function bool=ismodelselfconsistent(md,package), %ISMODELSELFCONSISTENT - check that model forms a closed form solvable problem. % % Usage: % bool=ismodelselfconsistent(md,package), %tolerance we use in litmus tests for the consistency of the model tolerance=10^-12; if (nargin~=2 ) help ismodelselfconsistent error('ismodelselfconsistent error message: wrong usage'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMMON CHECKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %COUNTER if md.counter<3, disp(['model ' ' is not correctly configured. You forgot one step in the following sequence (mesh, geography, parameterize)!']); bool=0;return; end %NAME if isempty(, disp(['model is not correctly configured: missing name!']); bool=0;return; end %MESH if md.numberofelements<=0, disp(['model ' ' does not have any elements!']); bool=0; return; end if md.numberofgrids<=0, disp(['model ' ' does not have any grids!']); bool=0; return; end %ELEMENTSTYPE if size(md.elements_type,1)~=md.numberofelements | size(md.elements_type,2)~=2, disp(['Types of elements have not been set properly, run setelementstype first']) bool=0;return; end if any(ones(md.numberofelements,1)-((md.elements_type(:,1)==hutterenum) + (md.elements_type(:,1)==macayealenum) + (md.elements_type(:,1)==pattynenum))) disp(['Types of elements have not been set properly, run setelementstype first']) bool=0;return; end if any(ones(md.numberofelements,1)-((md.elements_type(:,2)==stokesenum) + (md.elements_type(:,2)==noneenum))) disp(['Types of elements have not been set properly, run setelementstype first']) bool=0;return; end if strcmpi(md.type,'2d'), if (ismember(pattynenum,md.elements_type(:,1)) | ismember(stokesenum,md.elements_type(:,2))), disp(['For a 2d model, only MacAyeal''s and Hutter''s elements are allowed']); bool=0;return; end end if (md.ismacayealpattyn==0 && md.ishutter==0 && md.isstokes==0), disp(['no elements type set for this model. at least one of ismacayealpattyn, ishutter and isstokes need to be =1']); bool=0;return; end %NO NAN fields={'numberofelements','numberofgrids','x','y','z','segmentonneumann_diag','drag','drag_type','p','q','gridondirichlet_diag',... 'rho_ice','rho_water','B','elementoniceshelf','surface','thickness','bed','g','lowmem','sparsity','nsteps','maxiter',... 'tolx','np','eps_rel','exclusive','n','gridonbed','gridonsurface','elementonbed','elementonsurface','deltaH','DeltaH','timeacc','timedec'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(isnan(md.(fields{i}))), disp(['model ' ' has an NaN value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %FIELDS > 0 fields={'numberofelements','numberofgrids','elements','segmentonneumann_diag','drag','drag_type','p','q','gridondirichlet_diag',... 'rho_ice','rho_water','B','elementoniceshelf','thickness','g','eps_rel','eps_abs','nsteps','maxiter','tolx','exclusive',... 'sparsity','lowmem','n','gridonbed','gridonsurface','elementonbed','elementonsurface','deltaH','DeltaH','timeacc','timedec'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(md.(fields{i})<0), disp(['model ' ' has a <0 value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end if any(md.p<=0), disp(['model ' ' has some p<0 friction coefficientsin sliding law']); bool=0; return; end %FIELDS ~=0 fields={'numberofelements','numberofgrids','elements','segmentonneumann_diag','drag_type',... 'rho_ice','rho_water','B','thickness','g','eps_rel','eps_abs','maxiter','tolx',... 'sparsity','deltaH','DeltaH','timeacc','timedec'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(md.(fields{i})==0), disp(['model ' ' has a =0 value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %SIZE NUMBEROFELEMENTS fields={'elements','p','q','elementoniceshelf','n','elementonbed'}; for i=1:size(fields,2), if (size(md.(fields{i}),1)~=md.numberofelements), disp(['model ' ' field ' fields{i} ' should be of size ' num2str(md.numberofelements) '!']); bool=0; return; end end %SIZE NUMBEROFGRIDS fields={'x','y','z','B','drag','gridondirichlet_diag','melting','accumulation','surface','thickness','bed','gridonbed','gridonsurface'}; for i=1:length(fields), if length(md.