1 | function [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=closeprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options);
2 | %CLOSEPROFILE - close one or several profile
3 | %
4 | % this script is used by exptool as an elementary operation
5 | % on an ARGUS profile
6 | %
7 | % Usage:
8 | % [A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed]=closeprofile(A,numprofiles,numpoints,closed,prevplot,root,options)
9 |
10 | %some checks
11 | if numprofiles==0
12 | disp('no profile to be closed')
13 | return
14 | end
15 |
16 | title('click on the profiles to be closed, RETURN to exit','FontSize',14)
17 | hold on
18 |
19 | loop=1;
20 | selection=[];
21 |
22 | while loop
23 |
24 | %some checks,
25 | if numprofiles==0
26 | disp('no profile present, exiting...')
27 | return
28 | end
29 | if ~any(~closed),
30 | disp('All the profiles are closed, exiting...')
31 | return
32 | end
33 |
34 | [xi,yi] = ginput(1);
35 |
36 | if ~isempty(xi)
37 |
38 | %get closest profile
39 | [profsel indsel]=closestpoint(A,numprofiles,xi,yi);
40 |
41 | if ismember(profsel,selection)
42 | %profile was in selection, remove it from the selection
43 | selection(find(selection==profsel))=[];
44 | %back to regular color
45 | plot(A(profsel).x,A(profsel).y,...
46 | 'color',getfieldvalue(options,'color'),'LineStyle',getfieldvalue(options,'LineStyle'),'LineWidth',getfieldvalue(options,'LineWidth'));
47 | elseif closed(profsel),
48 | %profile already closed, do nothing
49 | disp('selected profile aready closed, make another selection'),
50 | else
51 | %add the profile to the list to be closed
52 | selection(end+1)=profsel;
53 | %in selectioncolor
54 | plot(A(profsel).x,A(profsel).y,...
55 | 'color',getfieldvalue(options,'selectioncolor'),'LineStyle',getfieldvalue(options,'LineStyle'),'LineWidth',getfieldvalue(options,'LineWidth'));
56 | end
57 | else
58 | %close the profiles
59 | for i=1:length(selection),
60 | A(selection(i)).x(end+1)=A(selection(i)).x(1);
61 | A(selection(i)).y(end+1)=A(selection(i)).y(1);
62 | numpoints=numpoints+1;
63 | closed(selection(i))=1;
64 | end
65 | loop=0;
66 | end
67 | end
68 | end