[25836] | 1 | import sys
| 2 |
[21341] | 3 | import numpy as np
[25836] | 4 |
| 5 | from checkfield import checkfield
| 6 | from fielddisplay import fielddisplay
| 7 | import MatlabFuncs as m
[19105] | 8 | from project3d import project3d
[17806] | 9 | from WriteData import WriteData
[12038] | 10 |
[24313] | 11 |
[15614] | 12 | class stressbalance(object):
[25836] | 13 | """STRESSBALANCE class definition
[13020] | 14 |
[25836] | 15 | Usage:
| 16 | stressbalance = stressbalance()
[24313] | 17 | """
[13020] | 18 |
[24313] | 19 | def __init__(self): # {{{
| 20 | self.spcvx = float('NaN')
| 21 | self.spcvy = float('NaN')
| 22 | self.spcvz = float('NaN')
| 23 | self.restol = 0
| 24 | self.reltol = 0
| 25 | self.abstol = 0
| 26 | self.isnewton = 0
| 27 | self.FSreconditioning = 0
| 28 | self.icefront = float('NaN')
| 29 | self.maxiter = 0
| 30 | self.shelf_dampening = 0
| 31 | self.vertex_pairing = float('NaN')
| 32 | self.penalty_factor = float('NaN')
| 33 | self.rift_penalty_lock = float('NaN')
| 34 | self.rift_penalty_threshold = 0
| 35 | self.referential = float('NaN')
| 36 | self.loadingforce = float('NaN')
| 37 | self.requested_outputs = []
[12123] | 38 |
[24313] | 39 | #set defaults
| 40 | self.setdefaultparameters()
[12123] | 41 |
[24313] | 42 | #}}}
| 43 | def __repr__(self): # {{{
[25836] | 44 | s = ' StressBalance solution parameters:\n'
| 45 | s += ' Convergence criteria:\n'
| 46 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'restol', 'mechanical equilibrium residual convergence criterion'))
| 47 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'reltol', 'velocity relative convergence criterion, NaN: not applied'))
| 48 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'abstol', 'velocity absolute convergence criterion, NaN: not applied'))
| 49 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'isnewton', "0: Picard's fixed point, 1: Newton's method, 2: hybrid"))
| 50 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'maxiter', 'maximum number of nonlinear iterations'))
| 51 | s += ' boundary conditions:\n'
| 52 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'spcvx', 'x - axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint) [m / yr]'))
| 53 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'spcvy', 'y - axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint) [m / yr]'))
| 54 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'spcvz', 'z - axis velocity constraint (NaN means no constraint) [m / yr]'))
| 55 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'icefront', 'segments on ice front list (last column 0: Air, 1: Water, 2: Ice'))
| 56 | s = "%s\n%s" % (s, '\n Rift options:')
| 57 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'rift_penalty_threshold', 'threshold for instability of mechanical constraints'))
| 58 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'rift_penalty_lock', 'number of iterations before rift penalties are locked'))
| 59 | s += ' Penalty options:\n'
| 60 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'penalty_factor', 'offset used by penalties: penalty = Kmax * 1.0**offset'))
| 61 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'vertex_pairing', 'pairs of vertices that are penalized'))
| 62 | s += ' Other:\n'
| 63 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'shelf_dampening', 'use dampening for floating ice ? Only for FS model'))
| 64 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'FSreconditioning', 'multiplier for incompressibility equation. Only for FS model'))
| 65 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'referential', 'local referential'))
| 66 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'loadingforce', 'loading force applied on each point [N / m^3]'))
| 67 | s += '{}\n'.format(fielddisplay(self, 'requested_outputs', 'additional outputs requested'))
| 68 | return s
[24313] | 69 | #}}}
[12123] | 70 |
[24313] | 71 | def extrude(self, md): # {{{
| 72 | self.spcvx = project3d(md, 'vector', self.spcvx, 'type', 'node')
| 73 | self.spcvy = project3d(md, 'vector', self.spcvy, 'type', 'node')
| 74 | self.spcvz = project3d(md, 'vector', self.spcvz, 'type', 'node')
| 75 | self.referential = project3d(md, 'vector', self.referential, 'type', 'node')
| 76 | self.loadingforce = project3d(md, 'vector', self.loadingforce, 'type', 'node')
[12123] | 77 |
[24313] | 78 | return self
| 79 | #}}}
[12123] | 80 |
[24313] | 81 | def setdefaultparameters(self): # {{{
| 82 | #maximum of non - linear iterations.
