1 | import numpy as np
2 | import os
3 | from re import findall, split
4 | from pairoptions import pairoptions
5 | from operator import attrgetter
6 | import MatlabFuncs as m
7 |
8 |
9 | def checkfield(md, *args):
10 | """CHECKFIELD - check field consistency
11 |
12 | Used to check model consistency
13 |
14 | Requires:
15 | 'field' or 'fieldname' option. If 'fieldname' is provided, it will
16 | retrieve it from the model md. (md.(fieldname))
17 | If 'field' is provided, it will assume the argument following 'field'
18 | is a numeric array.
19 |
20 | Available options:
21 | - NaN: 1 if check that there is no NaN
22 | - size: [lines cols], NaN for non checked dimensions, or 'universal'
23 | for any input type (nodal, element, time series, etc)
24 | - > : greater than provided value
25 | - >= : greater or equal to provided value
26 | - < : smallerthan provided value
27 | - <=: smaller or equal to provided value
28 | - < vec: smallerthan provided values on each vertex
29 | - timeseries: 1 if check time series consistency (size and time)
30 | - values: list of acceptable values
31 | - numel: list of acceptable number of elements
32 | - cell: 1 if check that is cell
33 | - empty: 1 if check that non empty
34 | - message: overloaded error message
35 |
36 | Usage:
37 | md = checkfield(md, fieldname, options)
38 | """
39 |
40 | #get options
41 | options = pairoptions(*args)
42 |
43 | #get field from model
44 | if options.exist('field'):
45 | field = options.getfieldvalue('field')
46 | fieldname = options.getfieldvalue('fieldname', 'no fieldname')
47 | else:
48 | fieldname = options.getfieldvalue('fieldname')
49 | fieldprefix = split(r'\[(.*?)\]', fieldname)[0]
50 | fieldindexes = findall(r'\[(.*?)\]', fieldname)
51 | field = attrgetter(fieldprefix)(md)
52 | for index in fieldindexes:
53 | try:
54 | field = field[index.strip("\'")]
55 | except TypeError:
56 | field = field[int(index)] #looking for an index and not a key
57 |
58 | # that works for py2
59 | # exec("field = md.{}".format(fieldname))
60 | # exec("field = md.{}".format(fieldname), namespace)
61 |
62 | if isinstance(field, (bool, int, float)):
63 | field = np.array([field])
64 |
65 | #check empty
66 | if options.exist('empty'):
67 | if not field:
68 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' is empty".format(fieldname)))
69 |
70 | #Check size
71 | if options.exist('size'):
72 | fieldsize = options.getfieldvalue('size')
73 | if type(fieldsize) == str:
74 | if m.strcmp(fieldsize, 'universal'):
75 |
76 | #Check that vector size will not be confusing for ModelProcessorx
77 | if (md.mesh.numberofvertices == md.mesh.numberofelements):
78 | raise Exception('number of vertices is the same as number of elements')
79 | elif (md.mesh.numberofvertices + 1 == md.mesh.numberofelements):
80 | raise Exception('number of vertices + 1 is the same as number of elements')
81 | elif (md.mesh.numberofvertices == md.mesh.numberofelements + 1):
82 | raise Exception('number of vertices is the same as number of elements + 1')
83 |
84 | #Uniform field
85 | if (field.shape[0] == 1):
86 | if (np.ndim(field) > 1 and np.shape(field)[1] != 1):
87 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' is not supported".format(fieldname)))
88 |
89 | #vertex oriented input, only one column allowed
90 | elif (np.shape(field)[0] == md.mesh.numberofvertices):
91 | if (np.ndim(field) > 1 and np.shape(field)[1] != 1):
92 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' is not supported".format(fieldname)))
93 |
94 | #element oriented input, one or more column (patch) is ok
95 | elif (np.shape(field)[0] == md.mesh.numberofelements):
96 | #nothing to do here (either constant per element, or defined on nodes)
97 | pass
98 |
99 | #vertex time series
100 | elif (np.shape(field)[0] == md.mesh.numberofvertices + 1):
101 | if (np.ndim(field) > 1 and np.shape(field)[1] <= 1):
102 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' is not supported".format(fieldname)))
103 |
104 | #element time series
105 | elif (np.shape(field)[0] == md.mesh.numberofelements + 1):
106 | if (np.ndim(field) > 1 and np.shape(field)[1] <= 1):
107 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' is not supported".format(fieldname)))
108 |
