323 | if not m:
324 | m = np.max(ivec)
325 | if not n:
326 | n = np.max(jvec)
327 |
328 | a = np.zeros((m, n))
329 |
330 | for i, j, s in zip(ivec.reshape(-1, order='F'), jvec.reshape(-1, order='F'), svec.reshape(-1, order='F')):
331 | a[i - 1, j - 1] += s
332 |
333 | return a
334 | # }}}
335 |
336 | def strcmp(s1, s2): # {{{
337 | if s1 == s2:
338 | return True
339 | else:
340 | return False
341 | # }}}
342 |
343 | def strcmpi(s1, s2): # {{{
344 | if s1.lower() == s2.lower():
345 | return True
346 | else:
347 | return False
348 | # }}}
349 |
350 | def strjoin(*args): # {{{
351 | nargs = len(args)
352 | if nargs >= 1 or nargs <= 2:
353 | sep = ' '
354 | if nargs == 2:
355 | sep = args[1]
356 | return sep.join(args[0])
357 | else:
358 | raise Exception('strjoin: must have 1 or 2 arguments')
359 | # }}}
360 |
361 | def strncmp(s1, s2, n): # {{{
362 | if s1[0:n] == s2[0:n]:
363 | return True
364 | else:
365 | return False
366 | # }}}
367 |
368 | def strncmpi(s1, s2, n): # {{{
369 | if s1.lower()[0:n] == s2.lower()[0:n]:
370 | return True
371 | else:
372 | return False
373 | # }}}