1 | %
2 | % definition for the kml_object super (base) class.
3 | %
4 | % [kml]=kml_object(varargin)
5 | %
6 | % where the optional varargin and defaults are:
7 | % id (char, object id, '')
8 | %
9 | % note that zero arguments constructs a default instance; one
10 | % argument of the class copies the instance; and two or more
11 | % arguments constructs a new instance from the arguments.
12 | %
13 | classdef kml_object
14 | properties
15 | id ='';
16 | end
17 |
18 | methods
19 | function [kml]=kml_object(varargin)
20 |
21 | switch nargin
22 |
23 | % create a default object
24 |
25 | case 0
26 |
27 | % copy the object or create the object from the input
28 |
29 | otherwise
30 | if (nargin == 1) && isa(varargin{1},class(kml))
31 | kml=varargin{1};
32 |
33 | else
34 | fnames=fieldnames(kml_object());
35 |
36 | for i=1:min(nargin,length(fnames))
37 | if isa(varargin{i},class(kml.(fnames{i})))
38 | if ~isempty(varargin{i})
39 | kml.(fnames{i})=varargin{i};
40 | end
41 | else
42 | if ~isempty(inputname(i))
43 | warning('Argument ''%s'' for property ''%s'' is a ''%s'' class object, not ''%s''.',...
44 | inputname(i),fnames{i},class(varargin{i}),class(kml.(fnames{i})));
45 | else
46 | warning('Argument %d for property ''%s'' is a ''%s'' class object, not ''%s''.',...
47 | i ,fnames{i},class(varargin{i}),class(kml.(fnames{i})));
48 | end
49 | end
50 | end
51 | end
52 |
53 | end
54 |
55 | end
56 |
57 | % display the object
58 |
59 | function []=disp(kml)
60 |
61 | for i=1:numel(kml)
62 | if strcmp(class(kml),'kml_object')
63 | disp(sprintf('class ''%s'' object ''%s%s'' = \n',...
64 | class(kml),inputname(1),string_dim(kml,i)));
65 | end
66 |
67 | if strcmp(class(kml),'kml_object')
68 | disp(sprintf(' id: ''%s''\n',kml(i).id));
69 | else
70 | disp(sprintf(' id: ''%s''' ,kml(i).id));
71 | end
72 | end
73 |
74 | end
75 |
76 | % return the fieldnames of the object
77 |
78 | function [fnames]=fieldnames(kml)
79 |
80 | % fieldnames for a sub (derived) class list those before super (base)
81 |
82 | fnames={'id'};
83 |
84 | end
85 |
86 | % set the properties of the object
87 |
88 | function [kml]=set(kml,varargin)
89 |
90 | kmlref=feval(class(kml));
91 | fnames=fieldnames(kmlref);
92 |
93 | % loop through each parameter in the input list (comparing to the reference
94 | % object in case property types have been changed)
95 |
96 | for i=1:2:length(varargin)
97 | if ismember(varargin{i},fnames) && (i+1 <= length(varargin))
98 | if isa(varargin{i+1},class(kmlref.(varargin{i})))
99 | kml.(varargin{i})=varargin{i+1};
100 | else
101 | if ~isempty(inputname(i+1))
102 | warning('Argument ''%s'' for property ''%s'' is a ''%s'' class object, not ''%s''.',...
103 | inputname(i+2),varargin{i},class(varargin{i+1}),class(kmlref.(varargin{i})));
104 | else
105 | warning('Argument %d for property ''%s'' is a ''%s'' class object, not ''%s''.',...
106 | i+2 ,varargin{i},class(varargin{i+1}),class(kmlref.(varargin{i})));
107 | end
108 | end
109 | else
110 | warning('Property ''%s'' for class ''%s'' does not exist.',...
111 | varargin{i},class(kmlref));
112 | end
113 | end
114 |
115 | end
116 |
117 | % write the object
118 |
119 | function []=kml_write(kml,fid,indent)
120 |
121 | if ~exist('fid','var') || isempty(fid)
122 | fid=1;
123 | end
124 | if ~exist('indent','var') || isempty(indent)
125 | indent='';
126 | end
127 |
128 | % loop over the objects
129 |
130 | for i=1:numel(kml)
131 | if strcmp(class(kml),'kml_object')
132 | if ~isempty(kml(i).id)
133 | fprintf(fid,'%s<!Object id="%s">\n',indent,kml(i).id);
134 | else
135 | fprintf(fid,'%s<!Object>\n',indent);
136 | end
137 | end
138 |
139 | if strcmp(class(kml),'kml_object')
140 | fprintf(fid,'%s</!Object>\n',indent);
141 | end
142 | end
143 |
144 | end
145 |
146 | % string write the object
147 |
148 | function [sbuf]=kml_swrite(kml,sbuf,indent)
149 |
150 | if ~exist('sbuf','var') || isempty(sbuf)
151 | sbuf=string_buf;
152 | end
153 | if ~exist('indent','var') || isempty(indent)
154 | indent='';
155 | end
156 |
157 | % loop over the objects
158 |
159 | for i=1:numel(kml)
160 | kmli=kml(i);
161 | if strcmp(class(kml),'kml_object')
162 | if ~isempty(kmli.id)
163 | sbuf=add(sbuf,sprintf('%s<!Object id="%s">\n',indent,kmli.id));
164 | else
165 | sbuf=add(sbuf,sprintf('%s<!Object>\n',indent));
166 | end
167 | end
168 |
169 | if strcmp(class(kml),'kml_object')
170 | sbuf=add(sbuf,sprintf('%s</!Object>\n',indent));
171 | end
172 | end
173 |
174 | end
175 |
176 | end
177 |
178 | end
179 |