1 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Some hardcoded parameters for this deck%%%%%%%%%%
2 |
3 | %some parameterization for this parameter file :)
4 | thicknesspath=options.thicknesspath;
5 | firnpath=options.firnpath;
6 | surfacepath=options.surfacepath;
7 | mosaicpath=options.mosaicpath;
8 | temperaturepath=options.temperaturepath;
9 | heatfluxpath=options.heatfluxpath;
10 |
11 | %Solution parameters
12 |
13 | %parallelization
14 | md.cluster=oshostname();
15 | md.np=8;
16 | md.time=60;
17 |
18 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
19 |
20 | disp(' reading bedmap thicknesses');
21 | md.thickness=InterpFromFile(md.x,md.y,thicknesspath,10);
22 |
23 | disp(' reading firn layer');
24 | md.firn_layer=InterpFromFile(md.x,md.y,firnpath,0);
25 |
26 | disp(' reading Bamber dem');
27 | md.surface=InterpFromFile(md.x,md.y,surfacepath,10);
28 |
29 | %correct the surface by taking into account the firn layer
30 | rho_ice=917;
31 | rho_firn=830;
32 | firn_layer_correction=md.firn_layer*(1-rho_firn/rho_ice);
33 | md.surface=md.surface-firn_layer_correction;
34 |
35 | %Correct thickness by assuming hydrostatic equilibrium 10km down the grounding line
36 | md=ThicknessCorrection(md);
37 |
38 | %some corrections
39 | minsurf=1;
40 | pos=find(isnan(md.surface) | (md.surface<=0));
41 | md.surface(pos)=minsurf;
42 | pos=find(isnan(md.thickness) | (md.thickness<=0));
43 | md.thickness(pos)=minsurf/(1-md.rho_ice/md.rho_water);
44 | md.bed=md.surface-md.thickness;
45 |
46 | disp(' reading velocities from Rignot');
47 | md=plugvelocities(md,mosaicpath,0);
48 |
49 | %drag md.drag or stress
50 | md.drag_type=2; %0 none 1 plastic 2 viscous
51 | md.drag_coefficient=300*ones(md.numberofgrids,1); %q=1.
52 |
53 | %zones of high md.drag
54 | %[rhighmd.drag_coefficient]=ArgusContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'HighDrag.exp','node');
55 | %pos=find(highmd.drag);md.drag_coefficient(pos)=10^3;
56 |
57 | %Take care of iceshelves: no drag md.drag_coefficient
58 | pos=find(md.elementoniceshelf);
59 | md.drag_coefficient(md.elements(pos,:))=0;
60 | md.drag_p=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
61 | md.drag_q=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
62 |
63 | %Load md.temperature from Giovinetto:
64 | disp(' loading temperature');
65 | md.temperature=InterpFromFile(md.x,md.y,temperaturepath,253);
66 | while ~isempty(find(isnan(md.temperature))),
67 | pos=find(isnan(md.temperature));
68 | if ((pos+1)<=length(md.temperature)),
69 | md.temperature(pos)=md.temperature(pos+1);
70 | else
71 | md.temperature(pos)=md.temperature(pos-1);
72 | end
73 | end
74 |
75 | %flow law
76 | disp(' creating flow law paramters');
77 | md.rheology_n=3*ones(md.numberofelements,1);
78 | md.rheology_B=paterson(md.temperature);
79 |
80 | %zones of shear margin softening
81 | %[rweakb]=ArgusContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Weakmd.BPIG.exp','node');
82 | %pos=find(weakb);md.rheology_B(pos)=.3*md.rheology_B(pos);
83 |
84 | %rifts: none for now.
85 | %if isstruct(rifts), %we have rifts, choose whether they are full of water or air.
86 | % for i=1:length(rifts),
87 | % rifts(i).fill='water'; %choice:'air','water','ice'
88 | % rifts(i).friction=10^11;
89 | % end
90 | %end
91 |
92 | disp(' creating accumulation rates');
93 | md.accumulation_rate=ones(md.numberofgrids,1); %1m/a
94 |
95 | %Deal with boundary conditions:
96 |
97 | disp(' thermal model');
98 | md.melting_rate=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
99 | md.observed_temperature=md.temperature;
100 |
101 | disp(' reading geothermal flux');
102 | load(heatfluxpath);
103 | md.geothermalflux=InterpFromGridToMesh(x_m,y_m,heatflux_Antarctica,md.x,md.y,80);
104 | pos=find(md.geothermalflux==0);md.geothermalflux(pos)=80;
105 | md.geothermalflux=md.geothermalflux/1000; %map is given in mW/m^2, we need it in W/m^2
106 |
107 | disp(' boundary conditions');
108 | md=SetMarineIceSheetBC(md);
109 |
110 |
111 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
112 |
113 | md.counter=3;