1 | %
2 | % function to create the adjacency matrix from the connectivity table.
3 | %
4 | % [adj_mat,vlist,vwgt]=adjacency_matrix(elem_con,xyz)
5 | %
6 | % where the required input is:
7 | % elem_con (double [ne x mvpe], element connectivity table)
8 | % xyz (double [nv x 3 ], vertex coordinates)
9 | %
10 | % the required output is:
11 | % adj_mat (double [sparse nv x nv], vertex adjacency matrix)
12 | % vlist (double [nv], vertex labels)
13 | % vwgt (double [nv], vertex weights)
14 | %
15 | function [adj_mat,vlist,vwgt]=adjacency_matrix(elem_con,xyz)
16 |
17 | if ~nargin
18 | help adjacency_matrix
19 | return
20 | end
21 |
22 | % can modify local elem_con, since it's not being returned
23 |
24 | elem_con(~isfinite(elem_con))=0;
25 |
26 | %% create unique sorted vertex list, eliminating NaN, Inf, and zero
27 |
28 | disp('Creating unique sorted vertex list.');
29 | vlist=unique(nonzeros(elem_con));
30 | fprintf(' Found %d vertices numbered from %d to %d.\n',...
31 | length(vlist),vlist(1),vlist(end));
32 |
33 | %% create edge list and vertex weights
34 |
35 | disp('Creating edge list and vertex weights.');
36 | nedge=0;
37 | elist=zeros(numel(elem_con),2);
38 | asum= 0.;
39 | amin= Inf;
40 | amax=-Inf;
41 | vsum= 0.;
42 | vmin= Inf;
43 | vmax=-Inf;
44 | vwgt =zeros(size(vlist));
45 |
46 | % loop over elements
47 |
48 | fprintf(' Processing %d elements with a maximum of %d vertices.\n',...
49 | size(elem_con,1),size(elem_con,2));
50 | %hwbar=waitbar(0);
51 | for i=1:size(elem_con,1)
52 | elem=nonzeros(elem_con(i,:));
53 |
54 | % replace vertex numbers by indices (if necessary)
55 |
56 | if (vlist(1) ~= 1) || (vlist(end) ~= length(vlist))
57 | elem=bin_search(elem,vlist);
58 | end
59 |
60 | % accumulate edge list for each element type
61 |
62 | switch length(elem)
63 |
64 | % tria
65 |
66 | case 3
67 | elist(nedge+1,1)=elem(1);
68 | elist(nedge+1,2)=elem(2);
69 | elist(nedge+2,1)=elem(2);
70 | elist(nedge+2,2)=elem(3);
71 | elist(nedge+3,1)=elem(3);
72 | elist(nedge+3,2)=elem(1);
73 | nedge=nedge+3;
74 |
75 | if exist('xyz','var')
76 | area=mag(cross(xyz(elem(2),:)-xyz(elem(1),:),...
77 | xyz(elem(3),:)-xyz(elem(1),:)))/2;
78 | asum=asum+area;
79 | if (area < amin)
80 | amin=area;
81 | end
82 | if (area > amax)
83 | amax=area;
84 | end
85 | for j=1:3
86 | vwgt(elem(j))=vwgt(elem(j))+area/3;
87 | end
88 | end
89 |
90 | % penta
91 |
92 | case 6
93 | elist(nedge+1,1)=elem(1);
94 | elist(nedge+1,2)=elem(2);
95 | elist(nedge+2,1)=elem(2);
96 | elist(nedge+2,2)=elem(3);
97 | elist(nedge+3,1)=elem(3);
98 | elist(nedge+3,2)=elem(1);
99 | elist(nedge+4,1)=elem(1);
100 | elist(nedge+4,2)=elem(4);
101 | elist(nedge+5,1)=elem(2);
102 | elist(nedge+5,2)=elem(5);
103 | elist(nedge+6,1)=elem(3);
104 | elist(nedge+6,2)=elem(6);
105 | elist(nedge+7,1)=elem(7);
106 | elist(nedge+7,2)=elem(8);
107 | elist(nedge+8,1)=elem(8);
108 | elist(nedge+8,2)=elem(9);
109 | elist(nedge+9,1)=elem(9);
110 | elist(nedge+9,2)=elem(7);
111 | nedge=nedge+9;
112 |
113 | if exist('xyz','var')
114 | vol =mag(cross(xyz(elem(2),:)-xyz(elem(1),:),...