| 83 | self.maxiter = 100
| 84 | #Convergence criterion: absolute, relative and residual
[25836] | 85 | self.restol = 1.0e-4
[24313] | 86 | self.reltol = 0.01
| 87 | self.abstol = 10
| 88 | self.FSreconditioning = 10**13
| 89 | self.shelf_dampening = 0
| 90 | #Penalty factor applied kappa = max(stiffness matrix) * 1.0**penalty_factor
| 91 | self.penalty_factor = 3
| 92 | #Stop the iterations of rift if below a threshold
| 93 | self.rift_penalty_threshold = 0
| 94 | #in some solutions, it might be needed to stop a run when only
| 95 | #a few constraints remain unstable. For thermal computation, this
| 96 | #parameter is often used.
| 97 | self.rift_penalty_lock = 10
| 98 | #output default:
| 99 | self.requested_outputs = ['default']
| 100 | return self
| 101 | #}}}
[12123] | 102 |
[24313] | 103 | def defaultoutputs(self, md): # {{{
| 104 | if md.mesh.dimension() == 3:
| 105 | list = ['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz', 'Vel', 'Pressure']
| 106 | else:
| 107 | list = ['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vel', 'Pressure']
| 108 | return list
| 109 | #}}}
[16560] | 110 |
[24313] | 111 | def checkconsistency(self, md, solution, analyses): # {{{
[25836] | 112 | # Early return
[24313] | 113 | if 'StressbalanceAnalysis' not in analyses:
| 114 | return md
[25836] | 115 | if solution == 'TransientSolution' and not md.transient.isstressbalance:
| 116 | return md
[16560] | 117 |
[24313] | 118 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.spcvx', 'Inf', 1, 'timeseries', 1)
| 119 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.spcvy', 'Inf', 1, 'timeseries', 1)
| 120 | if m.strcmp(md.mesh.domaintype(), '3D'):
| 121 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.spcvz', 'Inf', 1, 'timeseries', 1)
| 122 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.restol', 'size', [1], '>', 0)
| 123 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.reltol', 'size', [1])
| 124 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.abstol', 'size', [1])
| 125 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.isnewton', 'numel', [1], 'values', [0, 1, 2])
| 126 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.FSreconditioning', 'size', [1], 'NaN', 1, 'Inf', 1)
| 127 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.maxiter', 'size', [1], '>=', 1)
| 128 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.referential', 'size', [md.mesh.numberofvertices, 6])
| 129 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.loadingforce', 'size', [md.mesh.numberofvertices, 3])
| 130 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.requested_outputs', 'stringrow', 1)
| 131 | if not np.any(np.isnan(self.vertex_pairing)) and len(self.vertex_pairing) > 0:
| 132 | md = checkfield(md, 'fieldname', 'stressbalance.vertex_pairing', '>', 0)
| 133 | #singular solution
| 134 | # if ~any((~isnan(md.stressbalance.spcvx) + ~isnan(md.stressbalance.spcvy)) == 2),
| 135 | if not np.any(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(np.isnan(md.stressbalance.spcvx)), np.logical_not(np.isnan(md.stressbalance.spcvy)))):
| 136 | print("\n !!! Warning: no spc applied, model might not be well posed if no basal friction is applied, check for solution crash\n")
| 138 | # if any(sum(isnan(md.stressbalance.referential), 2)~=0 & sum(isnan(md.stressbalance.referential), 2)~=6),
| 139 | if np.any(np.logical_and(np.sum(np.isnan(md.stressbalance.referential), axis=1) != 0, np.sum(np.isnan(md.stressbalance.referential), axis=1) != 6)):
| 140 | md.checkmessage("Each line of stressbalance.referential should contain either only NaN values or no NaN values")
| 142 | # if any(sum(isnan(md.stressbalance.referential), 2) == 0),
| 143 | if np.any(np.sum(np.isnan(md.stressbalance.referential), axis=1) == 0):
| 144 | pos = [i for i, item in enumerate(np.sum(np.isnan(md.stressbalance.referential), axis=1)) if item == 0]
| 145 | # np.inner (and np.dot) calculate all the dot product permutations, resulting in a full matrix multiply
| 146 | # if np.any(np.abs(np.inner(md.stressbalance.referential[pos, 0:2], md.stressbalance.referential[pos, 3:5]).diagonal()) > sys.float_info.epsilon):
