function [profsel indsel]=closestsegment(A,numprofiles,xi,yi) %CLOSESTSEGMENT - find the closest segment of a profile % % This routine find the segment of the profile A that is the closest % to (xi,yi) and return the number of the profile and the number of % the first point belonging to this closest segment % % Usage: % [profsel indsel]=closestsegment(A,numprofiles,xi,yi) %loop over the middles of each profile, find the closest to (xi,yi) profsel=0; indsel=0; first=1; for i=1:numprofiles, if length(A(i).x)>1 middles=[(A(i).x(1:end-1)+A(i).x(2:end))/2 (A(i).y(1:end-1)+A(i).y(2:end))/2]; distance=(xi-middles(:,1)).^2+(yi-middles(:,2)).^2; [newdistance p]=min(distance); if (first | (newdistance