115 | xyz(elem(3),:)-xyz(elem(1),:)))/2*...
116 | mag(xyz(elem(4),:)-xyz(elem(1),:));
117 | vsum=vsum+vol;
118 | if (vol < vmin)
119 | vmin=vol;
120 | end
121 | if (vol > vmax)
122 | vmax=vol;
123 | end
124 | for j=1:6
125 | vwgt(elem(j))=vwgt(elem(j))+vol/6;
126 | end
127 | end
128 |
129 | otherwise
130 | error(['Unrecognized element of length' length(elem) '.']);
131 | end
132 | if (i/100 == floor(i/100))
133 | fprintf(' %d elements processed.\n',i);
134 | %waitbar(i/size(elem_con,1),hwbar,sprintf('%d elements processed.',i));
135 | end
136 | end
137 | fprintf(' %d total elements processed.\n\n',i);
138 | %waitbar(1,hwbar,sprintf('%d total elements processed.',i));
139 | %close(hwbar)
140 |
141 | if (asum > 0)
142 | fprintf('Total area=%f; min area=%f, max area=%f, ratio=%f.\n',...
143 | asum,amin,amax,amax/amin);
144 | end
145 | if (vsum > 0)
146 | fprintf('Total volume=%f; min volume=%f, max volume=%f, ratio=%f.\n',...
147 | vsum,vmin,vmax,vmax/vmin);
148 | end
149 | fprintf('Total weight=%f; min weight=%f, max weight=%f, ratio=%f.\n',...
150 | sum(vwgt),min(vwgt),max(vwgt),max(vwgt)/min(vwgt));
151 |
152 | elist=elist(1:nedge,:);
153 |
154 | %% replace vertex numbers by indices (if necessary)
155 |
156 | % if (vlist(1) ~= 1) || (vlist(end) ~= length(vlist))
157 | % elist=bin_search(elist,vlist);
158 | % end
159 |
160 | %% create adjacency matrix and make symmetric
161 |
162 | adj_mat=sparse(elist(:,1),elist(:,2),1,length(vlist),length(vlist));
163 | adj_mat=double(adj_mat | adj_mat');
164 |
165 | end
166 |
167 | %
168 | % function to perform a recursive binary search for a matrix of values
169 | % in an ordered vector (loop separately outside of recursion for
170 | % efficiency purposes)
171 | %
172 | % function [ind]=bin_search(val,vect)
173 | %
174 | function [ind]=bin_search(val,vect)
175 |
176 | ind=zeros(size(val));
177 |
178 | for i=1:numel(val)
179 | ind(i)=bin_search_val(val(i),vect);
180 | end
181 |
182 | end
183 |
184 | %
185 | % function to perform a recursive binary search in an ordered vector,
186 | % returning NaN if value does not exist (more efficient than find or
187 | % ismember, which must use linear searches and/or sort)
188 | %
189 | % function [ind]=bin_search_val(val,vect)
190 | %
191 | function [ind]=bin_search_val(val,vect)
192 |
193 | imid=floor((1+length(vect))/2);
194 |
195 | if (val == vect(imid))
196 | ind=imid;
197 | elseif (val < vect(imid)) && (imid > 1)
198 | ind= bin_search(val,vect(1:imid-1));
199 | elseif (val > vect(imid)) && (imid < length(vect))
200 | ind=imid+bin_search(val,vect(imid+1:length(vect)));
201 | else
202 | ind=NaN;
203 | end
204 |
205 | end
206 |
207 | %
208 | % function to calculate the magnitude of a vector
209 | %
210 | % function [vmag]=mag(vect)
211 | %
212 | function [vmag]=mag(vect)
213 |
214 | vmag=sqrt(dot(vect,vect));
215 |
216 | end