1 | function md=extrude(md,numlayers,extrusionexponent)
2 | %EXTRUDE - vertically extrude a 2d mesh
3 | %
4 | % vertically extrude a 2d mesh and create corresponding 3d mesh following the extrusionexponent,
5 | % the vertical distribution follows a polynomial law:');
6 | % extrusionexponent>1 refinement at the base');
7 | % 0<extrusionexponent<1 refinement at the surface');
8 | % extrusionexponent=1 linear extrusion');
9 | %
10 | % Usage:
11 | % md=extrude(md,numlayers,extrusionexponent);
12 | %
13 | % Example:
14 | % md=extrude(md,8,3);
15 | %
17 |
18 | %some checks on list of arguments
19 | if ((nargin~=3) | (nargout~=1)),
20 | extrudeusage();
21 | error('extrude error message');
22 | end
23 |
24 | if md.counter<3,
25 | extrudeusage();
26 | error('only fully parameterized 2d models can be extruded');
27 | end
28 |
29 | if md.counter>=4,
30 | error('This model has already been extruded!','s');
31 | end
32 |
33 | if numlayers<2,
34 | extrudeusage();
35 | error('number of layers should be at least 2');
36 | end
37 |
38 | if extrusionexponent<0,
39 | extrudeusage();
40 | error('extrusionexponent must be >0');
41 | end
42 |
43 | %Extrude the mesh
44 | %Initialize with the 2d mesh
45 | x3d=md.x;
46 | y3d=md.y;
47 | z3d=md.bed; %the lower grid is on the bed
48 | thickness3d=md.thickness; %thickness and bed for these grids
49 | bed3d=md.bed;
50 | %Create the new layers
51 | for i=2:numlayers,
52 | x3d=[x3d; md.x]; %build the grids of the other layers
53 | y3d=[y3d; md.y];
54 | z3d=[z3d; bed3d+thickness3d*(i/numlayers)^extrusionexponent]; %grids are distributed between bed and surface accordingly to the given exponent
55 | end
56 | number_grids3d=size(x3d,1); %number of 3d grids for the non extruded part of the mesh
57 |
58 | %Extrude elements
59 | elements3d=[];
60 | for i=1:numlayers-1,
61 | elements3d=[elements3d;[md.elements+(i-1)*md.numberofgrids md.elements+i*md.numberofgrids]]; %Create the elements of the 3d mesh for the non extruded part
62 | end
63 | number_el3d=size(elements3d,1); %number of 3d grids for the non extruded part of the mesh
64 |
65 | %Keep a trace of lower and upper grids
66 | lowergrids=NaN*ones(number_grids3d,1);
67 | uppergrids=NaN*ones(number_grids3d,1);
68 | lowergrids(md.numberofgrids+1:end)=1:(numlayers-1)*md.numberofgrids;
69 | uppergrids(1:(numlayers-1)*md.numberofgrids)=md.numberofgrids+1:number_grids3d;
70 | md.lowergrids=lowergrids;
71 | md.uppergrids=uppergrids;
72 |
73 | %Save old mesh
74 | md.x2d=md.x;
75 | md.y2d=md.y;
76 | md.z2d=md.z;
77 | md.elements2d=md.elements;
78 | md.elements_type2d=md.elements_type;
79 | md.numberofelements2d=md.numberofelements;
80 | md.numberofgrids2d=md.numberofgrids;
81 |
82 | %Update mesh type
83 | md.type='3d';
84 |
85 | %Build global 3d mesh
86 | md.elements=elements3d;
87 | md.x=x3d;
88 | md.y=y3d;
89 | md.z=z3d;
90 | md.numberofelements=number_el3d;
91 | md.numberofgrids=number_grids3d;
92 | md.numlayers=numlayers;
93 |
94 | %Ok, now deal with the other fields from the 2d mesh:
95 |
96 | %drag is limited to grids that are on the bedrock.
