[5954] | 1 | %ERIC-MAC class definition
| 2 | %
| 3 | % Usage:
| 4 | % cluster=eric-mac();
| 5 | %
| 6 | classdef astrid
| 7 | properties (SetAccess=public)
[5956] | 8 | % {{{1
[5954] | 9 | name='eric-mac'
| 10 | np =3; %number of processors
[5956] | 11 | codepath=[issmdir() '/bin'];
| 12 | executionpath=[issmdir() '/../execution'];
| 13 | valgrind=[issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'];
| 14 | valgrindlib=[issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/libmpidebug.so'];
| 15 | valgrindsup=[issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/issm.supp'];
[5954] | 16 | login='larour';
| 17 | port=0;
| 18 | %}}}
| 19 | end
| 20 | methods
[5956] | 21 | function []=disp(md) % {{{1
[5954] | 22 | % display the object
| 23 | disp(sprintf('class ''%s'' object ''%s'' = ',class(md),inputname(1)));
| 24 | disp(sprintf(' name: %s',md.name));
| 25 | disp(sprintf(' np: %i',md.np));
| 26 | disp(sprintf(' codepath: %s',md.codepath));
| 27 | disp(sprintf(' executionpath: %s',md.executionpath));
| 28 | disp(sprintf(' valgrind: %s',md.valgrind));
| 29 | disp(sprintf(' valgrindlib: %s',md.valgrindlib));
| 30 | disp(sprintf(' valgrindsup: %s',md.valgrindsup));
| 31 | end
| 32 | %}}}
[5956] | 33 | function IsConsistent(md) % {{{1
[5954] | 34 | if md.np>4,
| 35 | error('IsConsistent error message: number of processors should be lest than 16!');
| 36 | end
| 37 | if isnan(md.np),
| 38 | error('IsConsistent error message: number of processors should not be NaN!');
| 39 | end
| 40 | end
| 41 | %}}}
[5956] | 42 | function BuildQueueScript(md,modelname,analysis_type,mem_debug) % {{{1
[5954] | 43 |
| 44 | %open file for writing:
| 45 | fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w');
| 46 |
| 47 | %write instructions for launching a job on the cluster
| 48 | fprintf(fid,'#!/bin/sh\n');
| 49 | if mem_debug==0,
[5963] | 50 | fprintf(fid,'mpirun -np %i %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.petsc %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',md.np,md.codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),md.executionpath,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname);
[5954] | 51 | else
[5963] | 52 | %fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=%s %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.petsc %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',md.valgrindlib,md.np,md.valgrind,md.valgrindsup,md.codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),md.executionpath,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname);
| 53 | fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full --suppressions=%s %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.petsc %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',md.valgrindlib,md.np,md.valgrind,md.valgrindsup, md.codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),md.executionpath,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname,modelname);
[5954] | 54 | end
| 55 |
| 56 | %close file
| 57 | fclose(fid);
| 58 |
| 59 | end
| 60 | %}}}
[5956] | 61 | function command=LaunchCommand(md,modelruntimename,modelname)% {{{1
[5954] | 62 | command=['cd ' md.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' modelruntimename ' && mkdir ' modelruntimename ' && cd ' modelruntimename ' && mv ../' modelruntimename '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' modelruntimename '.tar.gz && source ' modelname '.queue '];
| 63 | end
| 64 | %}}}
| 65 | end
| 66 | end