109 | #else not supported
110 | else:
111 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' is not supported".format(fieldname)))
112 |
113 | else:
114 | raise Exception("fieldsize '{}' not supported yet".format(fieldsize))
115 |
116 | else:
117 | if len(np.shape(field)) < len(fieldsize):
118 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} has size {} but should be size {}".format(fieldname, np.shape(field), fieldsize)))
119 | else:
120 | for i in range(np.size(fieldsize)):
121 | if (not np.isnan(fieldsize[i])) and (np.shape(field)[i] != fieldsize[i]):
122 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} dimension # {} should be of size {}".format(fieldname, i, fieldsize[i])))
123 |
124 | #Check numel
125 | if options.exist('numel'):
126 | fieldnumel = options.getfieldvalue('numel')
127 | if (type(fieldnumel) == int and np.size(field) != fieldnumel) or (type(fieldnumel) == list and np.size(field) not in fieldnumel):
128 | if len(fieldnumel) == 1:
129 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' size should be {}".format(fieldname, fieldnumel)))
130 | elif len(fieldnumel) == 2:
131 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' size should be {} or {}".format(fieldname, fieldnumel[0], fieldnumel[1])))
132 | else:
133 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' size should be {}".format(fieldname, fieldnumel)))
134 |
135 | #check NaN
136 | if options.getfieldvalue('NaN', 0):
137 | if np.any(np.isnan(field)):
138 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "NaN values found in field '{}'".format(fieldname)))
139 |
140 | #check Inf
141 | if options.getfieldvalue('Inf', 0):
142 | if np.any(np.isinf(field)):
143 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "Inf values found in field '{}'".format(fieldname)))
144 |
145 | #check cell
146 | if options.getfieldvalue('cell', 0):
147 | if not isinstance(field, (tuple, list, dict)):
148 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' should be a tuple, list, or dict".format(fieldname)))
149 |
150 | #check values
151 | if options.exist('values'):
152 | fieldvalues = options.getfieldvalue('values')
153 | if False in m.ismember(field, fieldvalues):
154 | if len(fieldvalues) == 1:
155 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' value should be '{}'".format(fieldname, fieldvalues[0])))
156 | elif len(fieldvalues) == 2:
157 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' values should be '{}' '{}' or '{}'".format(fieldname, fieldvalues[0], fieldvalues[1])))
158 | else:
159 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field '{}' should have values in {}".format(fieldname, fieldvalues)))
160 |
161 | #check greater
162 | if options.exist('>='):
163 | lowerbound = options.getfieldvalue('>=')
164 | if type(lowerbound) is str:
165 | lowerbound = attrgetter(lowerbound)(md)
166 | if np.size(lowerbound) > 1: #checking elementwise
167 | if any(field < lowerbound):
168 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values above {}".format(fieldname, lowerbound)))
169 | else:
170 | minval = np.nanmin(field)
171 | if options.getfieldvalue('timeseries', 0):
172 | minval = np.nanmin(field[:-1])
173 | elif options.getfieldvalue('singletimeseries', 0):
174 | if np.size(field) == 1: #some singletimeseries are just one value
175 | minval = field
176 | else:
177 | minval = np.nanmin(field[0])
178 |
179 | if minval < lowerbound:
180 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values above {}".format(fieldname, lowerbound)))
181 |
182 | if options.exist('>'):
183 | lowerbound = options.getfieldvalue('>')
184 | if type(lowerbound) is str:
185 | lowerbound = attrgetter(lowerbound)(md)
186 | if np.size(lowerbound) > 1: #checking elementwise
187 | if any(field <= lowerbound):
188 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values above {}".format(fieldname, lowerbound)))
189 | else:
190 | minval = np.nanmin(field)
191 | if options.getfieldvalue('timeseries', 0):
192 | minval = np.nanmin(field[:-1])
193 | elif options.getfieldvalue('singletimeseries', 0):
194 | if np.size(field) == 1: #some singletimeseries are just one value
195 | minval = field
196 | else:
197 | minval = np.nanmin(field[0])
198 |
199 | if minval <= lowerbound:
