function rigidity = nye(temperature,ice_type) %NYE - Nye viscosity coefficient % % Compute rigidity of ice (either CO2 or H2O) for a given temperature % rigidity (in s^(1/n)Pa) is the flow law parameter in the flow law % sigma=B*e(1/n) (Nye, p2000). temperature is in Kelvin degrees % % Usage: % rigidity=nye(temperature,ice_type) % ice_type = 1: CO2 ice // ice_type = 2: H2O ice % Beyond-melting-point cases warning OFF BACKTRACE if (ice_type==1) if (any(temperature>200&temperature<220)) warning('nye.m: CO2 ICE - POSSIBLE MELTING. Some temperature values are between 200K and 220K.\nLook at indexes: %s', mat2str(find(temperature>200 & temperature<220))'); end if (any(temperature>=220)) warning('nye.m: CO2 ICE - GUARANTEED MELTING. Some temperature values are beyond 220K.\nLook at indexes: %s', mat2str(find(temperature>=220))'); end elseif ((ice_type==2)&&(any(temperature>273.15))) warning('nye.m: H2O ICE - GUARANTEED MELTING. Some temperature values are beyond 273.15K.\nLook at indexes: %s', mat2str(find(temperature>273.15))'); end % Coefficients Rg=8.3144598; % J mol^-1 K^-1 if(ice_type==1) % CO2 ice A_const = 10^(13.0); % s^-1 MPa Q = 66900; % J mol^-1 n = 8; % Glen's exponent elseif(ice_type==2) % H2O ice A_const = 9e4; % s^-1 MPa Q = 60000; % J mol^-1 n = 3; % Glen's exponent else error('Ice type not supported'); end % Arrhenius Law A=A_const*exp(-Q./(temperature*Rg)); % s^-1 MPa rigidity=A.^(-1/n)*1e6; % s^(1/n) Pa end