1 | from expread import expread
2 | import numpy as np
3 | from matplotlib.path import Path
4 | import matplotlib.patches as patches
5 |
6 |
7 | def expdisp(ax, options):
8 | '''
9 | plot the contents of a domain outline file
10 |
11 | This routine reads in an exp file and plots all of the x, y points / lines / patches
12 |
13 | 'ax' is a handle to the current plot axes, onto which we want to plot
14 |
15 | Usage:
16 | expdisp(ax, options)
17 |
18 | List of options passable to plotmodel:
19 | 'expdisp' : path (or list of paths) to the exp file to be plotted
20 | 'explinewidth' : linewidth
21 | 'explinestyle' : matplotlib linestyle string
22 | 'explinecolor' : matplotlib color string
23 | 'expfill' : (True / False) fill a closed contour
24 | 'expfillcolor' : Color for a filled contour, only used if expfill is True
25 | 'expfillalpha' : alpha transparency for filled contour
26 |
27 | All options should be passed as lists of length len(number of exp files passed)
28 | '''
29 |
30 | filenames = options.getfieldvalue('expdisp')
31 | linewidth = options.getfieldvalue('explinewidth', [1] * len(filenames))
32 | linestyle = options.getfieldvalue('explinestyle', ['-'] * len(filenames))
33 | linecolor = options.getfieldvalue('explinecolor', ['k'] * len(filenames))
34 | fill = options.getfieldvalue('expfill', [0] * len(filenames))
35 | alpha = options.getfieldvalue('expfillalpha', [1] * len(filenames))
36 | facecolor = options.getfieldvalue('expfillcolor', ['r'] * len(filenames))
37 | unitmultiplier = options.getfieldvalue('unit', 1)
38 | for i in range(len(filenames)):
39 | linestylei = linestyle[i]
40 | linecolori = linecolor[i]
41 | linewidthi = linewidth[i]
42 | alphai = alpha[i]
43 | facecolori = facecolor[i]
44 | filenamei = filenames[i]
45 | filli = fill[i]
46 | domain = expread(filenamei)
47 | for j in range(len(domain)):
48 | if domain[j]['nods'] == 1:
49 | ax.plot(domain[j]['x'] * unitmultiplier, domain[j]['y'] * unitmultiplier, 'o', mec='k', mfc='r', ms=10)
50 | elif filli:
51 | verts = np.column_stack((domain[j]['x'], domain[j]['y']))
52 | codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * (len(domain[j]['x']) - 2) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY]
53 | path = Path(verts, codes)
54 | patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor=facecolori, edgecolor=linecolori, alpha=alphai,
55 | lw=linewidthi)
56 | ax.add_patch(patch)
57 | else:
58 | x = domain[j]['x'].tolist() # since expread returns a string representation of the arrays
59 | y = domain[j]['y'].tolist()
60 | ax.plot(x * unitmultiplier, y * unitmultiplier, ls=linestylei, lw=linewidthi, c=linecolori)