(fields{i}))~=md.numberofgrids, disp(['model ' ' field ' fields{i} ' should be of size ' num2str(md.numberofgrids) '!']); bool=0; return; end end %THICKNESS = SURFACE - BED if any((md.thickness-md.surface+md.bed)>tolerance), disp(['model ' ' violates the equality thickness=surface-bed!']); bool=0; return; end %RIFTS if md.numrifts, if ~strcmpi(md.type,'2d'), disp(['Models with rifts are only supported in 2d for now!']); bool=0;return; end end if ~isstruct(md.rifts), if ~isempty(find(md.segmentmarkers>=2)), %We have segments with rift markers, but no rift structure! disp(['model ' ' should be processed for rifts (run meshprocessrifts)!']); bool=0; return; end end %ARTIFICIAL DIFFUSIVITY if ~isscalar(md.artificial_diffusivity), disp('artificial_diffusivity should be a scalar (1 or 0)'); bool=0;return; end %CLUSTER if ~strcmpi(package,'cielo') & ~strcmpi(md.cluster,'none') disp(['parallel solution not supported by package ' package '. Use cluster=''none'' ']); bool=0;return; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SOLUTION CHECKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %DIAGNOSTIC if strcmpi(md.analysis_type,'diagnostic') %HUTTER ON ICESHELF WARNING if any(md.elements_type(:,1)==hutterenum & md.elementoniceshelf), disp(sprintf('\n !!! Warning: Hutter''s model is not consistent on ice shelves !!!\n')); end %SINGULAR if ~any(md.gridondirichlet_diag), disp(['model ' ' is not well posed (singular). You need at least one grid with fixed velocity!']) bool=0;return; end %DIRICHLET VALUES if isempty(md.gridondirichlet_diag) | isempty(md.dirichletvalues_diag), disp(['model ' ' is not well posed. Missing dirichlet values for diagnostic run']); bool=0;return; end %DIRICHLET IF THICKNESS <= 0 if any(md.thickness<=0), pos=find(md.thickness<=0); if ~isempty(find(md.gridondirichlet_diag(pos)==0)), disp(['model ' ' has some grids with 0 thickness']); bool=0; return; end end end %PROGNOSTIC if strcmp(md.analysis_type,'prognostic'), %old testing % if isempty(find(md.gridondirichlet_diag)), % disp(['model ' ' diagnostic is not well posed (singular). You need at least one grid with fixed velocity!']) % bool=0;return; % end % if isempty(find(md.gridondirichlet_prog)), % disp(['model ' ' prognostic is not well posed (singular). You need at least one grid with fixed thickness!']) % bool=0;return; % end %VELOCITIES if (size(md.vx,1)~=md.numberofgrids | size(md.vy,1)~=md.numberofgrids), disp(['a 3d velocity is required. Run ''diagnostic'' solution first!']) bool=0; return; end end %THERMAL TRANSIENT if strcmp(md.analysis_type,'thermal') if strcmp(md.sub_analysis_type,'transient') %INITIAL TEMPERATURE, MELTING AND ACCUMULATION if isempty(md.temperature), disp(['An initial temperature is needed for a transient thermal computation']) bool=0;return; end if isstruct(md.temperature) | isstruct(md.melting) | isstruct(md.accumulation), disp(['The initial temperature, melting or accumulation should be a list and not a structure']) bool=0;return; end end end %THERMAL STEADY AND THERMAL TRANSIENT if strcmpi(md.analysis_type,'thermal'), %EXTRUSION if strcmp(md.type,'2d'), disp(['For a ' md.analysis_type ' computation, the model must be 3d, extrude it first!']) bool=0;return; end %VELOCITIES AND PRESSURE if (isempty(md.vx) | isnan(md.vx) | isempty(md.vy) | isnan(md.vy) | isempty(md.vz) | isnan(md.vz)), disp(['a 3d velocity is required. Run ''diagnostic'' solution first!']) bool=0;return; end if (isempty(md.pressure) | isnan(md.pressure)), disp(['pressure is required. Run ''diagnostic'' solution first!']) bool=0;return; end end %THERMAL TRANSIENT AND TRANSIENT if strcmp(md.analysis_type,'thermal'), %DT and NDT fields={'dt','ndt'}; for i=1:length(fields), if any(md.(fields{i})<0), disp(['model ' ' has a <0 value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end %INITIAL TEMPERATURE if isstruct(md.temperature), disp(['The initial temperature should be empty or a list but not a structure']) bool=0;return; end end %PARAMETERS if strcmp(md.analysis_type,'parameters') %PACKAGE if ~strcmpi(package,'ice'), disp('parameter solution only supported by package ice yet'); bool=0;return; end %OUTPUT if ~iscell(md.parameteroutput) disp(['parameteroutput field must be a cell, example {''strainrate'',''stress'',''deviatoricstress'',''viscousheating''}']); bool=0; return; end for i=1:length(md.parameteroutput) if ~strcmpi(md.parameteroutput(i),'strainrate') & ~strcmpi(md.parameteroutput(i),'stress') & ~strcmpi(md.parameteroutput(i),'deviatoricstress') & ~strcmpi(md.parameteroutput(i),'viscousheating') ... & ~strcmpi(md.parameteroutput(i),'pressure_elem') & ~strcmpi(md.parameteroutput(i),'stress_bed') & ~strcmpi(md.parameteroutput(i),'stress_surface') disp(['one of the parameteroutput is not supported yet']); bool=0; return; end end %VELOCITY if ~(size(md.vx,1)==md.numberofgrids & size(md.vy,1)==md.numberofgrids & (size(md.vz,1)==md.numberofgrids | strcmpi(md.type,'2d'))) disp(['velocities are required!']); bool=0;return; end %HUTTER if any(md.elements_type(:,1)==hutterenum); disp(['The model has Hutter''s elements. Impossible to compute parameters']); bool=0;return; end end %CONTROL if strcmpi(md.analysis_type,'control'), %CONTROL TYPE if ~ischar(md.control_type), disp('control_type should be a string'); bool=0;return; end %LENGTH CONTROL FIELDS if (length(md.maxiter)~=md.nsteps | length(md.optscal)~=md.nsteps | length( disp('maxiter, optscal and fit must have the length specified by nsteps') bool=0;return; end %FIT if sum((double( + double( + double( disp('wrong fits: fit should be a vector of size nsteps holding 0, 1 and 2 only') bool=0;return; end %OBSERVED VELOCITIES fields={'vx_obs','vy_obs'}; for i=1:length(fields), if any(length(md.(fields{i}))~=md.numberofgrids), disp(['model ' ' field ' fields{i} ' should be of size ' num2str(md.numberofgrids) '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %QMU if strcmpi(md.analysis_type,'qmu'), if ~strcmpi(md.cluster,'none'), if md.waitonlock==0, disp(['model is not correctly configured: waitonlock should be activated when running qmu in parallel mode!']); bool=0;return; end end end %MESH if strcmpi(md.analysis_type,'mesh'), %this solution is a little special. It should come right after the md=model; operation. So a lot less checks! bool=1; return; end %MESH2GRID if strcmpi(md.analysis_type,'mesh2grid'), if ~strcmpi(md.cluster,'none'), disp(['model is not correctly configured: mesh2grid not supported in parallel yet!']); bool=0;return; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PACKAGE CHECKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %CIELO if strcmpi(package,'cielo'), %NAN VALUES fields={'sparsity'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(isnan(md.(fields{i}))), disp(['model ' ' has an NaN value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %FIELD > 0 fields={'sparsity'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(md.(fields{i})<0), disp(['model ' ' has a <0 value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %FIELD ~= 0 fields={'sparsity'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(md.(fields{i})==0), disp(['model ' ' has a =0 value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %SPARSITY BETWEEN 0 AND 1 if ( (md.sparsity<=0) | (md.sparsity>1)), disp(['model ' ' sparsity should be inside the [0 1] range']); bool=0; return; end %RIFTS if md.numrifts, if ~strcmpi(md.cluster,'none') if isempty(findstr('aijmumps',md.solverstring)), disp(['For a 2d model with rifts, running on a cluster, you should use a direct solver like MUMPS!']); bool=0;return; end end end %CONNECTIVITY if strcmpi(md.type,'2d'), if md.connectivity<9, disp('connectivity should be at least 9 for 2d models'); bool=0;return; end end if strcmpi(md.type,'3d'), if md.connectivity<24, disp('connectivity should be at least 24 for 3d models'); bool=0;return; end end %LOWMEM = 0 or 1 if ((md.lowmem ~= 1) & (md.lowmem~=0)), disp(['model ' ' lowmem field should be 0 or 1']); bool=0; return; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PARALLEL CHECKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if ~strcmpi(md.cluster,'none'), %NAN VALUES fields={'time','np'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(isnan(md.(fields{i}))), disp(['model ' ' has an NaN value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %FIELD > 0 fields={'time','np'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(md.(fields{i})<0), disp(['model ' ' has a <0 value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end %FIELD ~= 0 fields={'time','np'}; for i=1:length(fields), if ~isempty(md.(fields{i})), if any(md.(fields{i})==0), disp(['model ' ' has a =0 value in field ' fields{i} '!']); bool=0; return; end end end end end %No problems, just return 1; bool=1; return;