| 147 | # md.checkmessage("Vectors in stressbalance.referential (columns 1 to 3 and 4 to 6) must be orthogonal")
| 148 | for item in md.stressbalance.referential[pos, :]:
| 149 | if np.abs(np.inner(item[0:2], item[3:5])) > sys.float_info.epsilon:
| 150 | md.checkmessage("Vectors in stressbalance.referential (columns 1 to 3 and 4 to 6) must be orthogonal")
| 151 | #CHECK THAT NO rotation specified for FS Grounded ice at base
| 152 | if m.strcmp(md.mesh.domaintype(), '3D') and md.flowequation.isFS:
[25836] | 153 | pos = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(md.mask.ocean_levelset, md.mesh.vertexonbase))
[24313] | 154 | if np.any(np.logical_not(np.isnan(md.stressbalance.referential[pos, :]))):
| 155 | md.checkmessage("no referential should be specified for basal vertices of grounded ice")
| 156 | return md
| 157 | # }}}
[13020] | 158 |
[24313] | 159 | def marshall(self, prefix, md, fid): # {{{
[13020] | 160 |
[24313] | 161 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'vertex_pairing', 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 3)
[13020] | 162 |
[24313] | 163 | yts = md.constants.yts
[13020] | 164 |
[24313] | 165 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'spcvx', 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1, 'scale', 1. / yts, 'timeserieslength', md.mesh.numberofvertices + 1, 'yts', yts)
| 166 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'spcvy', 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1, 'scale', 1. / yts, 'timeserieslength', md.mesh.numberofvertices + 1, 'yts', yts)
| 167 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'spcvz', 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1, 'scale', 1. / yts, 'timeserieslength', md.mesh.numberofvertices + 1, 'yts', yts)
| 168 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'restol', 'format', 'Double')
| 169 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'reltol', 'format', 'Double')
| 170 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'abstol', 'format', 'Double', 'scale', 1. / yts)
| 171 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'isnewton', 'format', 'Integer')
| 172 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'FSreconditioning', 'format', 'Double')
| 173 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'maxiter', 'format', 'Integer')
| 174 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'shelf_dampening', 'format', 'Integer')
| 175 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'penalty_factor', 'format', 'Double')
| 176 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'rift_penalty_lock', 'format', 'Integer')
| 177 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'rift_penalty_threshold', 'format', 'Integer')
| 178 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'object', self, 'class', 'stressbalance', 'fieldname', 'referential', 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1)
| 179 | if isinstance(self.loadingforce, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and np.size(self.loadingforce, 1) == 3:
| 180 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', self.loadingforce[:, 0], 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1, 'name', 'md.stressbalance.loadingforcex')
| 181 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', self.loadingforce[:, 1], 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1, 'name', 'md.stressbalance.loadingforcey')
| 182 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', self.loadingforce[:, 2], 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1, 'name', 'md.stressbalance.loadingforcez')
[25836] | 183 | # Process requested outputs
[24313] | 184 | outputs = self.requested_outputs
| 185 | indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(outputs) if x == 'default']
| 186 | if len(indices) > 0:
| 187 | outputscopy = outputs[0:max(0, indices[0] - 1)] + self.defaultoutputs(md) + outputs[indices[0] + 1:]
| 188 | outputs = outputscopy
| 189 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', outputs, 'name', 'md.stressbalance.requested_outputs', 'format', 'StringArray')
| 190 | # }}}