97 | md.drag=project3d(md,md.drag,'node',1);
98 |
99 | %p and q (same deal, except for element that are on the bedrock: )
100 | md.p=project3d(md,md.p,'element');
101 | md.q=project3d(md,md.q,'element');
102 |
103 | %observations
104 | md.vx_obs=project3d(md,md.vx_obs,'node',md.numlayers);
105 | md.vy_obs=project3d(md,md.vy_obs,'node',md.numlayers);
106 | md.vel_obs=project3d(md,md.vel_obs,'node',md.numlayers);
107 | md.accumulation=project3d(md,md.accumulation,'node',md.numlayers);
108 | md.firn_layer=project3d(md,md.firn_layer,'node',md.numlayers);
109 |
110 | %results
111 | if ~isnan(md.vx),md.vx=project3d(md,md.vx,'node');end;
112 | if ~isnan(md.vy),md.vy=project3d(md,md.vy,'node');end;
113 | if ~isnan(md.vz),md.vz=project3d(md,md.vz,'node');end;
114 | if ~isnan(md.vel),md.vel=project3d(md,md.vel,'node');end;
115 | if ~isnan(md.surface_slopex),md.surface_slopex=project3d(md,md.surface_slopex,'node');end;
116 | if ~isnan(md.surface_slopey),md.surface_slopey=project3d(md,md.surface_slopey,'node');end;
117 | if ~isnan(md.bed_slopex),md.bed_slopex=project3d(md,md.bed_slopex,'node');end;
118 | if ~isnan(md.bed_slopey),md.bed_slopey=project3d(md,md.bed_slopey,'node');end;
119 |
120 | %bedinfo and surface info
121 | md.elementonbed=project3d(md,ones(md.numberofelements2d,1),'element',1);
122 | md.elementonsurface=project3d(md,ones(md.numberofelements2d,1),'element',md.numlayers-1);
123 | md.gridonbed=project3d(md,ones(md.numberofgrids2d,1),'node',1);
124 | md.gridonsurface=project3d(md,ones(md.numberofgrids2d,1),'node',md.numlayers);
125 |
126 | %elementstype
127 | if ~isnan(md.elements_type)
128 | oldelements_type=md.elements_type2d;
129 | md.elements_type=zeros(number_el3d,2);
130 | md.elements_type(:,1)=project3d(md,oldelements_type(:,1),'element');
131 | md.elements_type(:,2)=project3d(md,oldelements_type(:,2),'element');
132 | md.gridonhutter=project3d(md,md.gridonhutter,'node');
133 | md.gridonmacayeal=project3d(md,md.gridonmacayeal,'node');
134 | md.gridonpattyn=project3d(md,md.gridonpattyn,'node');
135 | md.gridonstokes=project3d(md,md.gridonstokes,'node');
136 | end
137 |
138 | %boundary conditions
139 | md.gridondirichlet_diag=project3d(md,md.gridondirichlet_diag,'node');
140 | md.dirichletvalues_diag=project3d(md,md.dirichletvalues_diag,'node');
141 |
142 | %Extrusion of Neumann BC
143 | %in 3d, segmentonnumann is: [grid1 grid2 grid3 grid4 element]
144 | oldsegmentonneumann_diag=md.segmentonneumann_diag;
145 | segmentonneumann_diag_layer1=[oldsegmentonneumann_diag(:,1:2) oldsegmentonneumann_diag(:,2)+md.numberofgrids2d oldsegmentonneumann_diag(:,1)+md.numberofgrids2d oldsegmentonneumann_diag(:,3)]; %Add two columns on the first layer
146 | segmentonneumann_diag=[];
147 | for i=1:numlayers-1,
148 | segmentonneumann_diag=[segmentonneumann_diag ;segmentonneumann_diag_layer1(:,1:4)+(i-1)*md.numberofgrids2d segmentonneumann_diag_layer1(:,5)+(i-1)*md.numberofelements2d ];
149 | end
150 |
151 | %plug into md
152 | md.segmentonneumann_diag=segmentonneumann_diag;
153 | md.gridondirichlet_prog=project3d(md,md.gridondirichlet_prog,'node');
154 | md.dirichletvalues_prog=project3d(md,md.dirichletvalues_prog,'node');
155 | %md.segmentonneumann_prog=[tproj(md.segmentonneumann_prog(:,1)) tproj(md.segmentonneumann_prog(:,2)) tproj2d_el(md.segmentonneumann_prog(:,3))];
156 | %md.segmentonneumann_prog2=[tproj(md.segmentonneumann_prog2(:,1)) tproj(md.segmentonneumann_prog2(:,2)) tproj2d_el(md.segmentonneumann_prog2(:,3))];
157 |
158 | %materials
159 | md.B=project3d(md,md.B,'node');
160 | md.n=project3d(md,md.n,'element');
161 |
162 | %parameters
163 | md.surface=project3d(md,md.surface,'node');
164 | md.thickness=project3d(md,md.thickness,'node');
165 | md.bed=project3d(md,md.bed,'node');
166 | md.gridonboundary=project3d(md,md.gridonboundary,'node');
167 | md.elementoniceshelf=project3d(md,md.elementoniceshelf,'element');
168 | md.gridoniceshelf=project3d(md,md.gridoniceshelf,'node');
169 | md.elementonicesheet=project3d(md,md.elementonicesheet,'element');
170 | md.gridonicesheet=project3d(md,md.gridonicesheet,'node');
171 |
172 | %special for thermal modeling:
173 | md.melting=project3d(md,md.melting,'node',1);
174 | md.observed_temperature=project3d(md,md.observed_temperature,'node');
175 | md.geothermalflux=project3d(md,md.geothermalflux,'node',1); %bedrock only gets geothermal flux
176 | md.gridondirichlet_thermal=project3d(md,md.gridondirichlet_thermal,'node',md.numlayers); %surface temperature
177 | md.dirichletvalues_thermal=project3d(md,md.dirichletvalues_thermal,'node',md.numlayers); %surface temperature
178 |
179 | %NaN the values that are not on an spc'd temperature.
180 | pos=find(~md.gridondirichlet_thermal);
181 | md.dirichletvalues_thermal(pos)=NaN;
182 |
183 | %update of connectivity matrix
184 | md.connectivity=25;
185 |
186 | %augment counter keeping track of what has been done to this model
187 | md.counter=4;
188 |
189 | end
190 |
191 | function extrudeusage(),
192 | disp('INPUT function md=extrude(md,numlayers,extrusionexponent) ');
193 | disp(' vertically extrude a 2d mesh and create corresponding 3d mesh, ');
194 | disp(' the vertical distribution follows a polynomial law:');
195 | disp(' extrusionexponent>1 refinement at the base');
196 | disp(' 0<extrusionexponent<1 refinement at the surface');
197 | disp(' extrusionexponent=1 linear extrusion');
198 | end