1 | from project3d import project3d
2 | from fielddisplay import fielddisplay
3 | from pairoptions import pairoptions
4 | from checkfield import checkfield
5 | from WriteData import WriteData
6 | from ContourToMesh import ContourToMesh
7 | import numpy as np
8 | import os
9 |
10 |
11 | class regionaloutput(object):
12 | """
13 | REGIONALOUTPUT class definition
14 |
15 | Usage:
16 | regionaloutput = regionaloutput()
17 | regionaloutput = regionaloutput('name', 'Volume1', 'definitionstring', 'Outputdefinition1', 'outputnamestring', 'IceVolume', 'mask', mask)
18 | regionaloutput = regionaloutput('name', 'Volume1', 'definitionstring', 'Outputdefinition1', 'outputnamestring', 'IceVolume', 'maskexpstring', 'Exp/Mask.exp', 'model', md)
19 |
20 | where mask is a vectorial field of size md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1 : where vertices with values > 1 are to be included in the calculated region.
21 | Alternatively, the user can pass in an Argus file and model object instead of a mask, and mask will be calculated for the user
22 | """
23 |
24 | def __init__(self, *args): # {{{
25 |
26 | self.name = ''
27 | self.model= ''
28 | self.definitionstring = ''
29 | self.outputnamestring = ''
30 | self.mask = np.nan
31 | self.maskexpstring = ''
32 |
33 | #set defaults
34 | self.setdefaultparameters()
35 |
36 | #use provided options to change fields
37 | options = pairoptions(*args)
38 |
39 | #OK get other fields
40 | self = options.AssignObjectFields(self)
41 |
42 | #get name
43 | if options.getfieldvalue('model', 0):
44 | if options.getfieldvalue('maskexpstring', 0):
45 | modelname = options.getfieldvalue('model')
46 | self.maskexpstring = options.getfieldvalue('maskexpstring')
47 | self.setmaskfromexp(modelname)
48 |
49 | # if (len(self.mask) <= 1 & np.any(np.isnan(self.mask))):
50 | # raise IOError('regionaloutput error message: ''mask'' field or ''maskexpstring'' and ''model'' fields should be defined!')
51 |
52 | #}}}
53 |
54 | def __repr__(self): # {{{
55 | string = " Regionaloutput:"
56 | string = "%s\n%s" % (string, fielddisplay(self, 'name', 'identifier for this regional response'))
57 | string = "%s\n%s" % (string, fielddisplay(self, 'definitionstring', 'string that identifies this output definition uniquely, from Outputdefinition[1 - 100]'))
58 | string = "%s\n%s" % (string, fielddisplay(self, 'outputnamestring', 'string that identifies the type of output you want, eg. IceVolume, TotalSmb, GroudedArea'))
59 | string = "%s\n%s" % (string, fielddisplay(self, 'mask', 'mask vectorial field which identifies the region of interest (value > 0 will be included)'))
60 | string = "%s\n%s" % (string, fielddisplay(self, 'maskexpstring', 'name of Argus file that can be passed in to define the regional mask'))
61 | return string
62 | #}}}
63 |
64 | def extrude(self, md): # {{{
65 | self.mask = project3d(md, 'vector', self.mask, 'type', 'node')
66 | return self
67 | #}}}
68 |
69 | def setdefaultparameters(self): # {{{
70 | return self
71 | #}}}
72 |
73 | def setmaskfromexp(self, md): # {{{
74 | if len(self.maskexpstring) > 0:
75 | self.mask = ContourToMesh(md.mesh.elements, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, self.maskexpstring, 'node', 1)
76 |
77 | return self
78 | # }}}
79 |
80 | def checkconsistency(self, md, solution, analyses): # {{{
81 |
82 | if not isinstance(self.name, str):
83 | raise RuntimeError("regionaloutput error message: 'name' field should be a string!")
84 |
85 | if not isinstance(self.outputnamestring, str):
86 | raise RuntimeError("regionaloutput error message: 'outputnamestring' field should be a string!")
87 |
88 | if len(self.maskexpstring) > 0:
89 | if not os.path.isfile(self.maskexpstring):
90 | raise RuntimeError("regionaloutput error message: file name for mask exp does not point to a legitimate file on disk!")
91 | else:
92 | self.setmaskfromexp(md)
93 |
94 | OutputdefinitionStringArray = []
95 | for i in range(1, 100):
96 | x = 'Outputdefinition' + str(i)
97 | OutputdefinitionStringArray.append(x)
98 |
99 | md = checkfield(md, 'field', self.definitionstring, 'values', OutputdefinitionStringArray)
100 | md = checkfield(md, 'field', self.mask, 'size', [md.mesh.numberofvertices], 'NaN', 1, 'Inf', 1)
101 | return md
102 | # }}}
103 | def marshall(self, prefix, md, fid): # {{{
104 |
105 | #before marshalling, make sure mask is set:
106 | self.setmaskfromexp(md)
107 |
108 | #ok, marshall strings and mask:
109 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', self.name, 'name', 'md.regionaloutput.name', 'format', 'String')
110 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', self.definitionstring, 'name', 'md.regionaloutput.definitionstring', 'format', 'String')
111 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', self.outputnamestring, 'name', 'md.regionaloutput.outputnamestring', 'format', 'String')
112 | WriteData(fid, prefix, 'data', self.mask, 'name', 'md.regionaloutput.mask', 'format', 'DoubleMat', 'mattype', 1)
113 |
114 | # }}}