1 | %TOOLKITS class definition
2 | %
3 | % Usage:
4 | % self=toolkits();
5 |
6 | classdef toolkits < dynamicprops
7 | properties (SetAccess=public)
8 | DefaultAnalysis = struct();
9 | RecoveryAnalysis = struct();
10 | %The other properties are dynamic
11 | end
12 | methods (Static)
13 | function self = loadobj(self) % {{{
14 | % This function is directly called by matlab when a model object is
15 | % loaded. Update old properties here
16 |
17 | if isempty(fieldnames(self.RecoveryAnalysis));
18 | disp('WARNING: updating toolkits (RecoveryAnalysis not set)');
19 | self.RecoveryAnalysis = self.DefaultAnalysis;
20 | end
21 | end% }}}
22 | end
23 | methods
24 | function self = toolkits(varargin) % {{{
25 | switch nargin
26 | case 0
27 | self=setdefaultparameters(self);
28 | case 1
29 | self=structtoobj(self,varargin{1});
30 | otherwise
31 | error('constructor not supported');
32 | end
33 | end % }}}
34 | function self = addoptions(self,analysis,varargin) % {{{
35 | %ADDOPTIONS - add analysis to md.toolkits.analysis
36 | %
37 | % Optional third parameter adds toolkits options to analysis.
38 | %
39 | % Usage:
40 | % md.toolkits=addoptions(md.toolkits,'StressbalanceAnalysis',FSoptions());
41 | % md.toolkits=addoptions(md.toolkits,'StressbalanceAnalysis');
42 |
43 | %Create dynamic property if property does not exist yet
44 | if ~ismember(analysis,properties(self)),
45 | self.addprop(analysis);
46 | end
47 |
48 | %Add toolkits options to analysis
49 | if nargin==3,
50 | self.(analysis) = varargin{1};
51 | end
52 | end
53 | %}}}
54 | function self = setdefaultparameters(self) % {{{
55 |
56 | %default toolkits:
57 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_PETSC_'),
58 | %MUMPS is the default toolkits
59 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MUMPS_'),
60 | self.DefaultAnalysis = mumpsoptions();
61 | else
62 | self.DefaultAnalysis = iluasmoptions();
63 | end
64 | else
65 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MUMPS_'),
66 | self.DefaultAnalysis = issmmumpssolver();
67 | elseif IssmConfig('_HAVE_GSL_'),
68 | self.DefaultAnalysis = issmgslsolver();
69 | else
70 | disp('WARNING: Need at least Mumps or Gsl to define an issm solver type, no default solver assigned');
71 | end
72 | end
73 |
74 | %Use same solver for Recovery mode
75 | self.RecoveryAnalysis = self.DefaultAnalysis;
76 |
77 |
78 | end % }}}
79 | function disp(self) % {{{
80 | analyses=properties(self);
81 | disp(sprintf('List of toolkits options per analysis:\n'));
82 | for i=1:numel(analyses),
83 | analysis=analyses{i};
84 | disp([analysis ':']);
85 | disp(self.(analysis));
86 | end
87 | end % }}}
88 | function md = checkconsistency(self,md,solution,analyses) % {{{
89 | analyses=properties(self);
90 | for i=1:numel(analyses),
91 | switch analyses{i}
92 | case 'DefaultAnalysis'
93 | case 'RecoveryAnalysis'
94 | case 'StressbalanceAnalysis'
95 | case 'GLheightadvectionAnalysis'
96 | case 'MasstransportAnalysis'
97 | case 'ThermalAnalysis'
98 | case 'EnthalpyAnalysis'
99 | case 'AdjointBalancethicknessAnalysis'
100 | case 'BalancethicknessAnalysis'
101 | case 'Balancethickness2Analysis'
102 | case 'BalancethicknessSoftAnalysis'
103 | case 'BalancevelocityAnalysis'
104 | case 'DamageEvolutionAnalysis'
105 | case 'LoveAnalysis'
106 | case 'EsaAnalysis'
107 | case 'SealevelchangeAnalysis'
108 | otherwise
109 | md = checkmessage(md,['md.toolkits.' analyses{i} ' not supported yet']);
110 | end
111 | if isempty(fieldnames(self.(analyses{i})))
112 | md = checkmessage(md,['md.toolkits.' analyses{i} ' is empty']);
113 | end
114 | end
115 | end % }}}
116 | function ToolkitsFile(toolkits,filename) % {{{
117 | %TOOLKITSFILE - build toolkits file
118 | %
119 | % Build a Petsc compatible options file, from the toolkits model field + return options string.
120 | % This file will also be used when the toolkit used is 'issm' instead of 'petsc'
121 | %
122 | % Usage: ToolkitsFile(toolkits,filename);
123 |
124 | %open file for writing
125 | fid=fopen(filename,'w');
126 | if fid==-1,
127 | error(['ToolkitsFile error: could not open ' filename ' for writing']);
128 | end
129 |
130 | %write header
131 | fprintf(fid,'%s%s%s\n','%Toolkits options file: ',filename,' written from Matlab toolkits array');
132 |
133 | %start writing options
134 | analyses=properties(toolkits);
135 | for i=1:numel(analyses),
136 | analysis=analyses{i};
137 | options=toolkits.(analysis);
138 |
139 | %first write analysis:
140 | fprintf(fid,'\n+%s\n',analysis); %append a + to recognize it's an analysis enum
141 |
142 | %now, write options
143 | optionslist=fieldnames(options);
144 | for j=1:numel(optionslist),
145 | optionname=optionslist{j};
146 | optionvalue=options.(optionname);
147 |
148 | if isempty(optionvalue),
149 | %this option has only one argument
150 | fprintf(fid,'-%s\n',optionname);
151 | else
152 | %option with value. value can be string or scalar
153 | if isnumeric(optionvalue),
154 | fprintf(fid,'-%s %g\n',optionname,optionvalue);
155 | elseif ischar(optionvalue),
156 | fprintf(fid,'-%s %s\n',optionname,optionvalue);
157 | else
158 | error(['ToolkitsFile error: option ' optionname ' is not well formatted']);
159 | end
160 | end
161 | end
162 | end
163 |
164 | fclose(fid);
165 | end %}}}
166 | function savemodeljs(self,fid,modelname) % {{{
167 |
168 | analyses=properties(self);
169 | for i=1:numel(analyses),
170 | if isempty(fieldnames(self.(analyses{i})))
171 | error(['md.toolkits.' analyses{i} ' is empty']);
172 | else
173 | writejsstruct(fid,[modelname '.toolkits.' analyses{i}],self.(analyses{i}));
174 | end
175 | end
176 |
177 | end % }}}
178 | end
179 | end