1 | function segments=findsegments(md,varargin)
2 | %FINDSEGMENTS - build segments model field
3 | %
4 | % Optional inputs:
5 | % 'mesh.elementconnectivity'
6 | %
7 | % Usage:
8 | % segments=findsegments(md,varargin);
9 |
10 | %get options
11 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
12 |
13 | %Get connectivity
14 | mesh.elementconnectivity=getfieldvalue(options,'mesh.elementconnectivity',md.mesh.elementconnectivity);
15 |
16 | %Now, build the connectivity tables for this mesh if not correclty done
17 | if size(md.mesh.elementconnectivity,1)~=md.mesh.numberofelements,
18 | if exist(options,'mesh.elementconnectivity'),
19 | error(' ''mesh.elementconnectivity'' option does not have thge right size.');
20 | else
21 | mesh.elementconnectivity=ElementConnectivity(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.vertexconnectivity);
22 | end
23 | end
24 |
25 | %Recreate the segments
26 | elementonboundary=double(mesh.elementconnectivity(:,3)==0);
27 | pos=find(elementonboundary);
28 | num_segments=length(pos);
29 | segments=zeros(num_segments,3);
30 | count=1;
31 |
32 | %loop over the segments
33 | for i=1:num_segments,
34 |
35 | %get current element on boundary
36 | el1=pos(i);
37 |
38 | %get elements connected to el1
39 | els2=mesh.elementconnectivity(el1,find(mesh.elementconnectivity(el1,:)));
40 |
41 | %el1 is connected to 2 other elements
42 | if length(els2)>1,
43 |
44 | %get nodes of el1
45 | nods1=md.mesh.elements(el1,:);
46 |
47 | %find the common vertices to the two elements connected to el1 (1 or 2)
48 | flag=intersect(md.mesh.elements(els2(1),:),md.mesh.elements(els2(2),:));
49 |
50 | %get the vertices on the boundary and build segment
51 | nods1(find(ismember(nods1,flag)))=[];
52 | segments(count,:)=[nods1 el1];
53 |
54 | %swap segment nodes if necessary
55 | ord1=find(nods1(1)==md.mesh.elements(el1,:));
56 | ord2=find(nods1(2)==md.mesh.elements(el1,:));
57 | if ( (ord1==1 & ord2==2) | (ord1==2 & ord2==3) | (ord1==3 & ord2==1) ),
58 | temp=segments(count,1);
59 | segments(count,1)=segments(count,2);
60 | segments(count,2)=temp;
61 | end
62 | segments(count,1:2)=fliplr(segments(count,1:2));
63 | count=count+1;
64 |
65 | %el1 is connected to only one element
66 | else
67 | %get nodes of el1
68 | nods1=md.mesh.elements(el1,:);
69 |
70 | %find the vertex the el1 to not share with els2
71 | flag=setdiff(nods1,md.mesh.elements(els2,:));
72 |
73 | for j=1:3,
74 | nods=nods1; nods(j)=[];
75 | if any(ismember(flag,nods)),
76 |
77 | segments(count,:)=[nods el1];
78 |
79 | %swap segment nodes if necessary
80 | ord1=find(nods(1)==md.mesh.elements(el1,:));
81 | ord2=find(nods(2)==md.mesh.elements(el1,:));
82 | if ( (ord1==1 & ord2==2) | (ord1==2 & ord2==3) | (ord1==3 & ord2==1) ),
83 | temp=segments(count,1);
84 | segments(count,1)=segments(count,2);
85 | segments(count,2)=temp;
86 | end
87 | segments(count,1:2)=fliplr(segments(count,1:2));
88 | count=count+1;
89 | end
90 | end
91 | end
92 | end