200 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values above {}".format(fieldname, lowerbound)))
201 |
202 | #check smaller
203 | if options.exist('<='):
204 | upperbound = options.getfieldvalue('<=')
205 | if type(upperbound) is str:
206 | upperbound = attrgetter(upperbound)(md)
207 | if np.size(upperbound) > 1: #checking elementwise
208 | if any(field > upperbound):
209 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values below {}".format(fieldname, upperbound)))
210 | else:
211 | maxval = np.nanmax(field)
212 | if options.getfieldvalue('timeseries', 0):
213 | maxval = np.nanmax(field[:-1])
214 | elif options.getfieldvalue('singletimeseries', 0):
215 | if np.size(field) == 1: #some singletimeseries are just one value
216 | maxval = field
217 | else:
218 | maxval = np.nanmax(field[0])
219 | elif hasattr(field, 'fov_forward_indices'):
220 | maxval = field.fov_forward_indices[0]
221 | if maxval > upperbound:
222 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values below {}".format(fieldname, upperbound)))
223 |
224 | if options.exist('<'):
225 | upperbound = options.getfieldvalue('<')
226 | if type(upperbound) is str:
227 | upperbound = attrgetter(upperbound)(md)
228 | if np.size(upperbound) > 1: #checking elementwise
229 | if any(field >= upperbound):
230 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values below {}".format(fieldname, upperbound)))
231 |
232 | else:
233 | maxval = np.nanmax(field)
234 | if options.getfieldvalue('timeseries', 0):
235 | maxval = np.nanmax(field[:-1])
236 | elif options.getfieldvalue('singletimeseries', 0):
237 | if np.size(field) == 1: #some singletimeseries are just one value
238 | maxval = field.copy()
239 | else:
240 | maxval = np.nanmax(field[0])
241 |
242 | if maxval >= upperbound:
243 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have values below {}".format(fieldname, upperbound)))
244 |
245 | #check file
246 | if options.getfieldvalue('file', 0):
247 | if not os.path.exists(field):
248 | md = md.checkmessage("file provided in {}: {} does not exist".format(fieldname, field))
249 |
250 | #Check row of strings
251 | if options.exist('stringrow'):
252 | if not isinstance(field, list):
253 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should be a list".format(fieldname)))
254 |
255 | #Check forcings (size and times)
256 | if options.getfieldvalue('timeseries', 0):
257 | if field.shape[0] == md.mesh.numberofvertices or field.shape[0] == md.mesh.numberofelements:
258 | if np.ndim(field) > 1 and not np.size(field, 1) == 1:
259 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have only one column as there are md.mesh.numberofvertices lines".format(fieldname)))
260 | elif field.shape[0] == md.mesh.numberofvertices + 1 or field.shape[0] == md.mesh.numberofelements + 1:
261 | if np.ndim(field) > 1 and not all(field[-1, :] == np.sort(field[-1, :])):
262 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} columns should be sorted chronologically".format(fieldname)))
263 | if np.ndim(field) > 1 and any(field[-1, 0:-1] == field[-1, 1:]):
264 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} columns must not contain duplicate timesteps".format(fieldname)))
265 | else:
266 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have md.mesh.numberofvertices or md.mesh.numberofvertices + 1 lines".format(fieldname)))
267 |
268 | #Check single value forcings (size and times)
269 | if options.getfieldvalue('singletimeseries', 0):
270 | if field.shape[0] == 2:
271 | if not all(field[-1, :] == np.sort(field[-1, :])):
272 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} columns should be sorted chronologically".format(fieldname)))
273 | if any(field[-1, 0:-1] == field[-1, 1:]):
274 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} columns must not contain duplicate timesteps".format(fieldname)))
275 | elif field.shape[0] == 1:
276 | if np.ndim(field) > 1 and not np.size(field, 1) == 1:
277 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should be either a scalar or have 2 lines".format(fieldname)))
278 | else:
279 | md = md.checkmessage(options.getfieldvalue('message', "field {} should have 2 lines or be a scalar".format(fieldname)))
280 |
281 | return md